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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


It depends on your fitness level and goals. But I'd say give your legs at least one day to completely rest per week. I wouldn't increase weekly mileage like crazy. They say no more than 10% but that's just the dumb rule of thumb everyone parrots (incl. me). It depends on too many parameters to be able to have a general rule. Just don't do anything nuts like going from 5 to 40 in a week.

On 5 to 6 running days per week, I'd have 2 quality workouts (short intervals, long intervals, tempo, hills), 1 long run, and the rest being easy days. It's usually a good idea to space out hard/quality workouts. 1 day hard, next day easy, etc. For specific workout exercises, intervals and repeats are gonna be series of runs over a given distance, for which you want to hold a given pace, with fixed amounts of rest time in between. The distance, pace, number of series, rest time, all depend on fitness level and what you want to accomplish/work on.

If you don't have tons of experience, I'd suggest something along the following lines,
- Speed day: 10min easy warm up, 10x200m, 200 jog to recovery inbetween repeats, 5min slow jog recovery, then 5x400m, 400m jog to recovery in between repeats, 10 min easy cooldown. If that's too much volume, scale number of repeats accordingly. Look up equivalency tables to figure out approrpiate pace (see here or there). Specify your current running time over a given distance (what you can do now, not what your target), and look-up repeat pace in the training tab. That's about 12Km distance for the session. Scale number of reps up or down depending on target weekly mileage. This shouldn't be more than 1/5th of weekly mileage (so this would be for a 60+Km/week person). It'll work your turnover, getting used to moving your legs quicker than target race pace, getting you more comfortable at slower speed.

- Resistance/running economy: 10min warmup, 2x1mile repeats, 2min jogging recovery inbetween, then 5min easy jogging, 20min threshold, 10min cooldown. Again, about 12K, scale as needed. This is a running economy workout.

I'd build up the length of your long run over the first 3 weeks, from 14, to 16, to 18K, roughly. Then scale it back down after that. Don't run much on the week beofre your race. Go out a cple of times, maybe 5K each, easy pace with some strides (progressive accelerations held for a few 10s of meters at top speed before slowdown, meant to get the blood flowing without tiring your muscles).

5 weeks isn't much time at all though, I wouldn't expect miracles. In any case, bets of luck and feel free to drop by the running thread for better tips from people better informed than me.

if this is all too much work, just go out 4 to 5 times a week, alternate one day trying hard and the next going super easy. Increase mileage progressively the first 3 weeks before cutting down on the last 2, glhf

Fest will, thank you for taking the time to make this reply. I'll take your advice. Looking forward to smashing tough mudder and posting some pics here


Overhead Press is finally moving up! Bench is also finally moving at a slow but steady rate after it it had gotten weaker there for a little bit :/


Well, I found out the hard way that knee raises aggravate my lower back injury. It sucks because they're my go-to time killer between sets.

I was finishing up a DB bench set. Did a set of raises. Once I stood up, I could feel the spasm starting to set in.

I found a nice patch of floor and hit the dirt. Got into the cross legged side stretch and just waited it. Eventually, I heard the "cracks" and man, did it feel great.

I was still able to salvage some of my workout. So, I guess that was nice.


I once read that having "two sweats" a day (aka, two separate workouts) was an awesome way to lose fat. My original before/after post 5 years ago listed that as one of my keys to success and any time I want to get back in it fast I utilize it. Doing it again now and the fat is dripping off.


I once read that having "two sweats" a day (aka, two separate workouts) was an awesome way to lose fat. My original before/after post 5 years ago listed that as one of my keys to success and any time I want to get back in it fast I utilize it. Doing it again now and the fat is dripping off.
I don't know what the science is behind it, but I've always felt this way. I like my lunchtime run with lifting in the evening. Lately, I've been having to do an evening run before lifting, but I've only been at it for 5 days, so we'll see how it goes.
Quick shoulder/arm progress pic. 181.4 today after being 192 thirteen days ago
Looking great!


I don't know what the science is behind it, but I've always felt this way. I like my lunchtime run with lifting in the evening. Lately, I've been having to do an evening run before lifting, but I've only been at it for 5 days, so we'll see how it goes.

It's definitely related to getting your heart rate / metabolism up, for sure. I'm just shocked how well it works.


I feel like my body hates me whenever I lift. It feels like I cycle between phases of hypertension and hypotension too quickly and then I get super nauseous.

Probably a sign that I need to rest more.


I feel like my body hates me whenever I lift. It feels like I cycle between phases of hypertension and hypotension too quickly and then I get super nauseous.

Probably a sign that I need to rest more.

As always with nausea and lifting, tinker with how much water you're drinking, whether or not you eat beforehand, how long before do you eat, sleep, rest between sets, etc.

If you ask 10 people in here what works best you'll get 10 different answers. Personally, I have coffee beforehand, 32 ounces of water during and I eat a meal afterwards. My compounds are 120 seconds of rest and my accessories are 30-60. 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
My utterly awful bench has become ridiculously awful since my back injury. Was embarrassing enough beforehand, but now I'm wondering if there's any point even bothering with it. Might dump barbell bench completely and just stick to DB bench from now on.
Back from a 12 day p90 break and holy shit was quad day killer. Played it safer and did goblet squats instead of barbell since my hip was bothering me and I didn't want to pile too much weight on it, but damn did it feel good to get back in there even if it was a "safe" workout.

It is amazing how much more worn out I feel after 35 minutes on the elliptical and weight training than p90. Literally like night and day except for Plyo day.


So this is the routine I've worked out. Just going to do SS reps (3x5) until I slow down in progress a bit, then will switch reps to Beyond 531. One major compound per day with a few accessories.

Day 1: Squats, Pull Ups, Farmer's Walk
Day 2: OHP, Wide Grip/Behind head press (not sure of the exact name, was rec'd for OHP assistance though), Barbell Lunges
Day 3: Deadlift, Dips, Chest Fly
Day 4: Rows, Front Squat, Ab Work
Day 5: Bench, Tricep Pushdown, Curls

The flys and tricep pushdows are a bit limited at the moment, because I only have resistance bands to use for those. Seemed to work out pretty well so far, but definitely not as controlled as a proper weight system.

Am I missing anything obvious?


Day 2: OHP, Wide Grip/Behind head press (not sure of the exact name, was rec'd for OHP assistance though), Barbell Lunges

Wide Grip / Behind Head press sounds rrrrrreeeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyy bad for your rotator cuffs, but maybe I'm just picturing it wrong?


Wide Grip / Behind Head press sounds rrrrrreeeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyy bad for your rotator cuffs, but maybe I'm just picturing it wrong?

Yeah I agree. In front of the head always but everyone's form is none of my business. I guess I see it like this, sure you may have the flexibility to do it and feel fine but in the end that doesn't make it a good way to do it.


Weightlifters actually use behind the neck presses. As long as you are the proper mobility, it should be fine. The snatch grip version is usually high reps.


Weightlifters actually use behind the neck presses. As long as you are the proper mobility, it should be fine. The snatch grip version is usually high reps.

I'm sure it works for some, but the video above (only wider) would probably destroy my shoulders.


I'll pay close attention to any shoulder strain, if I notice something funky going on I'll swap out for something else.
I got an uncomfortable soreness on my left hamstring (lower part). I figured it will be gone in days but it's still there. Anyone know if foam rolling or something will help relieve it?


there is joy in sucking dick
Wide Grip / Behind Head press sounds rrrrrreeeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyy bad for your rotator cuffs, but maybe I'm just picturing it wrong?

I think it would be fine if you make sure to keep your elbows locked pointing upwards. I've never done them wide gripped though. Always with a dumbbell which is always close gripped


I just failed my first workout :(
I stalled and deloaded before but this time it was. fuck. I'm still sad, lol. So I went to the gym as usual, after a day break, 2nd workout this week, was feeling bit sore in triceps and shoulders and decided to skip accessory work for them today, mainly do OHP, chins and deadlifts and then see what I feel like but then I started warming up and warm up weight on OHP felt hard, tried doing regular and could barely do one, switched to empty bar and just did some but that felt taxing too lol.
Tried chins on assisted machine and that was kinda hard too so I said fuck it, can't do anything and it's not worth overextending myself and risking injury so gonna take this day off too. I'll try tomorrow night if I feel better but this is the first fail of this kind, just drove around a bit because I was sad and bored and hope this doesn't happen again tomorrow. My arms still feel completely tired. Like twice less weight on ohp than what I did last time felt very hard too...
Odd question... but can anyone suggest exercises that might stretch / strengthen the muscles around the knee? I've noticed that as my quads are getting stronger and stronger my knees seem to almost be getting pulled out of place.

Definitely have a bunch of muscle imbalances there.


Odd question... but can anyone suggest exercises that might stretch / strengthen the muscles around the knee? I've noticed that as my quads are getting stronger and stronger my knees seem to almost be getting pulled out of place.

Definitely have a bunch of muscle imbalances there.

PT i'm gonna have to say squat but i think at this point squat is just my silverbullet for everything associated with legs.

So has anyone ever taken any testosterone boosters? i have signed up for this freeby website where you get free stuff for reviewing things on amazon, and i've got a free tub of testororone boosters (180 pills)
I've just googled and it seems they're another legit supplement to help Gainz, but i'm wondering what FitGaf's thoughts are on this?


Odd question... but can anyone suggest exercises that might stretch / strengthen the muscles around the knee? I've noticed that as my quads are getting stronger and stronger my knees seem to almost be getting pulled out of place.

Definitely have a bunch of muscle imbalances there.

PT i'm gonna have to say squat but i think at this point squat is just my silverbullet for everything associated with legs.

I think more Squats will make it worse since his Quads are already dominating. The balance of strength between his Hamstrings and Quads are probably off. So maybe try strengthening your hamstrings. Glute-Ham Raise, RDLs, Deadlifts,Good Mornings etc..


Odd question... but can anyone suggest exercises that might stretch / strengthen the muscles around the knee? I've noticed that as my quads are getting stronger and stronger my knees seem to almost be getting pulled out of place.

Definitely have a bunch of muscle imbalances there.

Based on what's given, it's possible your quads are getting tight and you need to get it massaged. If you do majority quad dominant lifts and not so much hamstring work, your hamstrings will lag in development compared to your quads. Tight glutes? Hip flexors and calves may come into play.

Just throwing some possibilities to you to look into. I won't be around too often the next few days.
So has anyone ever taken any testosterone boosters? i have signed up for this freeby website where you get free stuff for reviewing things on amazon, and i've got a free tub of testororone boosters (180 pills)

I've just googled and it seems they're another legit supplement to help Gainz, but i'm wondering what FitGaf's thoughts are on this?

They're bollocks, with a side order of horseshit. I can't find the link, but one of the more famous bloggers went into supps like this in some detail and they're a waste of time.

I think more Squats will make it worse since his Quads are already dominating. The balance of strength between his Hamstrings and Quads are probably off. So maybe try strengthening your hamstrings. Glute-Ham Raise, RDLs, Deadlifts,Good Mornings etc..

I must admit that I struggle with the hip hinge aspect on RDLs and Good Mornings. Just can't seem to get them right.

I did start to try doing some kettlebell swings yesterday, which felt like they worked my posterior chain more than normal, but form was tough on those too.

Based on what's given, it's possible your quads are getting tight and you need to get it massaged. If you do majority quad dominant lifts and not so much hamstring work, your hamstrings will lag in development compared to your quads. Tight glutes? Hip flexors and calves may come into play.

Might be worth mentioning... my hip flexors are always crazy tight. I do spend a bit of time stretching them these days, but I definitely still struggle with it. Lower back gets tight fairly quickly too.
So has anyone ever taken any testosterone boosters? i have signed up for this freeby website where you get free stuff for reviewing things on amazon, and i've got a free tub of testororone boosters (180 pills)
I've just googled and it seems they're another legit supplement to help Gainz, but i'm wondering what FitGaf's thoughts are on this?

If they worked they would be a staple like protein and creatine supps. It's all BS.

If you are low - see a doc. If you are fine - keep on keeping on!


Well, I'll join in on the summer progress shots. Or lack of progress.

Injured back. Limited gym time. Sporadic diet. This is the flabby result.

Currently, weight is at 192 lbs.



if you struggle with the hip hinge of those other exercises and you still want to work the posterior side of your legs maybe try seated good mornings with your legs stretched out in front of you. Try it out just sitting in a chair right now and you'll feel how much it engages your hamstrings.
I've given up the ghost on self-programming since my own ideas for working out weren't based on anything and weren't getting me anywhere. I have gravitated towards the Stronglifts 5x5 program, though I'm still working on form. Of the 5 exercises in the program, previous to the past 10 days or so, I've done precisely one [bench]. I had been lackadaisical about "leg day," and such a day had never involved squatting or deadlift.

Speaking of form -- One of the trainers in the gym was giving me pointers on barbell row, as an example. Gracious, at first, it was such an exercise in futility. "Get into power position." (Me: ???). "Bend... not at the knees! Shoot your hips back!" (Me: ???) "Keep your back straight, pull your shoulders back, keep your head neutral." (Me: ?????????) "Here, drop that bar, here's 2 ten pound weights, you should get a vasectomy." (That very last part didn't happen and I stole it from Jim Gaffigan.)

Anyway, since 4 out of the 5 exercises are new-to-me, I started at the bar and am working my way up. The load is still light, it's basically a chore to get the form right, the weight itself isn't an issue (yet), so I'm doing all 5 exercises in a workout until the load dictates a change, then I'll split the A-B days as prescribed. One thing I have done is go ahead and drop the bench down to the bar (and build back up), as well. My 1RM was only 160 anyway, my true 5x5 max was probably 135, but I think I'd rather build back up roughly in line with what the program would dictate for a total beginner (as opposed to me, an 80% beginner), plus it gives me an opportunity to practice better form. There's also a slight concern that my prior "regimen" overtraining my chest and arms relative to other muscle groups is actually hurting my form on the other exercises, so that's another reason I'm OK with losing some prior gains on bench if those aren't helping while doing the other lifts.


Might be worth mentioning... my hip flexors are always crazy tight. I do spend a bit of time stretching them these days, but I definitely still struggle with it. Lower back gets tight fairly quickly too.
Then yeah I would suggest stretching the hip flexors and psoas. My favorite, but brutal for the very tight, stretch for the hip flexors is to do the Spiderman lunge and then the regular lunge stretch with your back leg is bent with the knee up against the wall. If that's too much, don't have your knees too close to the wall and work up to the wall over time. You can also add a trunk twist for the lunge for extra stretch.

It's been a while since I personally stretched my psoas and it's probably long overdue, so I don't have anything to recommend for that.

Lower back tightness is due to tightness and weakness of other muscles. Do you know if you have anterior or posterior pelvic tilt?

Keep in mind I'm not a PT or anything, I just be reading stuff.
Fuck, I strained my neck below my ear down to the top of my right trap. What can I be doing to fix this? I've been mostly taking it easy, but it still feels really tight and uncomfortable on my right side.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cheat night was a success. Kinda more fun than usual because my daughter was eating super strict also for the last couple weeks. She was so incredibly excited like I usually get. Funny. Pizza follow by Cinnabon plus ice cream later in the night for me. Yum
Fuck, I strained my neck below my ear down to the top of my right trap. What can I be doing to fix this? I've been mostly taking it easy, but it still feels really tight and uncomfortable on my right side.

I strained my traps and a chiropractor helped alot. They accepted my insurance so it was only a 25 dollar co-pay.

They massaged my neck/back, then used some weird electro thing that stuns your muscles, then the doctor came and popped my neck (it was terrifying), but i felt better after i left. I went again the next week and it was pretty close to 100% after that.
Cheat night was a success. Kinda more fun than usual because my daughter was eating super strict also for the last couple weeks. She was so incredibly excited like I usually get. Funny. Pizza follow by Cinnabon plus ice cream later in the night for me. Yum

Spoiler tag the food you monster. =P
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