Spaceman Spiff said:This damn game has me completely addicted. I've had just a few hours' sleep for the last two nights, and while I regret it during the day, FM3 is so fucking good that I just can't stop.
I'm up to level 35 now, and the FXX you are gifted is a fucking beast. It just destroys all comers in R3.
Rizob said:It looks like i've found the problem. Going by this post in the official forum, there appears to be a bug where the game will change your view if you look at the leaderboards after each race. This is something i always do as i love to see how i'm doing compared to my friends. I guess not many people on here look at the leaderboards then?![]()
Xamdou said:I wonder what happend to the drivatars, highly talked about feature in the first 2 games now completely gone now?
ShapeGSX said:The URL works for everyone, not just LCE owners.
Is Turn 10 using the honor system or the banning system to keep it in the hands of LCE owners? :lol
BlinkGT said:I won't play online as much time as i did in Forza 2, i think. :/
Sorry for complaining but i'm so disappointed, actually.
Lvl 45, by the way.![]()
chixdiggit said:I would like more opinions on this as well. I had the wheel for Forza 2, had fun with it but the controller was so much easier to use. Now I hear that the wheel works better with Forza 3.
Jonsoncao said:holy shit...first time logging into this game and leaderboard already near 500k ppl?
Oct NPD should be interesting :lol
Chipy Brady said:Is it worth putting a lot of cash into my starting car? I picked the Fiesta. Should I ditch it as soon as I can (or can it be turned into a monster)? I have about 26k and recently got a 4WD Alfa for reaching level 2, so I'm thinking of putting the cash into that one instead.
Truelize said:Am I the only one that is finding that all the cars drive pretty much the same perfect line?
Maybe it's because I'm still early in my season play but it seems that the cars (especially the lead two or three) drive exactly the same lines. Like they all brake at the same time, for the same amount of time, hold their turns for the same length etc...
DarkJC said:Essentially, use what you like. You'll be getting a car each time you level up, so in a short time you'll have a bunch of pretty good cars in your garage. Don't worry about saving up money to buy a new one (unless you have your eye on something), upgrade what you have if thats what you're going to use in the next event.
I picked the Fiesta as a starting car too. Haven't used it since I got something else, personally.
Buy it from a store. Keep the receipt. Return the copy that was shipped to you.Lé Blade Runner said:I am getting a bad feeling about this day.
First off, reading your enthusiastic replies is making my stomach ache.
Secondly, it is 11:40 AM, and I still haven't heard a clunk ( a sound which the game hitting the mailbox would produce )...
It seems plausible that I will have yet another Forza-less weekend. Ah well. Fortunately I still have Uncharted 2 to finish.
ShapeGSX said:The URL works for everyone, not just LCE owners.
antiquegamer said:Controller is still easier, but wheel is a lot more FUN.
Chorazin said:Not to mention when you use Rewind, it also REWINDS THE FUCKING WHEEL. And it's not gentle either, it's a violent recreation of how you drove during the Rewind period.
Chorazin said:I totally disagree. I bought the wheel when it first came out, and every time a new racer comes out, I forget how much I HATE playing with the wheel and give it a try. Man, it's just not fun to me to fight against the wheel. Not to mention when you use Rewind, it also REWINDS THE FUCKING WHEEL. And it's not gentle either, it's a violent recreation of how you drove during the Rewind period.
Chorazin said:Not to mention when you use Rewind, it also REWINDS THE FUCKING WHEEL. And it's not gentle either, it's a violent recreation of how you drove during the Rewind period.
Ah, thanks for that. I can go back to checking the leaderboards after each race then, but will just make sure to leave it on the 'Top Leaders' filter when i exit.Iknos said:Yeah when you press X to change leaderboard screens you also swap views at the same time as that is the button to change views in the game.
When you go back to the "top leaders" filter it takes you back to the view you are using. That could be why few noticed. I typically cycle through all the leaderboards and go back to that first one which ultimately takes me back to the view I was using.
Diablohead said:Right, my M3 after tons of tuning just can't equal the S5's, but I can keep up with the R8's now and even outbreak them in corners![]()
Time to make a powerhouse for A class, this time I think a Merc instead of a bmw.
DeuceMojo said:Brakara, I bought that Mondrian M5 design, which brings it up to a total of FIVE downloaded. :lol
I figured that dude's time was worth 1,000cr.
Anyoneelseobsessively upgrade cars to the point of having every conceivable upgrade option available for that car so it can race in like 3 or 4 different classes? Not that I would waste my time and hundreds of thousands of credits doing this, no siree, not me... :lol But if I did, I would call it Forza OCD.
2600 said:I decided to use the clutch all the time. I asked a bit earlier in the thread if anyone had some basic pointers on the ideal use of the clutch. I'm still still trying to work out if it's best to let off the gas at all, how long to hold in the clutch, etc. I mean in terms of what's ideal for getting the smoothest/fastest gear change. It seems like my car makes a bit of grinding noise almost every time, so it may mean I've not got the method down yet. I switched the clutch to the A button too (I'm using the controller).
I think I read somewhere that the fastest gear-switching times you'll be able to achieve will be when using the manual clutch. So in the long run I'm thinking it may be worth it.
DeuceMojo said:Brakara, I bought that Mondrian M5 design, which brings it up to a total of FIVE downloaded. :lol
I figured that dude's time was worth 1,000cr.
kazinova said:Put the clutch on a shoulder button, i'm thinking of using RB instead of LB.
Clutch gear change procedure:
Yeah but he can go poke the coders or something since he works for turn10m0dus said:Che's not a programmer. Just a head's up ;-)
m0dus said:Che's not a programmer. Just a head's up ;-)
h3ro said:Is the amount of XP we get per race dependent on the PI or difficulty we use for the race, or is it a set amount per race?
chespace said:It's set by distance driven and time.
kirbybreezy said:Can LCE exlusive cars be bought or sold (or gifted) at the Auction House?
Like many others I am trying to stay away from buying LE games. Especially those that withhold gaming content that was probably in the original version but removed to beef up the LE
LCfiner said:Not quite, no. but I do like driving that 1993 (?) M3 coupe a lot so I have it set up for B, C and D class events.