Thank you, OP.
I appreciate ya'll having patience with me since I'm late to these discussions, but another thing that's been bugging me in threads on this topic is that you often have people saying "[example of sexualized character] is bad and wrong and needs to stop" in one post, then in another post express frustration and derision that people think they want to remove sexy characters from videogames.
How do you square away those two posts?
there are several fairly simple answers. It's great that you're engaging with this.
1. A key thing is that being sex positive means treating sexiness, sex and the body with total respect and even handedness. If your game has all-clothed non-sexy men but every woman is a sex goddess, that's not sex positive, that's reductive and paints an uneven (potentially harmful) picture of sex politics.
2. Usually the problem is that the characters are being objectified, rather than them being sexualised. For instance, say I think Lara from RotR is sexy - and she is definitely sexualised - that doesn't mean she's objectified. The game's narrative, camera and design don't go out of their way to focus just on how sexy she is (reducing get character to visual stimuli, a "simulation object" rather than a person) and 90% of her on screen time is pushing her personal adventure/story forward. She is sexy, but not focused on as a sexual object and not developed only as a sexual object. Again, she's developed as a person. She just happens to be a sexy person - but if she wasn't sexy, it wouldn't make a difference.
Then look at Quiet. Her back story, camera work and design go out of their way to focus just on how sexy she is - literally in every scene she's in. What's worse, she barely has a scene about her own autonomous story or decisions - and the 2/3 she does have constantly focus on her T&A or are narratives revolving around the male protagonist. She's sexy - which itself is great - but she's flat. She's just a sexy object pushed around the game's board and ogled at even during serious "character development" scenes.
3. Similar to point 1, whenever there are complaints about a sexualised character, a massive issue and often focal point is that the character is being treated differently to other characters (eg the one woman is sexy while all the men are "normal"). This happens all the time and shows how women are being thought about differently. I love how sexy Quiet is and she's brilliantly modelled but i literally become livid whenever i think about how all the men in the game are humdrum dullos that never get sexy.
The simple answer is that if you're going to sexualise women in a game, sexualise the men, too. Even if you're going to objectify them - Make it a two way street.
Games like God Hand are great for this. There are plenty of sexy women enemies in this comedy/cartoon wild west, but there are plenty of ripped, hench men in thongs too. It's fantastic.
While I agree with this point, I'd also say it's very important to highlight the companies that are trying hard to change.
Sony's biggest AAA title of 2017, Horizon: Zero Dawn, features a strong, heroic female protagonist. That's amazing! They have also put a lot of marketing effort behind Gravity Rush 2. And as you mentioned, one of their biggest IPs The Last of Us will feature a female protagonist. They should be commended for increasing gender diversity in their titles. There's much more to be done of course, but too often threads here are only made to call out companies and it's so important to also give accolades to companies that make progress.
And to avoid being too positive here, I'll say that on the flipside Nintendo continues to disappoint, with a new Zelda game with no female playable character, and a Mario game where he again rescues a princess.
Ubisoft have been killing it. A woman protagonist, a PoC protagonist, several prominent trans characters. Totally killing it.