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For you horror/paranormal enthousiasts, Ghost Theory (Kickstarter) is for you.


I stumbled upon this imgur album containing a few gifs on horror game Ghost Theory.


The unique take in this game is that everything (ghost hunting/mystery solving) is based on real locations and real haunted stories.

Imgur Album

Youtube Trailer



You can close your eyes manually, which could allow for some really interesting gameplay mechanics.

They also incorporate real actors and interlace them into the game!

Looks pretty neat, and I am all for more games within the horror genre. Hopefully they actually manage to make the gameplay solid.

Kickstarter page is here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dreadlocks/ghost-theory-a-serious-take-on-paranormal-research
Steam Greenlight page is here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=605798163

I could always do with more horror games.

What's your take on the horror genre in video games? Too empty or over saturated?
What's your take on the horror genre? Too empty or over saturated?

Too many mediocre games "inspired" by Silent Hill and more niche titles like Clock Tower. I would prefer to see more... Psychedelic horror titles, like Eternal Darkness.

But that's just a theory... A Ghost Theory.


Looks interesting I guess. But the graphics can be a bit better. After playing P.T., I now expect graphics as good or better than that. I don't pay for kickstarters anyway though.

I like the horror genre. But I have to be content with movies for now, because the games just aren't there yet. Either they'll have gameplay I don't like (shooting-based), and/or the graphics will not be up to par.

I think there is a lot of scope in the horror games genre. I mean P.T. is the best horror experience I've ever had in any medium.
VR can be amazing for this genre as well. It just needs talented developers and a decent budget. I'd be happy if more future horror games take inspiration from P.T.
Horror, stealth and mystery? This actually looks good, was getting tired of the "P.T. inspired" scheme that's been happening lately with the genre.
What's your take on the horror genre? Too empty or over saturated?

As others have mentioned, too many devs want to make their own PT but the whole "horror exploration" style games was flooded even before that thanks to this.


I still don't get why this game blew up the way it did but it lead to soooooooooooo many clones. The concept was easy enough to emulate I guess. Search for 8 somethings, avoid the monster that lacks animation, and have it all take place on one map. To this day people are still copying that and PT clones are somewhat similar, just replace looking for 8 pages to staring at stuff until something happens and prettier graphics.

I'd love to see more games inspired by other old horror tiles like Fatal Frame or Parasite Eve.


Looks interesting I guess. But the graphics can be a bit better. After playing P.T., I now expect graphics as good or better than that. I don't pay for kickstarters anyway though.

I like the horror genre. But I have to be content with movies for now, because the games just aren't there yet. Either they'll have gameplay I don't like (shooting-based), and/or the graphics will not be up to par.

I think there is a lot of scope in the horror games genre. I mean P.T. is the best horror experience I've ever had in any medium.
VR can be amazing for this genre as well. It just needs talented developers and a decent budget. I'd be happy if more future horror games take inspiration from P.T.

P.T. was an insane experiment with an insane engine behind it. Hard to mirror those graphics.

Too many mediocre games "inspired" by Silent Hill and more niche titles like Clock Tower. I would prefer to see more... Psychedelic horror titles, like Eternal Darkness.

But that's just a theory... A Ghost Theory.

I'm always looking for that one game that manages to make me shit my pants in the 'I don't feel at ease' kind of sense. Jump scares should be something of the past. I remember when I played through Silent Hill 2... That had some reaaaaaaaally difficult environments to go through. Love it.

I do wonder what kind of environments could go in a game like this. Or what would be some kind of 'finale' / 'end boss'.


Noticed the kickstarter page had a few more gifs:



I'm getting a mixed Amnesia / Ghostbusters Game vibe with all those tools. Hope it gets funded. Also you can close your eyes manually! That's pretty damn neat.

They also incorporate real actors and interlace them into the game! Might look corny, but chances are it'll look quite nice



They're nearing their goal! Only 1k left with slightly less than 3 days to go. Hopefully they will succeed (they got a huge increase in the last day or so, about 10k)
I mean, it looks like your standard first person horror game like Amnesia to me, except you can close your eyes. I'm mostly seeing jump scares here and I'm sure it'll have a lot of chases, Amnesia style.

I find horror as a genre that has yet to reach its full potential. It's a genre that has been forced to go with jump scares instead of interesting genre mixing. With the rise of western rpgs, it's shocking that so few western rpgs implement horror, for instance. I also feel that horror action titles like Shadows of the Damned should be more common.

I'm frankly amazed at how uncommon psychological horror is in video games despite the mass potential for it.


That's a hell of a turn around from their failed Kickstarter a few months ago. Here's hoping the game turns out good.


Thanks for reminding me about this, OP. I just backed it, looks cool, hope it turns out well.

Not enough horror games rely on ghosts imo.
Can I hang out with the Ghost Hunters, Ghost Asylum and Ghost Adventures crews? If not, that sounds like a great tie in and DLC...
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