As someone with actual hands-on experience, what letter grade would you give the full game?
I personally gave Ashen(+DLC) a B- so I’m curious.
It was a 9/10 for me.
Session #2. Been having fun so far tonight. And yeah I like Nor's character design a lot. Cool outfit. Cool costume changes. Cool armor pieces. I like the hatchet and the guns. Just got grenades too. I cant see it rising above a 7 ever at this point but I still have a ways to go. Feel...
A great new IP action game. Characters were one of the game's strengths; both of them, and I'd like to see the story continue. Combat was substantially better than I expected. I compared one of the later bosses to one of my favorite bosses from Nioh 1 which is high praise from me. Combat has multiple interesting abilities that were fun to use the whole game. Again reminded me a bit of Nioh 1 where the skill tree felt substantial.
Its not a perfect game. AA for sure, little jank, some audio bugs I did encounter repeatedly. I do think it starts a bit slow before it clicked for me. But I had a great time with the game.
When games are this divisive I say what I think but I dont officially recommend it to people. I just tell people to watch footage and make their own call. You may hate it or like it or love it. No idea. I made several gifs in that thread so that people dont have to listen to me, just look and see how you feel.
One thing though that is just objectively a lie is the woke BS in this thread. Im still waiting for people to show 1 single clip or line of dialogue, one scene, even just type up a plot summary of what is woke. Not 1 person here can produce a single specific example from the actual released game because it doesnt exist.