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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


I think a lot of good points have been made, but I think we should move on for everyone else's sake, especially new potential members reading this thread. if we need to add some guidelines about gear to the OT, let's talk about it.
Man, people are trying to tell me I'm too skinny now lol. I'm 6'4 and currently around 220. The plan right now is to get down to 200 and then start eating at a surplus to finally start gaining some muscle. I think I'll post my first pictures in here when I hit 200 to ask for opinions. 6'4 200 doesn't sound like skeleton territory or anything does it?

Also I saw my dad for the first time since 300 lbs last week. He told me, "you're not skinny, you just look normal now." Haha, thanks dad.


Man, people are trying to tell me I'm too skinny now lol. I'm 6'4 and currently around 220. The plan right now is to get down to 200 and then start eating at a surplus to finally start gaining some muscle. I think I'll post my first pictures in here when I hit 200 to ask for opinions. 6'4 200 doesn't sound like skeleton territory or anything does it?

Also I saw my dad for the first time since 300 lbs last week. He told me, "you're not skinny, you just look normal now." Haha, thanks dad.

Yeah man, first off, going from 300 to 220 is insane. Two of my best friends are in the 6'3" 6'4", 220 range and that's definitely not TOO skinny. That's right in the sweet spot for that height,
Yeah man, first off, going from 300 to 220 is insane. Two of my best friends are in the 6'3" 6'4", 220 range and that's definitely not TOO skinny. That's right in the sweet spot for that height,

That's what I figured, with some muscle mass 220 would be a good weight to aim for.

And thanks. It's not insane though, haha. Or at least it hasn't felt like it.
Man, people are trying to tell me I'm too skinny now lol. I'm 6'4 and currently around 220. The plan right now is to get down to 200 and then start eating at a surplus to finally start gaining some muscle. I think I'll post my first pictures in here when I hit 200 to ask for opinions. 6'4 200 doesn't sound like skeleton territory or anything does it?

Also I saw my dad for the first time since 300 lbs last week. He told me, "you're not skinny, you just look normal now." Haha, thanks dad.

I'm 6'2 and shooting for 220 lbs. Prolly 210 lbs. If you got the mass, you should be fine.

Still feel forever skinny.
That's what I figured, with some muscle mass 220 would be a good weight to aim for.

And thanks. It's not insane though, haha. Or at least it hasn't felt like it.

I'm 6'3" and my goal weight is 210-215 so yeah, that's about perfect.

I bottomed out at 165, now THAT is skinny! I'm at 195 now and I feel awesome but could do with some more mass.
Nothing like some steroid talk to increase activity in FitGaf! lol

There's a few people taking tren at my gym and good lord does that stuff work. These guys did what took me 3 years in like 12 weeks. It's nuts!
Hey I'm always lurking! I read this thread every day. I just don't have much to post about. Life's been crazy, but things are settling now that I've got a new job and I'm done with school finally. I've been pretty lax about the gym this year. Hopefully I'll have some epic progress to post soon.

It's nice to see everyone's still around though. :)

And yeah, people get some amazing things done on steroids. It's no wonder so many people jump on it. It's pretty crazy.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Some people are competitive, and want to strive to be the best. Having someone use steroids makes that impossible unless you jump in as well. This is harmful and no one should have to use drugs to be competitive.

If you're not a competitive person, good for you I guess? Some people are.

I've beaten people on gear. I've also been beat by people on gear.

That said, if they are in a natural fed and using they are liars, cheaters and lack integrity. They are the lowest of the low.

Same goes for people in here who share progress under the guise of being natural.

When I lurked here 5+ years ago, I truly looked up to the progress / work ethic of guys like Brolic, Cooter, Spirit, etc. Knowing it was done clean gave me the motivation to say "fuck it, I can do this too" and I did. Had they not achieved what they did naturally, I never would have stuck around.

Thanks man, I appreciate that.

Admitting using roids in this thread is like admitting being gay in Saudi Arabia. Jack, how can you expect from someone to be honest about this if you are THAT prejudiced and look down on people that are juicing like they are criminals or bad people in general. Was Arnold S. a bad guy? No he seems like a lovely human being. Who the hell cares how much gear he used? Nobody in this thread could achieve his physique no matter how much juice is involved. Becoming the best in any sport requires much more than just juice. You need the right genetics and years or even decades of commitment.

Drug tested federations, lol. If you think that you can win any bodybuilding competition or setting new IPF world records without cheating, then you clearly live in a fantasy world.

Why am I talking about this if it's not even targeting me? Because of my empathy in general and because I hate this attitude of reducing someone on a single thing that you don't like about him/her. A person is so much more than his plastic surgeries or enhanced abilities, his salary, his food choice or whatever. Don't be that extreme.

This is bullshit. There's one or two here who put out they took or are taking. One legally (HRT), it's about not bullshitting people. And that guy is one of the more respected here.

Btw, people who juice illegally ARE criminals.


Yeah, I don't think anyone bats an eye at the known users. I sure don't. I'd like to see that stuff legalized and regulated so people can do it safely. If people do bat an eye, that shouldn't be a reason to hide the use of it. Some people look down upon unregulated drug use and general vice crime, and people on gear know that going into it. They certainly shouldn't act like some victimized group.

Also, using being gay as an allegory to consciously deciding to take steroids is really fucking offensive. Get out of here with that shit.

It's when people hide the use of it while talking about progress. If you're on gear, just add it as a disclaimer, and it's all good.

It can be really offputting to see the progress users can make for people getting into strength training and doing it natural.
Crazy thing is, 12 hours of cardio back to back days is normal for you. You're truly inhuman.

Yeah, I suppose when you put it like that it is strange. Injuries aside I've pretty much gotten to the stage where I can just keep cranking out that sort of output. As long as I don't push myself too hard I can do back to back 12+ hour days with no major worries.

Now this is scary


Faulty spotting at IPF worlds.

That's fucking disgusting. I can lift more than some of those spotters and I wouldn't be comfortable being there.
Btw, people who juice illegally ARE criminals.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I had always suspected that was the case with Faith, but glad it's out there now.

Just be transparent with that shit. Yes, people will almost certainly respect you less and be less impressed with your results and progress. For good reason, though. It's a huge advantage. You said earlier that the sport is all about genetics, but that becomes less true when PEDs enter the equation. It is simply not fair to compare equal effort between two individuals when one is juicing and the other is not.

That's not to say that it still doesn't take effort to get strong and big even with the added drug assistance, but it's a shortcut, and can be a very dangerous one at that. You can easily shorten your life dramatically if you don't know exactly what you are doing.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys, need a bit of help. I'm a huge fitness attic but for some reason, there's a part on my lower stomach I can't seem to get rid of. I do HIIT Cardio 5 days a week for 30 minutes as well as lifting. I even incorporated core exercises AFTER I do my cardio. My diet is at a pretty decent deficit. I'm 5'8 weighing at 152 lbs.

Here it is:

ANY tips would be greatly appreciated.

Probably already got a response, but that's the Adonis Belt or Apollo's Belt and is usually something that people want to emphasize! Either way, it's not something you can get rid of!
Figured after messing around with hook grip yesterday my thumbs would be sore, but nope, good to go. Interested to see how it works when I use it regularly and heavier.

I find hook grip works fine for low reps, even at one rep maxes it feels great. It's when your doing sets of 5 or more reps that hook grip breaks down.

Now this is scary


Faulty spotting at IPF worlds.

Yeah I watched quite a few of the events, and a lot of these spotters looked out of place. They did make sure to have more experienced crew for the stronger weight classes though.

Definitely could have stood to give these spotters more training on how to do the job.
Figured after messing around with hook grip yesterday my thumbs would be sore, but nope, good to go. Interested to see how it works when I use it regularly and heavier.

You probably wont make the mistake... but if you get your thumb placement a little wrong it can be EXTREMELY sore. I once had mine slightly under where it should have been on the bar and it was screwed up for days.


So, I don't know why, but a few weeks ago I decided to ween myself off the beta alanine, which I was using in my homemade preworkout. Maybe it was the urge to piss or the itchy scratchies, but I had just no longer wanted it. Doing that was easy, but then I decided I no longer liked the effect of caffiene for cardio, especially when I'm pushing myself hard. So I started taking 200mg down to zero.

As of today, I'm working out fasted at 6am with nothing but water. I thought it would be impossible, but I feel great, especially feeling better in the afternoons. I still have 1/2-1 cup of coffee during the day, but my caffiene intake has been cut by 2/3. I also feel much more in control during cardio sessions, which helps calm my breathing too. Feels awesome.

Might try to do this long term!

TLDR: gave up preworkout. Feels good. Will probably regret it.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I find hook grip works fine for low reps, even at one rep maxes it feels great. It's when your doing sets of 5 or more reps that hook grip breaks down.

Yeah I watched quite a few of the events, and a lot of these spotters looked out of place. They did make sure to have more experienced crew for the stronger weight classes though.

Definitely could have stood to give these spotters more training on how to do the job.

You probably wont make the mistake... but if you get your thumb placement a little wrong it can be EXTREMELY sore. I once had mine slightly under where it should have been on the bar and it was screwed up for days.

I'm actually gonna reduce weight to try and rep the shit out of it. Yesterday I worked up to a very easy 500 with a 10 second static hold at the top with no issue. I'm a fan, and you can get in position a lot better.


Two Words

Anybody ever use a besu ball for squats? I tried it the other day and it felt like it was really magnifying any faults I was making during my squats. I was just doing them without weights.

Nelo Ice

So damn I really should have not been lazy and switched off the regular BBB cycle months ago. Switched to the 6 week training cycle now. Also Brolic you weren't kidding, Joker sets are great and BBB really does seem pointless. I'm regularly getting like 2-3 extra reps on my AMRAP sets now and some days I can get to 3 joker sets. And I'm doing all this on a cut.

Two Words

I also meant to ask, are shoulders one of those muscle groups that will have off days or something? One day I'll find myself doing my OHP pretty well and the next time the bar feels twice as heavy.


I also meant to ask, are shoulders one of those muscle groups that will have off days or something? One day I'll find myself doing my OHP pretty well and the next time the bar feels twice as heavy.

Yes absolutely. Sleep, calories consummed, hydration, focus, etc. and they're all magnified because you're lifting a lot of weight directly above your head.


Man, people are trying to tell me I'm too skinny now lol. I'm 6'4 and currently around 220. The plan right now is to get down to 200 and then start eating at a surplus to finally start gaining some muscle. I think I'll post my first pictures in here when I hit 200 to ask for opinions. 6'4 200 doesn't sound like skeleton territory or anything does it?

Also I saw my dad for the first time since 300 lbs last week. He told me, "you're not skinny, you just look normal now." Haha, thanks dad.
I'm 6'4" 200lbs now. To be honest I feel flabby but that is probably just body image issues, lol. My goal is to get a 6 pack, haven't been able to do it yet. I'm going to stay my current weight til summer traveling is done and then try a bulk and cut, which I've never done before. I'll post a picture later.

Two Words

Yes absolutely. Sleep, calories consummed, hydration, focus, etc. and they're all magnified because you're lifting a lot of weight directly above your head.
I'm guessing that it has to do with me increasing weights on my bench press and incline bench? Maybe the extra weight is tiring out my shoulders.


Is there a reason they can't use a monolift with safety straps or a squat stand with safety bars? It can't be that expensive for such a big event.

Talk about not caring for the lifters' safety.

IPF has all these dumb rules about what kind of equipment is and isn't allowed. Can't even wear any knee sleeves or use any belt unless the brand is paying a fee.
^^ Oh it absolutely diminishes the work they've achieved and especially those who aren't ninnies who juice. It skews perception of what people can achieve - especially to newcomers and seriously harms the rep of the sport. Especially in here.

Gearing up makes you just like the rest of the other nameless, faceless d-bags who are somehow, irrationally proud of being too afraid to push themselves to be the best version they can be without needing juice. Who are too chicken shit to face the realities of hard work so they look for the easy way out because it's easy.

They aren't the strong versions of the human form anyone should look up to. Just weak, scared and pathetic individuals who are so frightened of their own shadow they can't face it on their own.

You have people doing amazing shit and transforming themselves without the help. Patting yourself on the back like so many on gear do baffles the ever living shit out of me. You're literally happy you're afraid of putting in the work to get somewhere on your own like other people do. I guess self-worth isn't part of that equation.

/rant over

You realize that if juice were legal you'd view it as no different from protein powder or creatine, right?

Two Words

You realize that if juice were legal you'd view it as no different from protein powder or creatine, right?
Protein powder and creatine don't have the same health risks and side effects that juicing does. There is a difference between maximizing nutritional intake and trying to play with your body's hormones.


It's 5:30 in the morning and I'm heading over to the gym now. Took some fish oil, a vitamin D, one protein shake and a glass of creatine. My purpose today is to make myself a program, and look at what works best for me. I just want to work my whole body, and go to the gym every day, making it a routine and a lifestyle I can enjoy.
Protein powder and creatine don't have the same health risks and side effects that juicing does. There is a difference between maximizing nutritional intake and trying to play with your body's hormones.

Health risks and side effects that could be properly managed and sidestepped if they were legal and could be properly prescribed by a doctor.

And it is someone's own body and their own choice.

Two Words

Health risks and side effects that could be properly managed and sidestepped if they were legal and could be properly prescribed by a doctor.

And it is someone's own body and their own choice.
Neither of us are doctors, I think, so I don't want to get into a discussion on the medical merits of these substances for those with no medical need for them. And people that use protein or creatine are going to say "this is what in using". If you're taking nutritional substances and saying "I just eat 3 square meals and get these gains", that's also being deceptive and doesn't help people trying to improve themselves here. Nobody is saying what people can and can't do. People just don't want juicers trying to act like they are natural and creating an environment that makes natural gains look unattainable.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Nothing like some steroid talk to increase activity in FitGaf! lol

There's a few people taking tren at my gym and good lord does that stuff work. These guys did what took me 3 years in like 12 weeks. It's nuts!

My best friend and former roommate was open about his saucing. His strength and phyisque gains in such short time frames were unreal. His diet was complete shit yet he was shredded at 200lbs without any effort.
I have pretty big thighs and butt for a male (seriously I feel like I have almost an hourglass figure)

Will doing the butt lift exercise make the butt bigger or more toned? I don't really want my lower body to get bigger.

I'm thinking about doing 1 minute intervals for 10 min every night - 1 min butt lift, 1 30 second break, 1 min butt lift, etc.
My best friend and former roommate was open about his saucing. His strength and phyisque gains in such short time frames were unreal. His diet was complete shit yet he was shredded at 200lbs without any effort.

My friend's little brother was on some shit. He went to college looking like a regular dude, and came back in the summer looking like Bane from TDK lol. Shaved head and everything.

I heard he stopped after he had abnormal liver function tests and got scared. Last time I saw him he was still big, but he also had boobs and was kinda fat.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guys, I think I made an extraordinary discovery.

The past 3 workout sessions I've had, I've been able to overcome my plateau by eating one simple thing an hour or two before working out: rice.

I have no idea what magical properties it contains, but whatever it is, it's helped me with my lifts.

I wonder if I can sell the rights to this discovery to Broscience. :O


Guys, guess what. I suffer from social anxiety disorder, but this morning I went to the gym and trained for 2 hours! That's the longest I've been there but not only that, I actually enjoyed staying there with the other random people who worked out, and I even asked for help. I might actually overcome my biggest fear (which was always the gym) and end up totally enjoying it. I'm a little proud of myself, and I'm happy and I feel excited for what's to come. I'll go there again tomorrow morning.

I'll post up what exercises I were doing today later, when I get home.


Congrats man, lifting and exercise in general are great for boosting confidence.

After a long weekend in Paris my body is broken, I'm not sure if going straight back into lifting is a good idea today 😬
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