Bitch Pudding
That's how I see it.
It makes perfect sense for a person at the caliber of an F1 Driver to be upset at barely losing the ESC.
Also, Hamilton was absolutely the better driver.
So, the best driver sitting in the best car didn't win the championship. Because reasons.
New comment from Toto Wolff, who answered a question from Sky Germany if Hamilton undermined the team's authorata:
"Absolut. Da setzt er auch einen Präzedenzfall - wie wollen wir in Zukunft damit umgehen? Da haben wir dann totale Anarchie, und jeder macht, wie er lustig ist. Da werden wir schon reinhauen."
"Absolutely. He created a precedent there - how will we handle this in the future? It would be total anarchy if everyone does what he wants. We'll make sure that doesn't happen again*." (*doesn't translate well...)