I guess my point would be this:
It's a very, very tiny sacrifice. If I could offer one of my most beloved characters to be changed to give representation to a marginalised group I would do it without thinking.
I find it strange that anyone with an abundance of representation wouldn't want to do the same, and especially if the character in question has had a very large amount of content created for them already.
That's fine and noble, but I don't think it should be held against those who don't feel the same way. My main point is that it's OK to have preferences and attachments. And that it is important for everyone to understand why and what that means in the greater context of diversity.
Just because someone may have an abundance of representation doesn't mean that they hold all of those instances in the same regard. This is exactly one of the main points of my post. The need to understand how and why people develop attachments to certain franchises and characters.
I didn't ever suggest keeping Link male is an attack on diversity, I said switching Link's gender would be a wonderful gesture.
That's the simple fact of it, we shouldn't have to do it but it would be really, really good if we did.
I wasn't suggesting you were specifically, but more how people react in general when someone expresses a desire that runs counter to their own. Which can often lead to dog pilling or unfair accusations.
Woah, though, this is just not true and you're veering into the traps laid out in the OP.
It wouldn't be selfish at all for a girl to ask Nintendo to make the new Link female /because/ the girl, I mean as a technical human emotion it's originating from the self... but as an overall assessment knowing full well the state of things we couldn't call that a selfish act in any kind of good faith.
I'm using selfish in the broad sense of the term, as you said an emotion born from the self. I thought I clearly stated that at the beginning that just because something is selfish doesn't make it inherently wrong or bad. It is a natural inclination. The desire to want to play any character, not simply Link, as your own gender, race, etc is selfish in the broadest sense of the word. And that's totally fine. I would never fault anyone for wanting play or see a character who reflects them. Especially anyone who lacks such representations in general.
My point, which I'll concede was a little too blunt, is that in this specific instance I've noticed a lot of people over the course of many threads conflate their own desire as being superior to those who disagree with them because it aligns with the overall cause for diversity. Which I don't think is inherently true in this instance due to the particular factors relating to the Zelda series and the very complex and competing ways in which players have come to know the series and characters in it. That doesn't make them wrong, just not inherently more right.
This is all very specific to this one franchise. But certainly elements of this extends beyond.
And you lose me here entirely... at this point you're finding ways to argue against diversity whether that's your intent or not.
I've clearly explained we shouldn't expect anyone to make these kinds of switches, merely that it would be a really good gesture and would help push the cause.
I'm not arguing against diversity at all, I'm arguing about how people approach and engage with media which can create competing and conflicting views and emotions about the same material. Very specifically to Zelda in this instance as it's one I'm much more familiar with, but it general it extends to other franchises as well.
And again this is not in any way an argument against diversity, or any kind of justification as to why some changes cannot be made, because that's pretty much never the case, simply it's an examination as to why some people may not feel inclined to support changes to certain franchises. Which is important to understand in this greater debate.
Both side needs to examine the reasons behind why they feel a certain way on the subject and not automatically assume a single position extends beyond that one subject. It's OK to have attachments to things. But it's also important to understand what those attachments may mean in the greater context.
Forget Link, Link isn't important here. The important thing is that there are lots of ways the industry could make progress, and if a large developer with a prominent IP made this kind of gesture it could do a lot of good.
Again, I don't disagree with that notion. I'm just using Zelda as a very specific case where players have developed attachments which can run counter to this notion. It's important for both sides to understand how these things come about and what they mean in a larger context of diversity in games. It doesn't mean people have to abandon their desires for diversity just because some people have developed attachments to the way things are and want to keep them that way. Simply that they should examine why someone might disagree with them and not assume it's purely negative or wrong. And that those people who hold those dissenting opinions understand what that means to those who are championing or accepting of said change.
Again, it was just an example to make a border point. It was never intended to be a solution.
Again, you're focusing far too much on the example being used and not the point being made.
This was just an aside on the issues related to the series itself and nothing really to do with your point.
Edit: Hopefully to make this more clear. I'm advocating people on both sides to be more aware of what their positions are and why their opposition feels the way they do. With regards to Zelda I was definitely focusing much more from the opposition side, as that's where I fall, and the need for people to understand that point of view, but in the greater debate the opposite is likely more important. It is important to challenge people's opinions and desires, especially if they are in opposition to diversity. But that needs to be done in good faith, especially if the other side sticks with their original position in the end. The opposition most times is not acting in good faith though. They very often fail to actually understand their own position and feelings on a specific subject or franchise, like Link's gender, and instead of examining why they feel the way they do, and realize that it is a selfish desire, which is OK, they generally fall back on shitty logic and other excuses to make their opinions fact and unimpeachable, which never works.
It's fine to have attachments, people need to accept that and own up to that.
This could be mind blowing but, maybe, just maybe, they could make zelda a man if link is a girl, and so there's no disturbance in the triforce or some shit like that.
Sure, they can do anything they want. I think that would be a dumb and rather shallow approach, but I'm sure others might find that really compelling. I don't really give a shit about the sanctity of the Triforce or any of the lore in the series. I was just trying to express a best case scenario because I'd hate to think one of the driving forces behind one of my all time favorite franchises is completely driven by shitty logic.