there is joy in sucking dick
I just hope the investigation doesnt go dark. The whole reason we're here is due to the outrage fires being stoked constantly.
At this point i'd lawyer up just to be sure
I want it to be Spicer so badly. Will end up being Kushner.
CNN just said Mueller has the power to subpoena tax returns.
Oh boy.
Hell 3AM? I figure right now the whitehouse probably looks like the royal rumble right now. 29 guys trying to prevent trump from getting his phone.
His certified letter? Yeah that was last week.I'm pretty sure there was a story earlier in the month that Trump has already sought lawyers for Russia claims
The way this story is unfolding, nothing so pedestrian.
It'll be Ivanka.
To reiterate: Obama requested that Mueller stay on as head of the FBI for two additional years.
Comey was famously involved in a 2004 hospital-room confrontation with White House counsel Alberto Gonzales and the president's chief of staff, Andrew H. Card Jr. The two White House officials were attempting to persuade Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, who was recovering from emergency surgery to remove his gallbladder, to reauthorize a controversial warrantless domestic eavesdropping program.
They're probably distracting him with snacks as we speak.
To be fair, this didn't come out of his mouth. I doubt he even read/saw it.
The way this story is unfolding, nothing so pedestrian.
It'll be Ivanka.
notice that he didn't specify which people
CNN just said Mueller has the power to subpoena tax returns.
Oh boy.
I hope everyone is satisfied with the results, no matter what they are.
I just hope the investigation doesnt go dark. The whole reason we're here is due to the outrage fires being stoked constantly.
I wonder how many paper shredders are going at this very moment from Trump business to White House to the GOP etc.
Yeah those tax returns are going to get grabbed
That's a done deal for sure
Dude on CNN is saying he thinks this investigation will go much faster than ones like it in the past because Mueller has experience with huge investigations like this and knows the game. He said he expects results within a year.
I wonder how many paper shredders are going at this very moment from Trump business to White House to the GOP etc.
Y-yass queen?The way this story is unfolding, nothing so pedestrian.
It'll be Ivanka.
Is it happening? I think we're at a 9.5 on the happening scaleCNN just said Mueller has the power to subpoena tax returns.
Oh boy.
Trump played himself SO BAD firing Comey. It's totally a let's do it and be legends moment.
The only way it concludes quickly is if you resign or your cabinet pulls the 25th Amendment on you.
The White House was blinded by the Special Counsel announcement -- given only about a 30-minute heads up
yeah but he can't get fired. it would look SUPER Suspicious.
Where's that gif of budget Elmo in front of a fire?
"I am not a cuck"
Lawd 😂"I am not a cuck"
Considering its a done deal McConnel, like Trump, and Spicer soon enough, has to present it as a positive development.If McConnel is FOR the appointment of FBI director Mueller than I view his appointment as suspect. Of course, McConnel might just be putting that out for PR. From what I'm reading Rosenstein can be trusted, but with Trump in office, who really knows.
If McConnel is FOR the appointment of FBI director Mueller than I view his appointment as suspect. Of course, McConnel might just be putting that out for PR. From what I'm reading Rosenstein can be trusted, but with Trump in office, who really knows.
CNN just said Mueller has the power to subpoena tax returns.
Oh boy.
Considering its a done deal McConnel, like Trump, and Spicer soon enough, has to present a positive face.
If we can't trust this guy to do the job I don't think we can trust anyone. McConnel talking shit about Mueller would of looked really bad.
Sorry if this was posted already but I'm laughing so hard.
If McConnel is FOR the appointment of FBI director Mueller than I view his appointment as suspect. Of course, McConnel might just be putting that out for PR. From what I'm reading Rosenstein can be trusted, but with Trump in office, who really knows.
"I am not a cuck"
If McConnel is FOR the appointment of FBI director Mueller than I view his appointment as suspect. Of course, McConnel might just be putting that out for PR. From what I'm reading Rosenstein can be trusted, but with Trump in office, who really knows.