Psychotext said:Could just as easily be that. No idea really.
I'm pretty patient with the whole situation... though having the stand is a bit of a cock tease. :lol
Like someone said on the last page - why does it matter? Are you trying to set leaderboard times during races?DopeyFish said:anyone else having a problem with the lap decertification that occurs randomly when you're racing? i mean, i understand if i was drafting or something, but when i'm in the middle of the road on a straightaway and about 10 seconds away from any car - why does it sometimes randomly decide i did something wrong and flag the lap as a bad lap? also having a bit of a problem as it sometimes flags the next lap automatically (this is driving me NUTS) rawrrrghhhh
BigKaboom2 said:Like someone said on the last page - why does it matter? Are you trying to set leaderboard times during races?
DopeyFish said:yes?
Kentpaul said:Che wtf is going on with your forums
ATT:they are banning people who diss the matchmaking
i payed 40 quid for the game and i get treated like a no voiced jew in 1943 germany shocking
that being said, anyone notice every game on matching is all R1,R2 type cars, and everyone just crashig at the first corner
*flocks to private matches
DopeyFish said:yes?
chespace said:We don't ban anyone who does not violate the TOS.
You can diss matchmaking all you want, but if you insult other forum members or Turn 10, you get the hammer. That sort of feedback isn't constructive.
DarkJC said:Why? It's an exercise in frustration, there's too many random elements, namely the ai, that will cause the lap to be flagged. If you're trying to set high ranking times, I'm not sure why you wouldn't use hot lap. Times you get in there will be way better than when you're racing anyway.
Kentpaul said:glad i live in the uk where this sorta harshness doesnt follow suit
Kentpaul said:glad i live in the uk where this sorta harshness doesnt follow suit
DarkJC said:Why? It's an exercise in frustration, there's too many random elements, namely the ai, that will cause the lap to be flagged. If you're trying to set high ranking times, I'm not sure why you wouldn't use hot lap. Times you get in there will be way better than when you're racing anyway.
Tell me about it, it's been a long time since I played the F1 version but the entire lap was a blast! really well built long track.Zhuk said:Played multiplayer mode all night with a few friends, we had a blast. The updated Fujimi Kaido is some of the best racing i've ever done on any system.
Quite. I had to read that sentence a couple of times as I couldn't quite believe what I had just seen.Brakara said:Then again, you compared being banned on the forum to the Holocaust so I shouldn't be surprised.
Kentpaul said:glad i live in the uk where this sorta harshness doesnt follow suit
Brakara said:Are the two DLC tracks that came with the game (code) integrated into the career mode? I still haven't seen them.
blanky said:no they're not.
The DLC tracks are rather out of place imo, the benchmark ring is just that, a benchmark ring with a playground in the middle, and with the complaints sidewinder got from forza 2 ( i personally like the track) I guess turn10 did not want to include it into the main racing again.Brakara said:That just flat out sucks. And it will also ensure that I'm not going to buy any future DLC tracks. If it's not integrated into the career mode, it might as well not exist for me.
Nyx said:So what's everyone's favorite and least favorite tracks ?
My fav tracks are Maple Valley and Nordschleife, both are very good for high speed racing.
My least favorite tracks are New York and Sebring.
Diablohead said:The DLC tracks are rather out of place imo, the benchmark ring is just that, a benchmark ring with a playground in the middle, and with the complaints sidewinder got from forza 2 ( i personally like the track) I guess turn10 did not want to include it into the main racing again.
I hope that turn10 are working on another mammoth circuit which is huge, they work so well in forza 3.
duderon said:Just found the time trial races. Very poorly placed, they're hidden in the leaderboard menu for anyone else that's looking.
MaizeRage25 said:Could you tell me how to find them? Looked the other night but no luck.
Kentpaul said:private matches are the way to go
every match making game i seem to join its all R1,R2 race car races,
Everyone spinning out at the start then crashing at the first corner
you cant beat a class F raceboth slowly driving along then dropping from third to second for the over take
I come in here to post this.Hired a driver to complete the race while I say that this game is so fantastic.If Turn 10 brings games like this they can have my money.NeoGIF said:To Che and the rest of the Turn 10 gang, words alone can't describe how incredible this game is. I am beyond impressed. Job well done.
Zhuk said:Played multiplayer mode all night with a few friends, we had a blast. The updated Fujimi Kaido is some of the best racing i've ever done on any system.
RSTEIN said:I can't believe how powerful the Peugot is. Everyone else in the race picked R3/R2 cars too. I was starting 4th and I just BLEW past everyone. It was like I was playing a different game :lol The car just flat out dominates.
h3ro said:That Xbox360 logo on the side is good for +300HP.
I also had this issue last night.Tokubetsu said:Everytime i go to upload my movie it says it wasn't successfully uploaded. What could be causing that?
I have this issue as well when friends sign on. (and had it with the demo) It was also mentioned in the Inside Sim Racing review. It really stutters quite a bit.Tashi0106 said:Anyone else play with notifications turned off? Anytime I get an Achievement or a friend signs on while I'm racing the game drops frames like CRAZY causing me to crash. I turned them off last night and didn't realize I unlocked like 10 achievements.