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Former FBI Director Mueller appointed special counsel for Trump-Russia investigation

- J - D -



Yeah, trying to throw Rosenstein under the bus was wrong play.

So delicious.

Velcro Fly

Time to subpoena those tapes that Trump tried to threaten Comey with the other day

I'm so glad Trump is so bad at this.


WH Statement

Yes, that's why you fired the guy investigating you - so it could be over quickly. /s

See, this is why you don't blow all your cred by lying about stupid shit like inauguration crowds. Nothing that ever comes out of this guy's mouth can ever be taken seriously.


Quick summary on this Mitch McConnell person for non US folk?

Here's the key points

- He's the current Senate Majority Leader for the GOP at the moment, and was the Minority leader during Obama's presidency.
- Deeply despised working under Obama, and vowed to make sure that Obama was a one-term president.
- When he was a young boy, he was stricken with polio but overcame it with the help of public healthcare. He's now working to strip away that same healthcare for millions.
- Deep ties to Kentucky's Confederate party and friends with notable members of the KKK.
- Currently, he repeatedly denies collusion with the Russians and claims that the Democrats are just bitter about losing.

Basically, he's an all around disgusting human being and the world will be better off without him. He's a clever politician, but that's kinda it.
Surely they can't keep his phone away from him for long. They seemingly took it away yesterday but even without him tweeting this morning even more news came out that made his administration look even more fucked than they were yesterday. I imagine he's having a tantrum and they'll have to give it to him tonight where he'll proceed to directly contradict that WH statement and insult Mueller and Rod.
So, for those that don't know, John Dean was the turncoat who began to sing about Watergate to investigators:

On March 22, 1973, Nixon requested that Dean put together a report with everything he knew about the Watergate matter, and even invited him to take a retreat to Camp David to do so. Dean did go to Camp David and performed some work on this report, but since he was one of the cover-up's chief participants, this report-writing task placed him in the difficult position of relating his own involvement, as well as that of others, and he correctly concluded he was being fitted for the role of scapegoat in the cover-up by those higher up. Dean did not complete the report.[13]

On March 23, the five Watergate burglars, along with G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt, were sentenced with stiff fines and maximum prison time of up to 40 years.

On April 6, Dean hired an attorney and began his cooperation with Senate Watergate investigators, while continuing to work as Nixon's Chief White House Counsel and participate in Nixon's cover-up efforts, not disclosing this obvious conflict to Nixon until some time later. Dean was also receiving advice from the attorney he hired, Charles Shaffer, on matters involving vulnerabilities of other White House staff with the cover-up.

Dean continued to provide information to the prosecutors, who were able to make enormous progress on the cover-up case, which up until then they had virtually ignored, having concentrated on the actual burglary and events preceding it. Dean also appeared before the Watergate grand jury, where he took the Fifth Amendment numerous times to avoid incriminating himself, and in order to save his testimony for the Senate Watergate hearings.[13]

Dean pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice before Watergate trial judge John Sirica on October 19, 1973. He admitted supervising payments of "hush money" to the Watergate burglars, notably E. Howard Hunt, and revealed the existence of Nixon's enemies list. Archibald Cox, Watergate Special Prosecutor, was interested in meeting with Dean, and planned to do so a few days later, but Cox was fired by Nixon the very next day, and it was not until some time later that Cox was replaced by Leon Jaworski. On August 2, 1974, Sirica handed down a sentence to Dean of one-to-four years in a minimum-security prison. However, when Dean surrendered as scheduled on September 3, he was diverted to the custody of U.S. Marshals, and kept instead at Fort Holabird (near Baltimore, Maryland) in a special "safe house" holding facility primarily used for witnesses against the Mafia. He spent his days at the offices of Jaworski, the Watergate Special Prosecutor, and testifying in the trial of Watergate conspirators Mitchell, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Robert Mardian, and Kenneth Parkinson, which concluded on January 1, 1975. All except Parkinson were convicted, largely based upon Dean's evidence. Dean's lawyer moved to have his sentence reduced and on January 8, Judge Sirica granted the motion, adjusting Dean's sentence to time served, which wound up being four months. With his conviction for felony offenses, Dean was disbarred as a lawyer in Virginia and the District of Columbia, so he could no longer practice law.[14]

Who will be this administration's Dean?
Rosenstien is the guy whose boss tried to pin a screw up, and then went and screwed the boss's wife and mom to get back at him, like goddamn.








Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I hope people aren't expecting this special counsel to get convictions within the next few weeks. This is gonna take awhile. Could even take a couple years.

Nobody in their right mind is expecting this. The big news here is that Rosenstein just donkey punched Sessions and Trump for trying to throw him under the bus over Comey.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
So, for those that don't know, John Dean was the turncoat who began to sing about Watergate to investigators:

Who will be his administration's Dean?

I seemed to remember Flynn asking for immunity. Sounded like he was screaming to be the Dean this time.

notice that he didn't specify which people

Yeah...his use of "and" doesn't take away the statement of "the people that matter most to the future." Geeeez....
Dude on CNN is saying he thinks this investigation will go much faster than ones like it in the past because Mueller has experience with huge investigations like this and knows the game. He said he expects results within a year.
Yes, that's why you fired the guy investigating you - so it could be over quickly. /s

See, this is why you don't blow all your cred by lying about stupid shit like inauguration crowds. Nothing that ever comes out of this guy's mouth can ever be taken seriously.

To be fair, this didn't come out of his mouth. I doubt he even read/saw it.


I think even Trump knows he is fucked and he can't just pay off or bully people to make it go away.

The only tweet you would get from him now is about inciting violence against his opposition and that shit needs to be nipped in the bud.
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