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Former FBI Director Mueller appointed special counsel for Trump-Russia investigation


Corporate Apologist
Hold up. On CNN they JUST said that Trump CAN'T fire Mueller directly. Only rosenstein. So what is it??

Yeah, when I was listening to NPR around 7, they said similar stuff. Plus something about that if they want to fire him, they have to get Congress' approval. So I'm a bit confused now of what protections he has from being removed.
What difference does it make who can fire him? If anyone did it it would cause a shit storm bigger than anything else so far. It ain't gonna happen, and I'd it did Trump is still fucked.


remember me



But what if the AG is under a recusal from the current investigation. Man, John Adams and the boys sure did not think this one through.

Rosenstein is the acting attorney general for this matter

His order actually specifically says those clauses of the CFR apply

Why are we taking twitter posts as factual now? Some guy says he heard from another guy that Trump's team were "shaken". Am I really supposed to without a doubt believe this as truth? Trump and his team are arrogant to a fault. They just won the election and Putin is lining Trumps wallet with our money. Trump and his team of stooges are thrilled that if he doesn't find anything they can destroy this so called "conspiracy campaign" and win the next election.

All we can hope for is at least Trumps loses the second term and we take back the senate and the house.


Where's Trump at? Did he leave to Saudi Arabia, I mean, Soda Arabia?
He's seemed pretty quiet the past 24-36 hours.
Still stateside. Leaves on Friday. Also:
Aides are now urging Trump to tweet and speak cautiously. "I think he actually understands what a mess this is," one person said. "He has lawyers telling him nonstop what the stakes are here."

Trump will spend Thursday at the White House meeting with the president of Colombia and holding a joint news conference in the afternoon.

Then he departs Friday for his first international trip as president: an eight-day, five country journey from Saudi Arabia to Israel to the Vatican to Brussels to Sicily, where he is attempting to shift the narrative away from his domestic crises.


Why are we taking twitter posts as factual now? Some guy says he heard from another guy that Trump's team were "shaken". Am I really supposed to without a doubt believe this as truth? Trump and his team are arrogant to a fault. They just won the election and Putin is lining Trumps wallet with our money. Trump and his team of stooges are thrilled that if he doesn't find anything they can destroy this so called "conspiracy campaign" and win the next election.

All we can hope for is at least Trumps loses the second term and we take back the senate and the house.

I was waiting for this. A reasonable post.
Alright, Neal Katyal (the guy Maddow interviewed) clarified what he meant on twitter:

He's basically just saying that Trump could repeal the regulation that only allows the AG to dismiss a SP.

I don't see that happening though.

Good find. I did find his comment on Maddow about how the president controls the laws (I'm paraphrasing) to be odd, and his twitter follow up makes it clear.


Donald may be reacting maturely right now, but give Mueller a week or two: Donald will be blasting Mueller on Twitter within 4 weeks.
He probably doesn't realize just how fucked he is.
I think he might actually. But I think desperation and anger will make him even more volatile.

He will absolutely be slamming Mulder via 5am tweets in the coming weeks. Or days.

Everything is moving so fast with this (relative to anything remotely comparable). It's insane.


This seems like big news but will GOP still stand for Trump to not lose their voters?

At this point, it's a wait & see for what turns up. They'd oppose a special counsel if they could, but it's already a done deal, so all they can say is that they hope it brings the truth to light.


I was listening to On Point on NPR and all the callers that dialed in felt that this was a "witch hunt." I just sat there incredulous, some were still bringing up Hillary's emails, the other excuse was that we don't know the tone Trump was using when talking to Comey about Flynn, he might have said it in a laughing tone. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I hear shit like that. At least this shit is being taken seriously where it matters.




So Ivanka is useless and both she and her husband are completely ineffective at actually preventing damage to the administration. This combined with Kushner apparently being all-for firing Comey is making it super hard to figure out what specifically they're supposed to offer at this point. It's not being good judges of character, it's not being objective and cautious, it's certainly not standing up for what's right. Trump will never turn on Ivanka but if the media manages to draw enough attention to Kushner I wonder if that could introduce a wedge. He's not blood related family and it's not like Trump believes marriage is forever.
Finally. Today's the day. This is the tipping point. Mueller will not hand-wave and close his eyes and plug his ears. Comey didn't play Trump's games and holds all the cards. The FBI has not taken kindly and will not forgive or forget, nor the CIA, and those in the administration running and hiding in shock and horror up to this point and leaking what they can will be able to step forward for the parade of depositions.

Make America Great Again time.

Evilore, will you Sticky Trump's impeachment/resignation/arrest thread for a year when it finally happens?

Trump just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about FBI culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it's in the election where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in the FBI, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the FBI, after hearing about this, is not going to want to stick their heads in the sand, nor will they listen to any of Trump's ramblings. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Trump has alienated an entire institution with his move.

Trump, publicly apologize and resign or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Bless you for this.

LOL who in their right mind wouldn't jump at a once in a lifetime opportunity like this? This is a no-brainer move, not charity.

Honestly. Those lawyers probably feel like fucking rockstars right now.
meanwhile on breitbart:


LOL Can't wait for the headline: "Trump Owns Up To Collusion; Bravely Marches Himself Into Prison For Sake of American People"

Actually more than likely the headline will be: "9-Year Long Obama Revenge Plot To Jail Trump and Associates Sadly Successful"
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