. England should focus all their efforts on improving the quality of the national team, even if that means damaging the football league. Not that their is much to ruin thanks to the externalities caused by the premier league.
What the flying fudging frigging flipping fooding fuck
Damage the football league?! The FL is what builds the national side, grass roots and all that. That is the foundation of english football.
What harms the national team is the prem, let's face facts. That and almost no high level coaching, no investment in grass roots. It's top down vs bottom up econ at a basic level.
The big prem clubs doing one of three things is another big factor.
a) Stealing/swooping (in my view illegally) young english talent only for them to rot in the reserves and be sent on loan only to go the way of John Bostock. From my club alone Wisdom, Delph, Cleverley, George Green have all experienced this and it doesn't always work. This is why I want people like Barkley and Hughes to PLAY FOOTBALL. if these two go to City/United/Chelsea/Arsenal they won't play. And what is the good in that. Oh and he can play 5 a side in training with Ozil. Big whoop.
b) Picking foreigners over english players. Cheaper, better, and all that. Can't argue with it.
c) Stealing foreign youth, so blocking young english players getting through. Look at a club like United. Littered with foreign youngsters so english lads rarely get a go.
The fuss which was kicked up over Kakuta and Pogba was bang on, and if we want england to do well something has to change.
But the final line is that because the prem is so good (best league in the world ha ha etc..) club football > national side and so there is no incentive to promote english talent.
That's english football now and good luck trying to change it.
Btw not ranting at you

, I accept your point just giving my view.