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Football Thread 2013/14 | OT3

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venison crêpe
So the 100 million deal right?

It would be a laugh if it comes to that. Football gone cray

I guess so, I can't see them parting with any players, at least not ones we would want.

I just wish it would sorted itself out now, let us switch our attention to Crystal Palace game rather than be focusing on Bale 24/7. He's arrived in training again today though? Still not training with first team though? But neither is BAE, Holtby or Dawson.


Newcastle from 16th to 8th? I don't know. Some of the other clubs around have done a better job improving their squad so far including Villa and Swansea.

I expect Newcastle to finish higher than last season as we still have a very good first 11 (who die all the time however) but in terms of overall, the likes of Southampton, Swansea and even fucking Norwich have improved greatly. It's going to be the tightest season in a very long while IMO. I still expect Hull and Crystal Palace to get absolutely fucked in the arse though and relegate quickly. The quality of even the middle/lower teams has improved drastically whereas Hull and Crystal Palace are still picking their nose and licking Championship players' foreheads.
Rob Harris ‏@RobHarris 2m
Today it's 3,000 days since Arsenal last won a trophy


Edit - Don't care if Horse beat me I'm not removing it.

3000 DAYS. 3000!


Cesc consistently makes such good runs from midfield. Always impresses me. Too bad he doesn't know how to control a game like Xavi :(
after the Liverpool deal fell through, seems like Melgarejo is now Sampdoria bound. same deal: 1 season loan with option to buy.

Rob Harris ‏@RobHarris 2m
Today it's 3,000 days since Arsenal last won a trophy


Edit - Don't care if Horse beat me I'm not removing it.

3000 DAYS. 3000!

here's to 3000 more!


I want to see you down there in a Liverpool shirt and some naughty shorts waving a 'Moyes Out' banner.

Genuinely going to make one if my mate can get us tickets. Genuinely. Not even messing.

Would make a post about Suarez but Neil Atkinson summed up my feelings perfectly.

It makes no odds.

I understand why people think it does. I understand the recourse to emotion. That’s the aim.

It makes no odds.

When he ran out on Saturday Suarez may have been surprised by the warmth of the response. I suspect his agent was. I suspect it made him think, we’ve got to do something about this. We need these people to barrack him. We need to do an interview which separates him from them. This is the next step. It is the only step. We need to do something to bring this move about.

It makes no odds.

It’s a manipulative move. By player, by agent. But it is merely saying publicly what has been said privately to the club. It is the explicit articulation of a number of implicit leaked noodles to newspapermen. You knew Luis Suarez wanted to go. You know he really wants to go. He wants to play at the highest level and currently Liverpool cannot offer that.

It makes no odds.

The crux of it isn’t unreasonable. This is where we are. We end this forthcoming season 4 years and six months on from our last Champions League fixture. Luis Suarez is, in my view, the best attacking footballer in the world who doesn’t currently play for Barcelona or Real Madrid. He ought to have the opportunity to play at that level. His talent isn’t wasted at Liverpool – it’s appreciated like nothing on earth. It’s a glorious, marvellous, rambunctious thing. It should be showcased in European Cup Finals as Zidane’s and Messi’s, Dalglish’s and DeStefano’s has been.

It makes no odds.

The player is under contract at Liverpool. Now presuming that the clause doesn’t oblige Liverpool to accept anything (and this had better be the case or Liverpool’s competence question is only going to go nuclear) the reality is that Liverpool choose whether he stays or goes. Liverpool choose what to do with an offer of forty million and one pound. Liverpool choose.

The situation is that Liverpool’s challenge for a finish fourth or higher is easier if Luis Suarez doesn’t play for anyone this season than if he plays for Arsenal and Liverpool have fifty million pounds to spend. This is the reality. This is where we are as well. What stuns me is that Arsenal haven’t offered sixty or seventy million pounds for the player. Because any amount he is worth to Liverpool he is worth that plus ten million to Arsenal. He is the player who would cement them in the top four barring catastrophe. He is the player who would make them genuine contenders.

But it would make no odds.

A sale to Arsenal is suicide for a Liverpool dangerously close to coma – though showing serious signs of fight I believe – regardless of what Suarez does. A sale to Madrid slightly less so but still gives Liverpool a question hugely as to how they effectively spend any money.

I love the expression “it makes no odds”. What exactly does it mean? It doesn’t make that much sense in theory but it is almost onomatopoeic. It’s what not being impressed sounds like. It’s your mouth shrugging.
It’s the response. Garments shouldn’t be rent, hair should remain in the scalp, tears shouldn’t be shed and shirts should remain uncharred.

Let’s not give anyone what they want. No heat. No light. No shouting.

Just a collective “It makes no odds. Lad.”

Soz abar that.



It's happening.

The tickets are being purchased.

And I'm not making a Moyes Out banner, I'm making a "Moyes in forever because you're out of your depth, lad" banner.
Genuinely going to make one if my mate can get us tickets. Genuinely. Not even messing.

Would make a post about Suarez but Neil Atkinson summed up my feelings perfectly.

The point about the fans reaction is an interesting one. Been some discussion amongst United fans that if Rooney turns out for us on Friday night that is exactly what he's looking for, boo's.

As for the rest of the article, it's a good point and as you, I and others have been saying on here - selling to Arsenal is the worst outcome for Liverpool, literally not a worse club they could sell to in the world.

I'm not sure it does make no odds though (what's all that about lol?), because the interview has further damaged his relationship with the fans and crucially with his manager too. It's a wearing down process, until Liverpool are sick of him. As it stands you're going have to stomach either an awful lot of pride selling him...or potentially an awful lot of money...

I feel like it's similar to the Rooney situation, approaching an almost impossible point.
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