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Forbes - 'Ghostbusters' Box Office: Is A $50 Million Weekend A Big Enough Debut?

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Oh man. If those tweets were indeed from critics alone, then the embargo's going to be a magical time on the internet. o.o


Hm, we'll see.



Proton streams have always "wrangled" around ghosts, Jesus guys.

In part 2 Peter acts like he just roped a bucking bronco and in the game you can slam ghosts in to walls.

It's a thing.

It's what the packs *do*

It just looks awful, they're flipping around and throwing the ghosts into each other instead of catching them. It looks like a parody of Ghostbusters.
Let's be frank. That element is minor.

No. It definitely won't flop. The movie just isn't targeted for us, it's targeted to kids. This is not the Ghostbusters we want and so far it is shaping to be a bad version of the movie we love, thus tarnishing the Ghostbusters name. That is painful..

Heh, now the movie have a scene that give everyone that is against it a big "f" you": https://uk.movies.yahoo.com/revealed-the-ghostbusters-scene-that-was-added-to-142244826.html

Plus, the movie has an review embargo date on the film's launch day, which is obviously done in effort for the film to attain as much money as possible as the movie has been potentially been reviewed internally as "below-average/average":

Tarnishing the Ghostbusters name? Come on. No remake has ever tarnished a classic.
I feel like they should have pivoted and made a more horror oriented ghostbusters by a big mainstream crowd pleasing director like James Wan honestly. It would also have benefitted from less of these sky high expectations

If they wanted to remake it as a comedy again feig was a poor man for the job. Would have gone down better with maybe the 21 Jump Street guys instead. This just seems so dull going by the trailers and clips.

Feig has done some good stuff but he's very hit or miss. This is looking like another piece of shit from him a la The Heat

Edit: never mind I thought he directed a slew of other melissa McCarthy movies. Still this guys humor was just not a good fit for this series regardless.
Lord and Miller were offered but they passed. Dozens of people did from the sound of it, Feig even said no initially. I can't really blame them honestly, no matter who eventually did it was going to have a nightmare of a time being compared to the originals. Though I do think if anyone could have done it, it would have been them [Lord & Miller].


It will flop anyway. There's no way it will be as good as original from what we've seen and with that budget and that tracking it also won't be a huge blockbuster.

At best we could get "it's not as utterly terrible as some people thought it would" and that isn't exactly a victory.

It will likely go down as another pointless reboot in the sea of pointless reboots.
It will flop anyway. There's no way it will be as good as original from what we've seen and with that budget and that tracking it also won't be a huge blockbuster.

At best we could get "it's not as utterly terrible as some people thought it would" and that isn't exactly a victory.

It will likely go down as another pointless reboot in the sea of pointless reboots.
Sony set up an entire studio just to make Ghostbusters movies. If "It's not as utterly terrible as some expected" leads to a halfway decent box office it will be anything but a pointless reboot, it'll be the beginning of Sony's planned Ghostbusters Cinematic Universe.


Sony set up an entire studio just to make Ghostbusters movies. If "It's not as utterly terrible as some expected" leads to a halfway decent box office it will be anything but a pointless reboot, it'll be the beginning of Sony's planned Ghostbusters Cinematic Universe.
In case it flops, but not tragically so, I wonder if Sony will try staffing the next one with males or will they be afraid of the shitstorm it would cause.
In case it flops, but not tragically so, I wonder if Sony will try staffing the next one with males or will they be afraid of the shitstorm it would cause.

I'm wondering the same myself. I can't remember if it was in this thread or another recent GB16 thread but I was speculating if Sony was going to be more lenient with what it considers a flop or success because of the insane shit storm already surrounding this. I have heard that if it FLOP flops Sony plans to kill the IP, I assume until the 50th anniversary at the very least. I really fucking hope that doesn't come to pass if for no other reason than that the IDW comics are so fucking good and I would hate for them to be cancelled forever because of the movie. ):
For me, the whole skepticism of the early positive reviews remind me of Spy, where people actually reacted to the 94% RT by declaring that there was no way that it could be that good. I expect that if GB is met with critical success, people won't eat crow because they'll just find reasons to justify ignoring them.

The Hobo

If the film is a critical success, people who want to hate it will continue to hate it and downplay the positive reviews.

If it's a critical bomb, accusations of sexism and misogyny will be thrown around.

Either way, it will be a shit show.

Trojan X

Tarnishing the Ghostbusters name? Come on. No remake has ever tarnished a classic.

Really? What about Total Recall? When people mention Total Recall now, they don't mention the original they talk about the new one. Same apply for Robocop. No one wants to see a sequel of the said franchise thus tarnish.

If the film is a critical success, people who want to hate it will continue to hate it and downplay the positive reviews.

If it's a critical bomb, accusations of sexism and misogyny will be thrown around.

Either way, it will be a shit show.

Let's define critical success in this case as a great movie. If the movie is great or very good then I seriously hope people doesn't try to downplay the reviews for that would be disgusting of them to do that. Unfortunately, they, the studio, will focus on the amount of money it made and say, "you see!! The movie is great because it made X amount of money!" Horrible tactics that we can see a mile away.


For me, the whole skepticism of the early positive reviews remind me of Spy, where people actually reacted to the 94% RT by declaring that there was no way that it could be that good. I expect that if GB is met with critical success, people won't eat crow because they'll just find reasons to justify ignoring them.

World of difference between a movie that has a 94% RT and a movie with positive twitter buzz under review embargo.
I might just be sticking my head in the sand, but I maintain a wait and see approach to all of this. Through the early positive Twitter buzz. Through the early negative "they're pushing the embargo date back because of mixed reviews" buzz. Through the clip posted on this page that I won't watch because it sounds like it comes at an important part in the film.

Above all else - in spite of trailers, brand nostalgia, rumors, leaks, debates about proton beams as lassos, and what have you - I put my faith in the creative team behind any film. Sometimes overwhelming talent can still yield a dud, but most of the times a good track record of consistently good work does not. It's the same reason that while I'm not hyped for Suicide Squad, I still expect it to be good - because David Ayer most of the time (looking at you, Sabotage) knows what he's doing.

Here's hoping this isn't Feig's dud.

Really? What about Total Recall? When people mention Total Recall now, they don't mention the original they talk about the new one. Same apply for Robocop. No one wants to see a sequel of the said franchise thus tarnish.

This is not true at all. Or at the very least, not so universally true that your experience of this trumps others. Even post-new Total Recall and Robocop, when those two films are brought up in my circle of friends or even generally in the media, it's the originals that are referenced. And that's typically because the originals are actually worth discussing while the new ones - especially after the dirt has settled - are just mediocre remakes that have nothing worth talking about.

Even just doing a Google search for "Total Recall," of the first 10 results 7 of them are primarily about the original, 1 of them is about the phenomenon of "total recall," and 2 are about the new one.
World of difference between a movie that has a 94% RT and a movie with positive twitter buzz under review embargo.

Do you honestly believe that a 94% for Ghostbusters wouldn't get an even more powerfully negative and defiant reaction than what Spy got? Regardless of how definitively the two films establish their quality (Feig is pretty darn good, but even Spielberg can flop), the people who so very strongly do not believe that this film can be good are going to have the same response - that the marketing was bad, and thus the film must be bad (or for some, that they do not want the film to be good).


Really? What about Total Recall? When people mention Total Recall now, they don't mention the original they talk about the new one. Same apply for Robocop. No one wants to see a sequel of the said franchise thus tarnish.
No one talks about the new Total Recall. I seriously doubt the people in it even remember it. Same applies for Robocop.
No one talks about the new Total Recall. I seriously doubt the people in it even remember it. Same applies for Robocop.


Now, stuff like True Grit, I think the remake definitely earns more attention than the original, particularly because the original is kind of a bog-standard western (Bridges does a -much- more convincing Rooster Cogburn than Wayne ever could).


When was the last time anyone's talked about the Total Recall remake, let alone Robocop's?

I thought Robocop was decent.

Now, stuff like True Grit, I think the remake definitely earns more attention than the original, particularly because the original is kind of a bog-standard western (Bridges does a -much- more convincing Rooster Cogburn than Wayne ever could).

Exactly. The more recent True Grit got critical acclaim and is far more fresh in people's memories than the original which, many of the people who saw the remake may not have ever seen.

After the speculation and flagellating of mediocre remakes wears off, no one is left to discuss them because all their potent talking points related to the circle of discussions leading up to their release + the 2 or 3 weeks after when people dissect its BO performance.

Beyond that, there's nothing left to discuss.

When people talk about Terminator, no one stops and asks them "You're talking about Salvation, right?"


Do you honestly believe that a 94% for Ghostbusters wouldn't get an even more powerfully negative and defiant reaction than what Spy got? Regardless of how definitively the two films establish their quality (Feig is pretty darn good, but even Spielberg can flop), the people who so very strongly do not believe that this film can be good are going to have the same response - that the marketing was bad, and thus the film must be bad (or for some, that they do not want the film to be good).

I'm telling you skepticism for early twitter buzz is not unreasonable for the trailers that had been shown so far. You compared it to RT skepticism which I find to be a very different beast because those are actual reviews and not tweets.

Trojan X

This is not true at all. Or at the very least, not so universally true that your experience of this trumps others. Even post-new Total Recall and Robocop, when those two films are brought up in my circle of friends or even generally in the media, it's the originals that are referenced. And that's typically because the originals are actually worth discussing while the new ones - especially after the dirt has settled - are just mediocre remakes that have nothing worth talking about.

Even just doing a Google search for "Total Recall," of the first 10 results 7 of them are primarily about the original, 1 of them is about the phenomenon of "total recall," and 2 are about the new one.

Hmm... I cannot agree with you 100% but I think what you said has some truth to it, thus making this aspect not so simple as it could be.

No one talks about the new Total Recall. I seriously doubt the people in it even remember it. Same applies for Robocop.

I disagree. I wouldn't say people don't remember it but if a movie is poor then as a franchise/brand/name it would naturally be forgotten via time.


No one talks about the new Total Recall. I seriously doubt the people in it even remember it. Same applies for Robocop.

I honestly forgot there even was a Total Recall remake until you mentioned It.

In regards to proton pack usage I'm fine with them mixing It up...no sense in keeping it strictly like the original film from over 30 years ago. We've got much more flexibility with how special effects are made three days.


Embargo lifts this Sunday.

Thanks, it'll be interesting to see what the consensus is among critics.

Sidenote - the comments on that youtube review are abysmal. "A movie starring women isn't very good! Take that, feminism!" It's gonna be like that for every review, isn't it. And if someone likes the movie, "SJW'S!!!"


Thanks, it'll be interesting to see what the consensus is among critics.

Sidenote - the comments on that youtube review are abysmal. "A movie starring women isn't very good! Take that, feminism!" It's gonna be like that for every review, isn't it. And if someone likes the movie, "SJW'S!!!"

These next few days on the internet are going to be rough. And embarrassing.
As expected sounds awful. I knew it would be
man bashing film , women power yeh . Pretty stupid considering most of the film audience will probably be men
Thanks, it'll be interesting to see what the consensus is among critics.

Sidenote - the comments on that youtube review are abysmal. "A movie starring women isn't very good! Take that, feminism!" It's gonna be like that for every review, isn't it. And if someone likes the movie, "SJW'S!!!"
I mean the video invites that garbage.

Pretty bizarre conclusion to draw there, mate.
Its the one he and some other guys want to believe in.
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