Immobile scoring goals? Must be FIFA
Immobile scoring goals? Must be FIFA
Manchester United profits predicted to fall 84% after pitch woes
edit: This article feels a bit misleading, for the BBC at least. does this factor in the nike stuff?
Wow, that first penalty decision would drive me fucking bonkers. I think the penalties are far too infrequent in 14 but I hope they tone it down a little.. you can't give one there.
Think I might just by Destiny on the xbox1 just for the sake of it needs something new to play.
As I can buy it from the US store, I can basically get it for half price.
Oni > mirror's edge
Everything that Jeff Gerstmann said about Destiny is what I was afraid of.
Everything that Jeff Gerstmann said about Destiny is what I was afraid of.
Everything that Jeff Gerstmann said about Destiny is what I was afraid of.
Jeff Gerstmann to me sounds really jaded about most big games.Everything that Jeff Gerstmann said about Destiny is what I was afraid of.
Jeff Gerstmann to me sounds really jaded about most big games.
Everything that Jeff Gerstmann said about Destiny is what I was afraid of.
Can't really blame him for that considering how shitty most of them are.
Can't really blame him for that considering how shitty most of them are.
BREAKING NEWS: Coventry manager Steven Pressley signs new four-year deal #SSNHQ
True.Can't really blame him for that considering how shitty most of them are.
Arsneal PES 15 faces :|
Getting a bit weird that Wenger has said nothing on Welbeck yet.
Really hope they've fixed the penalties in FIFA 15. Already had three in the demo for challenging for a 50-50 header.
Getting a bit weird that Wenger has said nothing on Welbeck yet.
Why is Sanchez white
I think Destiny is seriously flawed, surprisingly so for Bungie. Maybe all the good talent is at 343 now. The shooting seems to be really good, but then this is apparently the Reach engine, so it's nothing that 'new'.
I want to play it just to see where it's gone wrong.
It's the Ffxiii of shooters. Ton of great art, good base combat mechanics. Everything else shit.
We've handed our manager, Steven Pressley, a four year deal, ermmm
why the ermmm? Every league needs their helping of dour grumpy scotsman for managers.
Right thats it, I'm at the end of my tether with Amazon. I'm gonna go HAM.
4 years is a really long time in League One, and while Pressley's been good he still isn't the most convincing of managers.
Amazon Chat:
thanks for the help
Lynda:You are very welcome. Hopefully destiny will arrive very soon. Take care.
Don't fucking rub it in Lynda.
Amazon Chat:
thanks for the help
Lynda:You are very welcome. Hopefully destiny will arrive very soon. Take care.
Don't fucking rub it in Lynda.