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Former FBI Director Mueller appointed special counsel for Trump-Russia investigation


Jealous Bastard
chaiffetz is a complete goon

not a single member of the republican party has any spine whatsoever. i hope they all get sunk with this fucking ship.

go to hell, the whole lot of you



Whelp lol
Oh yeah, that guy had a pretty good opinion piece in the WaPo yesterday: https://www.washingtonpost.com/post...is-rooted-in-his-past/?utm_term=.f55bb003361a

To survive, I concluded from our conversations, Trump felt compelled to go to war with the world. It was a binary, zero-sum choice for him: You either dominated or you submitted. You either created and exploited fear, or you succumbed to it — as he thought his older brother had. This narrow, defensive outlook took hold at a very early age, and it never evolved. “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now,” he told a recent biographer, “I’m basically the same.” His development essentially ended in early childhood.

Talk about a quote for the ages. He's not changed since 1st fucking grade by his own words


his business'll take a hit, but expanding into china will help - and the same fuckboy groups that took photos eating at CFA to "fight the gay agenda" will likewise take pics at discount trump hotels

when he finally passes, his eulogy will mention the inaguration crowd size, and copies of the 2016 electoral map will be distrubited. his gravestone will passively mention how beloved by everyone he was, and how he tragically died rescuing his family from the wreckage of a destroyed sinking battleship.

And everyday, people will visit to fulfill his unspoken final wish....pissing on his grave.


Man, mainstream Repubs must be so baffled by these Comey/Mueller/Rosenstein Republicans who value justice over party loyalty. A pity they never seem to run for office.


What will all the history E-books say about all of this 🤔🤔🤔

It won't even be the history books. The name Trump will go down synonymous with ineptitude and failure. I wonder if anyone will ever remember it was once associated with wealth.
Yeah, whatever, but, the only thing regarding Flynn that I care about is clandestine conversations with Kislyak and potential collusion with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential campaign. Knowledge that Flynn was an undisclosed lobbyist for one of our allies is one of a million forgivable sins in politics.


It won't even be the history books. The name Trump will go down synonymous with ineptitude and failure. I wonder if anyone will ever remember it was once associated with wealth.

Don't forget corruption and treason!

Some poor kids taking the AP US History exams decades down the line will be talking about how this shaped the course of our history.


It won't even be the history books. The name Trump will go down synonymous with ineptitude and failure. I wonder if anyone will ever remember it was once associated with wealth.

I can't play card games that involve trump cards anymore without feeling a little soiled


Republicans saying how wonderful it is Trump appointed Mueller (which he didn't, obviously) seems like a pretty obvious dig at Rosenstein
I think a Melania divorce would probably drive him insane
I predicted last year (when I thought Trump would lose) that Melania would divorce him within a year.

That may yet come true anyway!

Also, as much as I'd love President Pelosi I don't see any way this saga ends without Pence as president. But I also don't think the GOP will impeach Trump - I think it'll come down to whether the Democrats win a House majority. And I could see the Senate GOP refusing to convict Pence for obvious reasons.


Eh, people think Pence is in the clear, but I still doubt it. He's been implicated in the stuff with Flynn, and not too long ago he was in a private meeting with Russian church officials that got exposed. He may be able to keep his head down and escape, but I feel like when/if this admin goes down, almost all of the upper tier is going to get flushed.

The constitution is pretty clear, when Trump steps down (he won't be impeached & removed), Pence takes over. The only way this wouldn't happen is if Pence is removed beforehand. That's not going to happen.

I'm becoming more optimistic that Trump take his pardon and leave rather than spend his full 4 year term. Take what victory you can.


Dershowitz is the down side to wanting nonpartisan discussion. Sometimes he veers down a road and no one goes with him and he doesn't give a fuck and just keeps driving.

What's he saying? He shows up on Greta all the time and is pretty much a stick in the mud, with the notable exception of any time something might hypothetically have absolutely any minutely adverse impact on Israel at any point between now and the end of history.


Talk about a quote for the ages. He's not changed since 1st fucking grade by his own words

It's pretty incredible. He calls himself a master negotiator...yet doesn't know how to find a middle-ground.

I loved this bit, too:

A key part of that story is that facts are whatever Trump deems them to be on any given day. When he is challenged, he instinctively doubles down — even when what he has just said is demonstrably false. I saw that countless times, whether it was as trivial as exaggerating the number of floors at Trump Tower or as consequential as telling me that his casinos were performing well when they were actually going bankrupt. In the same way, Trump sees no contradiction at all in changing his story about why he fired Comey and thereby undermining the statements of his aides, or in any other lie he tells. His aim is never accuracy; it’s domination.
The constitution is pretty clear, when Trump steps down (he won't be impeached & removed), Pence takes over. The only way this wouldn't happen is if Pence is removed beforehand. That's not going to happen.

I'm becoming more optimistic that Trump take his pardon and leave rather than spend his full 4 year term. Take what victory you can.

No, it's not, because Pence could also resign at the same time or beforehand (like Agnew did with Nixon after he got caught in his own little scandal). And I personally think that he will, not out of good-heartedness, but because he has his own ties into this Russia thing, and the whole investigation is just going to keep going if he's there, and the GOP is going to want to get all of that out of the spotlight whenever/ifever this goes down.

I mean, we'll see what happens, but I'm not going to be surprised at all if Pence goes around the same time Trump does.

EDIT: Actually, if it goes that far and we do see Trump resign, I will almost bet money that what will happen is exactly what happened with Nixon. Pence will resign first, which will give the GOP an opportunity to put the most palatable Republican they can think of in that spot without any ties to this Russian investigation at all, and we'll have a Gerald Ford situation all over again.


What's he saying? He shows up on Greta all the time and is pretty much a stick in the mud, with the notable exception of any time something might hypothetically have absolutely any minutely adverse impact on Israel at any point between now and the end of history.

Keeps ranting about how grand juries should be illegal and the ACLU dropped the ball. No one is even asking him about it. He just keeps going back to it during his responses. Everyone else sitting around silently waiting for him to stop.
The constitution is pretty clear, when Trump steps down (he won't be impeached & removed), Pence takes over. The only way this wouldn't happen is if Pence is removed beforehand. That's not going to happen.

I'm becoming more optimistic that Trump take his pardon and leave rather than spend his full 4 year term. Take what victory you can.
As long as one of the houses of Congress flips to the Democrats, I could live with Pence, dude would be a total lame duck. I doubt he'd even make it through a primary.


Keeps ranting about how grand juries should be illegal and the ACLU dropped the ball. No one is even asking him about it. He just keeps going back to it during his responses. Everyone else sitting around silently waiting for him to stop.

Hah, sounds about right.


There's no way in hell Ryan ends up as our next president if Trump is impeached.
If impeachment is stalled till 2018 (not saying that's what I'm hoping for, the orange turd should be out of office asap) and Democrats win the House, wouldn't that mean a Democratic president (assuming Pence is held accountable for his blatant lying and is impeached)?

I know it's just wishful thinking, but if that happened, I think I could die happy...
If impeachment is stalled till 2018 (not saying that's what I'm hoping for, the orange turd should be out of office asap) and Democrats win the House, wouldn't that mean a Democratic president (assuming Pence is held accountable for his blatant lying and is impeached)?

I know it's just wishful thinking, but if that happened, I think I could die happy...
They'd have to do both at the same time, or do Pence first and take out Trump before he appoints a new VP (who does or doesn't have to be Senate approved? Someone correct me on this).

But yes, that would mean a Dem president.

Still don't see the Senate scraping the votes to get rid of Pence too, though. GOP might fall on a grenade to get rid of Trump but not to install a Democrat. And even if Democrats won every Senate seat in 2018 we'd still be short of the 2/3rds required to convict.
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