Currently home for the holidays. Dealing with two members of my family who don't know how to shut up SHUT UP OH GOD FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK SHUT UP FOR FIVE MINUTES JUST PLEASE JESUS GOOOODDDDDD. It's constant yelling and bickering, and its over stupid shit, and its petty and I'm having difficulty just dealing with it. Lunatics running the fucking asylum. Now I know how Di Matteo felt.... Nobody is willing to give in a mm, and I've had to yell numerous occasions just to restore some fucking sanity in this place. They just straight up don't give a single fuck that its the holidays because WAHHHHHHHHH.
But then Messi's loss reminds me that this is family and I have to love them, but also FUCK THEM SO BADLY.
Fuck. You know?
This is why I hate Christmas.
Just mm and smile your way through it, don't bother yelling at anyone.