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for crying out loud - GAMES KILL AGAIN according to the news


Banstick Emeritus
Walking to work this morning, took a look at the local tabloid rag and what do I see?


Investigators are Looking to An Internet Gaming Community for Clues in the Murder of An American Fruit Picker in the South Okanagan. Douglas Duckworth, 32, Was Found Murdered on Aug. 9 in the Cabin in Cawston Where He'd Been Living for About a Year. Police Said the Attack Wasn't Random and That He Was Known to His Killer.

Few Knew Duckworth in the Town of 900. but He Was a Well-Liked "Game Master" Known to Hundreds as Cain, a Major Character in An Online Role-Playing Game Called Mytharria.

Meanwhile, the Gaming Community Is Mourning the Loss of Duckworth and Is Planning a Virtual Memorial Garden Within the Game for Him. "He Was a Great Guy," Said Wilson. "Doug Had Friends From New Zealand to Belgium . . . Everywhere. He Was Admired for His Work and His Personality."

Duckworth Was Famous Within the Community for His Story-Weaving Skills. and While His
Character, Cain, Leaned Toward the Dark Side, Duckworth Was Kind and Caring, Said Wilson. Dan Terrill, 35, of Bristol, Conn., Who Founded the Online Group About Six Years Ago, Said He and Duckworth Became Friends About Eight Years Ago When They Met on An Internet Message Board Focused on the Game Ultima. Duckworth Joined When Terrill Created His Own Online Game Server, Centred on the Medieval Role-Playing Game Neverwinter Nights. Duckworth Was Involved Off and on Until About Two Years Ago, and the Two Kept in Contact.

"Doug Was Pretty Important to A lot of Our Players, and He'll Really Be Missed," Terrill Said in An E-Mail Interview.
What exactly does this have to do with the MMORPG he was playing, exactly? God I hate the Province.


Knows the Score
Does Everyone Type Like This in Canada? It Seems to be a Very Annoying Way of Drawing Attention to a Story.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
8bit said:
Does Everyone Type Like This in Canada? It Seems to be a Very Annoying Way of Drawing Attention to a Story.

They also have beady little eyes and mouths that are the width of their entire head.


The picture of the dude is a fuckin' keeper, too. Nice to see Canada keeping up with the rest of the Commonwealth's tabloid press.

Except the title, the article doesn't really mention anything about games being the culprit in the killing of the man. It just mentions that the guy who was killed was a game master and that he will missed by his fellow gamers. They probably just used that title to grab peoples attention.


bishoptl said:
Then why use that in the BIG FREAKING HEADLINE


Perhaps the game is the link to the killer and the victims relationship?
Claus said:
Perhaps the game is the link to the killer and the victims relationship?

Well, the article makes it sound like the victim was extremely well liked by his game buddy's. That title they use is more like a gimmick to get suck in readers then an actual accusation.
WarPig said:
The picture of the dude is a fuckin' keeper, too. Nice to see Canada keeping up with the rest of the Commonwealth's tabloid press.

Typically in Canada, every province has two papers - one serious, one tabloid that tries to act serious. Sort of like how New York has the Times and Post.

If I recall, the Vancouver Province is just like the Calgary Sun - the vertically folded paper with a backside "front page" story that usually has a sports picture and a headline reading "HOT CENTERFOLD BABE OF THE WEEK".

Edit: By comparison, you can check out the cover of the serious paper in Vancouver through this link.


Banstick Emeritus
Both the Sun and Province are owned by the same company, btw. And they wonder why I swear at 'em when calling about subscribing.


Crazymoogle said:
Typically in Canada, every province has two papers - one serious, one tabloid that tries to act serious. Sort of like how New York has the Times and Post.

San Francisco's the same way out here. The Examiner's gotten so bad they have to give the sucker away for free on the newsstands.


evil ways

On not so closely related note, I went to Gamestop to see if they had the new OPM and on the display shelf behind the register and on the PS2 section they had a huge black flyer with the GTA San Andreas logo and the M rating symbol with an explanation of the rating, GTA San Andreas content and a notice that the game will not be sold to anyone under 17 without being accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

It really caugh my attention, but I think it's great, especially if they make sure the parents of underage kids see the sign before they pay for SA, that takes responsability off the retailer's and Rockstar's hands and sorta places it into parent's.
Crazymoogle said:
Typically in Canada, every province has two papers - one serious, one tabloid that tries to act serious. Sort of like how New York has the Times and Post.

If I recall, the Vancouver Province is just like the Calgary Sun - the vertically folded paper with a backside "front page" story that usually has a sports picture and a headline reading "HOT CENTERFOLD BABE OF THE WEEK".
Yeah, the Times is such a joke.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
Wait a second...this guy's online name was Cain? It wasn't the game that killed him; it was his addiction to the superdrug of the future, Nuke.

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