Why do you have pictures of Wilde's feet
Some first rate desperate defending going on here
olivia feet
Dat physio ass!
Dear lord, you need help.
Just came home. That was a good strike by Cahill there. I hope Friedel doesn't get blamed for that going in, the ball having taken a deflection.
Entertaining game.
i have no idea why playres like walker even try and argue that
its clearly a fucking yellow card
Spurs look really good here. Has it been like that the whole half?
Spurs look really good here. Has it been like that the whole half?
For sure, loving this.
Covent Garden vegetable soup for half time.
Stop bleeding red, white and blue son
Not really.
Nah, it's been pretty even, Spurs just stepped it up in the last 10 mins or so.
Spurs look really good here. Has it been like that the whole half?
Spurs look really good here. Has it been like that the whole half?