There are already many devs that are releasing games on more than one platform with reasonable dev cycles. I don’t think this is something to worry about. If they use an engine that can run on multiple hardwares things are going to fall into place nicely.Nope.
It takes a lot of effort to try and manage the multitude of platforms on PC. I don't have anything wrong with porting them eventually, but day 1 means longer game cycles that are already extremely long.
The downside is that the coding to the metal will disappear. Won’t push the hardware as much and use all low level advantages. Optimizing code for several platforms is tricky too.
The upside is that games will reach more people, more money for the devs, potentially better games.
In the end I think it’s safe to say that having games exclusive to a platform people can’t even buy is not ideal. They’re doing more cross gen games this year but potentially holding games back with last gen versions is not ideal either. Going with PS5 and high end PCs would be a nice alternative I think, once UE5 is out it should be a lot smoother to develop for that hardware combo.