Yeh you can, do you want me to do it again?
Remind me of your gamer tag and i'll do it now! Are you intending to do EA Access, out of curiosity?
That's exactly what I want to do and it's BurningJC007.
Is Torres really on his way out? Who would pay any money for him? Even on a loan they'd have to pay his massive wage. I doubt he goes anywhere, he's another David Bentley. He's given up and will retire once his contract runs out.
Cool, I got it last night, good price!
Ive just done it for you, hopefully they get back to you soon
and yet if he hadnt joined united this wouldnt even be happening. Everyone has to be the next big thing when a big name team signs a player
LolScrew Vidal I don't want him.
Give me two more CB's and Strootman in Jan.
Latest episode of Utopia, shit is POPPING OFF.
I will be legit gutted when this show ends. It's entertaining as fuck and it's beautiful to watch.
Serie A gaf, is Sau a beast irl?
He has been incredible in my Fifa career season at Cagliari
I'm really surprised at the positive reaction to EA's subscription service. It just seems like a really bad idea to me to buy into. They're a single publisher - going with a console manufacturer's "free games subscription" plan that ultimately includes much more than simply deferring when you pay for your games seems more logical to me. If it were announced for PS4 it'd be a non-starter for me. I guess the fact that I don't like any EA games makes it that much simpler a decision.
I will raise you
Caught offside are saying Juventus have accepted £47million for Vidal, I for one chose to believe this dubious site., I don't really
I'm really surprised at the positive reaction to EA's subscription service. It just seems like a really bad idea to me to buy into. They're a single publisher - going with a console manufacturer's "free games subscription" plan that ultimately includes much more than simply deferring when you pay for your games seems more logical to me. If it were announced for PS4 it'd be a non-starter for me. I guess the fact that I don't like any EA games makes it that much simpler a decision.
I'm really surprised at the positive reaction to EA's subscription service. It just seems like a really bad idea to me to buy into. They're a single publisher - going with a console manufacturer's "free games subscription" plan that ultimately includes much more than simply deferring when you pay for your games seems more logical to me. If it were announced for PS4 it'd be a non-starter for me. I guess the fact that I don't like any EA games makes it that much simpler a decision.
I will raise you
I'm really surprised at the positive reaction to EA's subscription service. It just seems like a really bad idea to me to buy into. They're a single publisher - going with a console manufacturer's "free games subscription" plan that ultimately includes much more than simply deferring when you pay for your games seems more logical to me. If it were announced for PS4 it'd be a non-starter for me. I guess the fact that I don't like any EA games makes it that much simpler a decision.
Seems like Kehl stepped down to help the new captain if needed.
I fucking love Kehl. It's a shame he was injured so often and missed so many WCs/Euros, could have been an important player for Germany as well.
Not like they didn't offer to Sony. And it's exactly what it is, a subscription service for people who like or are interested in EA games well at least for now. Isn't this somewhat similar to how Valve started with Steam? I'd like to see the service given a chance to grow, who knows, they might be able to get other publishers on board.
Not like they didn't offer to Sony. And it's exactly what it is, a subscription service for people who like or are interested in EA games well at least for now. Isn't this somewhat similar to how Valve started with Steam? I'd like to see the service given a chance to grow, who knows, they might be able to get other publishers on board.
I'm really surprised at the positive reaction to EA's subscription service. It just seems like a really bad idea to me to buy into. They're a single publisher - going with a console manufacturer's "free games subscription" plan that ultimately includes much more than simply deferring when you pay for your games seems more logical to me. If it were announced for PS4 it'd be a non-starter for me. I guess the fact that I don't like any EA games makes it that much simpler a decision.
Streaming games will become a bigger thing in the future, undoubtedly, but it's difficult to see how a Netflix of gaming could take off.Isn't a netflix thing for games the end point of all this stuff anyway?
People are taking baby steps but hopefully we get to a unified streaming thing soon enough
Steam was never a paid subscription service but it was mostly Valve games when it started off I believe. I don't see why EA couldn't get other publishers on board if this proves successful. The price is extremely appealing. I'd want to get a digital version of the games they have available, but not for the $60 I'd have to pay to get it on the Xbox store. I'm selling my copy of FIFA once I subscribe to this.This is a different thing from Steam. My issue with is it the idea that I'd be paying a subscription to a single publisher for older games that I wasn't going to buy anyway. The main thread to me looks like people shopping at Costco for the first time - they buy these huge bulk packages of things because of the value, but in the end they end up paying more, because they've bought things that they weren't going to buy originally.
Anyway did Valve really start off with a paid subscription service on Steam? I was anti-Steam when it first came out, it was just a buggy mess and at the time digital purchases didn't make sense. I have nothing morally against it I'm just surprised that the reactions have been so upbeat, when my first instinct was to roll my eyes at the thought of it. If the EA thing was attractive to me, I'd change my tune about it.
I agree with you and I think it sets a horrible precedent too.
It's pretty different from Steam... That was never based on a subscription. Fifa is the only game I will buy from them and that is through their indian or mexican stores, cause fuck EA. Having bought both Sim City and Battlefield 4 I am done with giving them chances.
Me too.NBA League pass works well I'd love to be able to sign up to watch every United league game.
They're clearly trying now. Delaying Battlefield. Pushing back Dragon Age. Offering services like this. It'll take a while to build back trust but I'm certainly interested.
How many times have we heard this from EA? Christ, I can't believe anyone still eats it up. They release their broken ass games, or games split up with the ending in DLC and such, which pisses off people and then they do their "we're sorry". The only reason they delayed Battlefield Hardlines is because people realized it's nothing but a shitty Battlefield 4 mod, a mod for a game that only just started working somewhat for them months after release. Trust is something they earn by not doing this over and over again.
Exactly. But you're assuming they'll continue being the way they currently are to till the end of time. We have no way of knowing that, we can only watch and see and put in our money when we feel comfortable with the company. It's your own decision to make.
Chelsea are letting him go on the cheap if £24 million is the fee.
Chelsea could have asked for more.
How many times have we heard this from EA? Christ, I can't believe anyone still eats it up. They release their broken ass games, or games split up with the ending in DLC and such, which pisses off people and then they do their "we're sorry". The only reason they delayed Battlefield Hardlines is because people realized it's nothing but a shitty Battlefield 4 mod, a mod for a game that only just started working somewhat for them months after release. Trust is something they earn by not doing this over and over again.