With those metrics, how much is Müller worth ?50m for Özil and 40m for Khedira
what are you doing BPL?
With those metrics, how much is Müller worth ?50m for Özil and 40m for Khedira
what are you doing BPL?
50m for Özil and 40m for Khedira
what are you doing BPL?
PlsWas yesterday a dream? Ozil is actually an Arsenal player right?
Sounds like they just bid on everyone and hoped something stuck
I hope this is just pure incompetence but it appears that United has become pretty irrelevant...
What are the chances that Ozil gets injured playing for Germany?
please no
What are the chances that Ozil gets injured playing for Germany?
With those metrics, how much is Müller worth ?
If we go by La Liga standards this is a bargain
But wtf at Moyes...
What are the chances that Ozil gets injured playing for Germany?
I hope this is just pure incompetence but it appears that United has become pretty irrelevant...
With those metrics, how much is Müller worth ?
I hope this is just pure incompetence but it appears that United has become pretty irrelevant...
This will be the longest international break ever.
man, this is probably the first time since ronaldo's move to madrid that i've been this excited to see a player play.
man, this is probably the first time since ronaldo's move to madrid that i've been this excited to see a player play.
what are the chances of Arsenal winning the CL now?
going by the "ex-real players winning the cl before real" rule
Which Ronaldo are you talking about?
what are the chances of Arsenal winning the CL now?
going by the "ex-real players winning the cl before real" rule
Özil to Arsenal is certainly interesting when you look at the German national team for the world cup.
Will be very interesting to see whether Götze or Özil gets the CAM spot, that is if Götze ever manages to play three full matches in a row again lol. Özil was untouchable as CAM considering he was playing for Real and Götze "only" for BVB. Now, Özil "only" plays for Arsenal and Götze has Bayern backing him up.
I am afraid you might be right. It's impressive to leave such a bad impression after a transfer window when you are the wealthiest club on Earth.So Moyes passed on Thiago and Ozil.
He is the replacement of Fergie.
We are so fucked.
I am tempted to say... "yeah ?" For good measure, 1.23 Gareth Bale would be my answerOne Gareth Bale
Seriously, 40M for Khedira is like asking 15M for Alexander Gerndt. I don't understand the logic behind it.One hundred billion dollars
if we go by common sense 40m for khedira is the funniest thing I've ever heard
Right seeing as the transfer window is over I'm gonna order my shirt/shirts.
United home - RVP
United away - Who do I get on it? It's between Rafael, Chicharito or Welbeck.
And maybe 1 more, Barca/Juve/PSG/France away with Pogba.
p.s I'm not getting Fellaini.
Be a hipster and get Young.
LOL oh god. Why am I tempted.
LOL oh god. Why am I tempted.
Guys, why is Bla banned again ?
So are there still any sites that are reliably selling fake kits for cheap? Tried SoccerTriads but they took my $30 and I never got jack shit.
Get one with Ronnie and be ahead of the curve!
Maybe Moyes just wants Khedira's GF in Manchester.
Get one with Ronnie and be ahead of the curve!
Doesn't exactly sound like you hope it's incompetence when you're making such a hasty observation!
PM'd you.
Did you never ask PayPal to get your money back? They repaid me when I opened a claim and the shirt still turned up haha.
Ordered a RVP shirt around this time last year and it arrived with 2 months of the season left. Jokers.