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Former FBI Director Mueller appointed special counsel for Trump-Russia investigation


I really wish the constitution would immediately vacate all of a president's supreme court justices if that president resigned or is forcibly removed from office. If they're unfit to lead, they're unfit to shape the court.

In a fair and just world, in the event that Trump is removed from office Gorsuch would step down, the new president would nominate Merrick Garland, he would be confirmed, and Gorsuch would just be a footnote of an illegitimate president.

But we don't live in a fair and just world, for the most part.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
So Mueller really is legit then! Also WikiLeaks is smearing him? Wasn't WikiLeaks in trouble with Trump or is that another organization?

Wikileaks is a propaganda arm of the Russian government focused on destabilizing Western geopolitical interests and undermining the credibility of the US democratic process. They openly colluded with RT to that end during the US election, and selectively leaked the DNC emails handed to them by the Russian hackers responsible on a daily basis for months leading up to election day, then immediately moved on to their next set of instructions. They continue to operate under the presently microscopically thin facade of a "whistleblowing organization," but they have consistently ignored any ethical considerations whatsoever, put many innocent civilians' lives at risk for no possible reason other than the destabilization of nations at odds with Russian interests on several occasions now, and, well, as a cherry on top they've done stuff like explicitly tweeting conspiracy theory crap about "(((globalists)))" and did not hesitate at all to launch straight into smearing Edward Snowden the instant he deigned to express concern about Wikileaks' ethics standards.

Same kind of game as RT played when it was entrenching itself as an international media outlet, really. RT began with benign, often quirky-notable reporting that happened to have a particular fondness of targeting English-speaking Western demographics despite reporting primarily on Russian news, in Russia, ostensibly for Russians (strange!), and in doing so established a reputation as a regular ol' news source that would show up along everything else in English-language aggregates like Google News et al, then ramped up the explicit propaganda output while still throwing in plenty of regular, real or real enough press too so that the propaganda would become difficult to distinguish from the rest and be accepted as truth unwittingly. This all worked entirely as planned. In Wikileaks' case, they developed a brand identity and following as a rebellious anti-establishment truth-dispensary whistleblower, and got a lot of millennials rooting for them, fooled unfortunate victims like Chelsea Manning into aiding them and did not protect her or anyone else at all, of course, and this whistleblower long con all masked a gradual but pronounced shift into transparently servicing Russian interests exclusively without this really getting picked up on by its followers, and Western media remained largely oblivious as well, all the way into everyone huffing on their propaganda designed to undermine the US election without most folks realizing it until the damage had already been done and the mission accomplished (probably far beyond their wildest dream outcome...).

Is the Trump admin pissed off at them? Dunno, probably. Regardless of any potential Trump-Putin connection that may come to light in this investigation, Wikileaks is all about that terrorism and anarchy across the Western world, and wouldn't have reason to stay completely hands-off with the current administration to that end, even if a puppet were to be successfully installed here, hypothetically. The US intelligence apparatus is certainly very much at odds with them regardless of whoever's eating paste in the White House.


Was this already posted?
What's the headline for tomorrow GAF?

"Trumps personal bodyguard Kurt Schiller recorded copying the nuclear football operating system onto a USB stIck, uploading it to a server in North Korea. Paul Ryan says he prefers not to leap to conclusions as the president certainly has the authority to declassify anything, prefers to focus on legislative challenges"


I actually think now that a special counsel has been convened we might see some of the leaks die down a bit, especially anything related to Comey. Mueller is historically a no nonsense guy and will likely have a very tight ship for a team in the investigation. Its probably the 'one' silver lining for Trump and his organization that in order to maintain the integrity of the investigation and to give all the tools they need we probably won't hear soon how much people know and when they know to catch people in lies etc. That doesn't mean stuff on capital hill will stop or stuff changing inside the cabinet. As they say rats fleeing a sinking ship, if they feel working for Trump will sink them as well they will jettison very, very fast. At this point we need to be watching what people do rather then what they say. The investigation is no longer exclusively in their control as such they might do things that tell more about how they feel things will go well before any arrests or others actions become known.


What's the headline for tomorrow GAF?
Trump ends up punching someone as he's falling down a flight of stairs.

Fox News spin: Trump finally showing America's strength.

Edit: As a bonus, I think if anything else juicy leaks the GOP and Fox will be chomping at the bit to blame Mueller, making him personally responsible. Just in case they need an 'out' to find him incompetent. So something like; 'Leaks continue despite Mueller's involvement!' as a good starter headline for that particular witch-hunt.


"Trumps personal bodyguard Kurt Schiller recorded copying the nuclear football operating system onto a USB stIck, uploading it to a server in North Korea. Paul Ryan says he prefers not to leap to conclusions as the president certainly has the authority to declassify anything, prefers to focus on legislative challenges"

McCain grumbled. Breaking news.
What's the headline for tomorrow GAF?

Trump was his fall.

What's kind of sad and hilarious is the fact that had he not run for president, putting himself​ under the spotlight, nothing would have happened to him and his dirty empire.

Now Donnie is about to go down with the lot of it.


Trump was his fall.

What's kind of sad and hilarious is the fact that had he not run for president, putting himself​ under the spotlight, nothing would have happened to him and his dirty empire.

Now Donnie is about to go down with the lot of it.

Yeah. I imagine he just ran to help boost his business.

He didn't expect to win the primaries. Then he did.

He expected to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote. Then the opposite happened.
Yeah. I imagine he just ran to help boost his business.

He didn't expect to win the primaries. Then he did.

He expected to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote. Then the opposite happened.

He's truly the biggest idiot in the world if he actually thought he was going to win the popular vote
Yeah. I imagine he just ran to help boost his business.

He didn't expect to win the primaries. Then he did.

He expected to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote. Then the opposite happened.
I have wondered since he won the election how many times he was secretly assured "don't worry, you won't win"

Motherfucker didn't want to be president


He's truly the biggest idiot in the world if he actually thought he was going to win the popular vote

I'm basing this off of how he bashed the electoral system and said how hard it was for a Republican to win on it.

He wanted to be President. He didn't want to do the work of a President
Also this. He seemed to think being president would be like being the CEO of a private business. He also didn't think there'd be so much work since he talked about still handling his businesses while working as president.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
He wanted to be President. He didn't want to do the work of a President

Nah, I swear he didn't want to actually win but rather just wanted the publicity and the ability to say how awful Clinton is running the show and how he would have been the greatest.
I'm basing this off of how he bashed the electoral system and said how hard it was for a Republican to win on it.

I don't ever remember saying much about that until after he won. I mean, he may have, but everyone who knows anything about the college knows it favors GOP lol. What a doofus. I really hate this motherfucker


Keep in mind, he's a pretty honorable guy. After the court found the warrantless wiretappings unconstitutional, he threatened to quit if the White House went against that.

I love the choice personally.

I have some hope after reading this.

One short anecdote illustrates why Robert Mueller has a sterling reputation as a defender of the rule of law, and why he may be exactly the person the country needs in this tumultuous moment. Back in the first days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, there was such white-hot hatred for the perpetrators and suspected terrorists that it spilled over to their American defense lawyers. In those days, even the American Civil Liberties Union backed away from providing legal defense for the detainees at Guantánamo, for fear of the political and public-relations fallout that would ensue. The few lawyers who dared represent these individuals were treated as lepers. At one Washington dinner party, as I report in my book “The Dark Side,” the issue caused guests to turn on Thomas Wilner, a well-heeled corporate law partner who had stepped forward to defend a Guantánamo detainee. According to Wilner, Tom Green, a prominent criminal-defense lawyer at the table, asked him how he could possibly justify representing such a client. Amid the chilly silence that followed, according to Wilner’s account, another guest stood up. It was Mueller, then the F.B.I. director, who raised a glass and said, “I toast Tom Wilner. He is doing what an American should.” Hopefully, Mueller will now do the same.
Nah, I swear he didn't want to actually win but rather just wanted the publicity and the ability to say how awful Clinton is running the show and how he would have been the greatest.

If he didn't want to win, he would have dropped out when he won the primaries, gone on to ghostwrite books and go on the talking circuits and conservative radio about how he could have done it and endlessly tease another run.

He wanted to win. He just didn't want the job.


If he didn't want to win, he would have dropped out when he won the primaries, gone on to ghostwrite books and go on the talking circuits and conservative radio about how he could have done it and endlessly tease another run.

He wanted to win. He just didn't want the job.

If he won the popular vote, he could have gone on afterwards about how he REALLY "won".

AYF 001

I actually think now that a special counsel has been convened we might see some of the leaks die down a bit, especially anything related to Comey. Mueller is historically a no nonsense guy and will likely have a very tight ship for a team in the investigation. Its probably the 'one' silver lining for Trump and his organization that in order to maintain the integrity of the investigation and to give all the tools they need we probably won't hear soon how much people know and when they know to catch people in lies etc. That doesn't mean stuff on capital hill will stop or stuff changing inside the cabinet. As they say rats fleeing a sinking ship, if they feel working for Trump will sink them as well they will jettison very, very fast. At this point we need to be watching what people do rather then what they say. The investigation is no longer exclusively in their control as such they might do things that tell more about how they feel things will go well before any arrests or others actions become known.
It's possible most of the leaks were self-inflicted due to infighting among cabinet members and staffers. I won't mind Mueller running a tight ship meaning less leaks, since they wouldn't want any possible friendly leakers to be counterproductive to an investigation they're rooting for.
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