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Former intelligence chief : trump scandals worse then watergate

Another day another article about the Whitehouse scandals


Can't wait until the comey speech

Some juicy quotes

“I think if you compare the two that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we’re confronting now,” James Clapper told the National Press Club in Canberra.

“I am very concerned about the assault on our institutions coming from both an external source — read Russia — and an internal source, the President himself.”

He said he had been surprised President Trump was “inexplicably so solicitous” of Russia and its leadership after being given evidence of interference in the November US elections.

“Then President-elect Trump disparaged the intelligence community’s highly-confidential assessment of the magnitude and diversity of this Russian interference that I just described by characterising us as Nazis,” he said.

“This was prompted, I found, I realised later, by his and his team’s extreme paranoia about and resentment of any doubt cast on the legitimacy of his election which, of course, our assessment did.”

Goaded by the “Nazi” insult, Mr Clapper telephoned Mr Trump to defend his agents, but instead was asked about the notorious dossier which claimed Mr Trump had been videoed in compromising activities in Moscow.

“I tried, naively as it turned out, to appeal to his higher instincts by pointing out to the US intelligence community that he was about to inherit a national treasure in our country and that the people in it were committed to supporting him and making him successful,” Mr Clapper recalled.

“Ever-transactional, he simply asked me to publicly refute the infamous dossier which I couldn’t and wouldn’t do.”


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I've heard speculation over the last few weeks "Nixon needn't have resigned. Based on what we're seeing now, he would have survived it."


I mean I agree

but no one seems to care

it's baffling

There are 7 billion people around the world with their eyes on the USA that are caring and wondering what's happening. Bush was confusing enough for us but Trump?


lol i hope everything comes out over the next few years and people can reflect on their terrible choices and make some changes

who knows but thats what i hope for

i also want trump and his family paraded around for decades as an example of greed
I've heard speculation over the last few weeks "Nixon needn't have resigned. Based on what we're seeing now, he would have survived it."

If he did, then the specter of him interfering in Vietnam peace talks (which he did) would've been raised and investigated. Also republicans turned on him and Dems held congress.

On Trump, I agree with Clapper here and honestly not since the Depression has the strength of America's bonds and institutions have been stretched. It's a scary time.


The GOP won't give a damn until it hits their pocketbooks or causes them to lose voter support.


Any body with half a brain knows that.

I hope people are not googoeling "watergate" because of this quote.
Oh, that's the famous event where the dam on Lake Superior broke, causing a catastrophic rise in sea level that resulted in the sinking of the Titanic in 2012. Right?

James Cameron had to make the movie early because Leonardo DiCaprio would have been too expensive if Cameron had delayed production until after the sinking occurred.
Well yeah, all leaks point to an executive overreach and obstruction of justice on par with Watergate, all that happened within the first 3 months of the administration. The hamfisted coverup should be a huge scandal by itself. If you compound what they're so desperately trying to cover up, it all seems unprecedented in magnitude, regardless of the outcome.
The revelation today that trump actually went ahead and asked the CIA to halt the FBI investigation is a direct page from Nixon and it was actually the straw that broke the GOP back in committee.

The smoking gun tape where he batted around the idea with Haldernan 5 days after the break in then asked him to go ahead and tell the CIA to tell the FBI to end it.

It makes the obstruction of justice case pretty tight if anyone wanted to make a case out of it.


If anyone can realistically answer this question, America is not a democratic country any more.

If democracy really worked, the Electoral College would have held their votes until after an investigation was completed surrounding the Russian trolls influencing the election.

Instead, they voted for the Putin puppet with zero remorse.




I just don't want Trump and friends to resign, walk away, slap on wrist and maybe not even that. They need prison time and the business torn to shreds. One hell of an example needs to made that US can't be flipped like it has with no consequences.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
His poll numbers are approaching abandon ship territory. The investigation isn't going away. The chances are still good he doesn't finish his term.

I would be surprised if anything happened before they pass the ACHA and maybe a few other key pieces of legislation.

I just don't want Trump and friends to resign, walk away, slap on wrist and maybe not even that. They need prison time and the business torn to shreds. One hell of an example needs to made that US can't be flipped like it has with no consequences.

The likelihood of a pardon is high, in my opinion. In the case of Trump pardoning himself:
If Trump were to pardon himself, and if the courts were to sign off — ultimately meaning the Supreme Court, most likely — there’s not anything anyone could do about it. He’d be pardoned from prosecution for federal crimes under whatever limits he applied to his pardon, up until the point at which the pardon was granted.

If Trump really thinks the Russia investigation is an unfair witch hunt, that blanket of protection may prove remarkably alluring.

Or, like Nixon, his successor.
I just don't want Trump and friends to resign, walk away, slap on wrist and maybe not even that. They need prison time and the business torn to shreds. One hell of an example needs to made that US can't be flipped like it has with no consequences.

You're not the only one who wants this.
I am at the point that I don't want to really hear about it anymore unless the fucker is going down by the end of the week.

More action and less "oh my god shits so bad" and nothing.


Realistically, what are the chances that Trump will get impeached?

It's impossible to tell right now. But I'm going to hazard a guess and say that if it started to look likely Trump would resign before he could be impeached and be pardoned by Pence. So I guess the answer is 0%.
I am at the point that I don't want to really hear about it anymore unless the fucker is going down by the end of the week.

More action and less "oh my god shits so bad" and nothing.
Just tune out as much as you can because this is still in the early stages. Watergate took a long time, too. This is much more serious, involves more people, and has a much wider scope of investigation. It could take up the rest of his term. I mean, we're talking about what is looking like much more than a coverup of a single event. To do it right takes time.


CNN piling on Clapper for this right now. One of their talking heads straight up just laughed in response to Clapper.


CNN piling on Clapper for this right now. One of their talking heads straight up just laughed in response to Clapper.

That's what they're paid to do, fucking CNN

If democracy really worked, the Electoral College would have held their votes until after an investigation was completed surrounding the Russian trolls influencing the election.

Instead, they voted for the Putin puppet with zero remorse.

If the Electoral College actually worked the way it was meant to they would have cast their votes for Clinton who is actually fucking qualified for the position, and won the popular vote, and not for the clearly incompetent buffoon.
Waitaminute there's no way that the pee tape exists and hasn't leaked yet, right?

I honestly don't know what to think about the fact that they were hounding officials about it.
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