Milchmonster said:
I get that Bayern doesn't want to get screwed over by City but they should get their priorities right. They paid 15 mio+ for Gustavo who they didn't really need and are willing to buy Vidal now, although they have all these defensive midfielders. But they still don't want to buy a proper centre-back for a higher price and they need one badly.
I'm sure they'll get him, though, but I know this will go on the whole summer and I'm tired of it already...
Luiz Gustavo was a waste of money, yes. Vidal interest is because of Jupp, not the board's interest.
Milchmonster said:
Why would City sell Boateng for cheap after they just paid 12 mio last season and he has a long contract? Stop complaining and look for other options or put in a proper offer (at least the 12 mio City paid).
1) They (Man City) don't really need him. He wants lo leave, Mancini said 'ok' to this, so yeah. Also, he hasn't play in a long time because of a injury, and he's still injured. So you can't expect Bayern to pay 20M for him. 15M would be a good price, for both sides, if you ask me.
But don't get me wrong, I would be happy if we don't get Boateng, I much prefer to have Alex (Chelsea) than Jerome.