Fantastic OP! Basically lays the issues I have against anti-diversity arguments bare. I want to go further in depth on the artistic freedom section, because this has been something that's been eating at my tits for a long time and I just want to vent about it. You covered the main points I would've made in my own topic, although there's one point I feel that tends to be overlooked in all of this:
The way "artistic freedom" is used as a bludgeon does nothing but devalue, infantalize, undermine, and insult artists.
The inherent implications of the very sentiment of "protecting the artist's integrity and creative freedom!" positions artists as sniveling, whimpering victims unable to stand up to the armored hordes of social justice armies hosing us off with their disagreements and shooting us down with the existence of women and black people, until of course the gallant straight white male consumers can rush over that shining hill of self-importance to come to our aid.
Artists know that their work will be criticized, sometimes very harshly. We're also aware that our work perpetually exists within a sociopolitical context, because our ideas are informed by that as much as they're informed by our biology, our upbringing, and our pop culture inspirations, because our world and cultures are in part defined by sociopolitical contexts and borders. Mario saves a princess because it's a generic fairy tale cliche', which in turn was born in ancient contexts of chivalry, knighthood, and sexism, in turn themselves born of the sociopolitical realities of Medieval European culture. Ideas- like words themselves- have histories and etymologies, and it's fair game for people aware of them to bring them forward in a discussion about any idea that may be outdated, inappropriate, or just plain offensive in the modern day.
Any artist who calls themselves a professional is primed and armed through experience, education, and self-growth to engage in these conversations in a healthy and positive way, to not inherently take them as personal attacks on our character but rather the different viewpoints that they are. We're ideally able to learn from these discussions and take that new knowledge forward to be better artists than we were the day before, in the same way that someone pointing out a design flaw or coding error in turn strengthens a game designer's ability to make engaging content, resulting in absolutely amazing shit like the jump from Skyward Sword to Breath of the Wild. We don't all want to be like Digital Homicide, a group of men who were stifled from the act of properly engaging in criticism, a group of men who believe they are perfect in their artistic expression and above it all, and thus do nothing at the end of the day but churn out shit. I don't want an industry full of Digital Homicide games that are stagnant and up their own ass. I want more Breaths of the Wild, games that take critique to heart to make something new and glorious and exciting! And here's another kicker to all of this:
Artists can disagree with criticism!
Crazy, right? We can defend our work by ourselves! We can say "I understand your complaint, but my intent with this idea was x and therefore that's why I chose that." Or simply "I'm not changing it!" Artists have the agency and decision-making skills like any other fucking person on the planet, because it's still ultimately their work and they can do as they wish with it.
Going back to Zelda, Aonuma has assured us that we're probably not getting a female Link anytime soon. I can criticize his reasoning to the moon and back, but in the end Link is probably always gonna be a guy so long as Aonuma is living and in charge. And that's fine! He doesn't have to acknowledge that criticism and change Link no more than I have to acknowledge that he has a point in there somewhere (he doesn't). That's what free speech actually looks like. This is a what creative freedom is. It's an exchange of ideas and debates that continuously molds the cultural landscape over time into new and better things, not an attempt to shut down that exchange and subsequently the ability to evolve into something greater under the ironic guise that it's a threat to the act of expression.
Artists like Aonuma, myself, and anyone else don't need anyone- especially gamers whose ulterior motives are plain as day- positioning themselves as their guardians or protectors from the "peril" that is social criticism. We've got this shit.
And that's the cherry on top: Gamers aren't fooling anyone with that kind of coded language. We all know what you really mean by "defending artistic integrity." You know why the OP extensively pointed out that the idea of "defending artistic integrity" only extensively applies to criticism of representation and sexism, and not criticism of image quality, game mechanics, or whatever else? It's because at the end of the day, gamers just want to see the same shit over and over again: Heroic white dudes, guns and blood, and tits and ass. Which is fine. Everyone has their preferences. I'd personally prefer to shove all that faux-mature shit to the backburner and usher in a new age of colorful mascot platformers, because that's what I personally like. However, the difference is that I don't need to couch my preferences in codified language and shallow defenses that position them and myself as anymore noble than what they really are.
So just say you like white dudes, guns and blood, and tits and ass being everywhere. Don't tell me you're trying to defend me as an artist when I criticize how eye-roll worthy these things are in the cultural wasteland that is gaming. Don't try to put this shit on a pedestal or make this out into a moral battle for the perseverance of free speech. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Because the sooner we can be honest with ourselves, the sooner gaming can move towards being less of an embarrassment.