Spaceman Spiff
Tracks are well and good, but as long as one of those expansion packs is a Porsche Pack v2.0, I will be a happy man.
No prices for anything.bravo Fistexe for the find!
so, just like I predicted.....
are by any chance the prices for the super pass (and the expansion pass) up?
No time for comedy Madcatz, what's the real price?
Aliasing looks rough on that new video but shouldn't it look better, if it's being downsampled from 1080p to 720p?
Aliasing looks rough on that new video but shouldn't it look better, if it's being downsampled from 1080p to 720p?
Oh boy, this thread will be fun when they announce the price of that passes.
Oh boy, this thread will be fun when they announce the price of that passes.
For a game i'm going to be playing for at least the next two years i don't mind spending the retail amount again - similar with BF4. It's what's in the packs that will decide whether it's worth my coinage or not.
Yeah I think it was posted last night.
Gamespot's Forza piece from yesterday is up on YouTube too, got to see the Catalunya and Bathurst footage I missed earlier.
boy that rewind really does kill that immersion.
For a game i'm going to be playing for at least the next two years i don't mind spending the retail amount again - similar with BF4. It's what's in the packs that will decide whether it's worth my coinage or not.
Absolutely, but the problem lies in getting less than before for a much higher price combined with the fact that part of that content is already made and could very well be free for added value. Right now with the lack of wheel support for any device that I might buy and the amount of content compared to the previous installations makes the value for money too low for me at the moment.For a game i'm going to be playing for at least the next two years i don't mind spending the retail amount again - similar with BF4. It's what's in the packs that will decide whether it's worth my coinage or not.
if they do three Forza games during the generation, I'd want tracks and cars to work like Rock Band. If I pay for the now, I want them to work for free on future games. Especially if they aren't remade for future games (which they shouldn't need to be)
Absolutely, but the problem lies in getting less than before for a much higher price combined with the fact that part of that content is already made and could very well be free for added value...
Guys, if you want some Forza videos, check out the Smartglass app that was just placed on the WP marketplace. Been watching some of he community bids that have been uploaded. Watched Arthur Gies suck it up on the Top Gear test track in an old school Beemer.
Agreed, the amount of cars isn't that bad considered that most of them have been significantly upgraded, but it is no longer such a selling point it was. But for me the amount of track is really, really bad; probably enough for me to lose interest way faster than I'd like to and we haven't really been informed that there will be very many coming either. Simply put, when compared to pCARS with planned 100-ish cars and almost 40 tracks at the base price when FM5 will probably have 250 cars and 20 tracks at most with price at well over 120 it no longer feels that great of a purchase. Probably there lies the reason for me for waiting for FM6 or picking 5 from bargain bin when I do get XB1.You're right, of course, but i already resigned myself to this being a diet version of Forza due to the gen transition so more stuff - depending on what it actually is - is fine by me, really. If these expansions are tracks + cars (it reads that way, i think...) in addition to the car pass then there should be a wealth for us to pick and choose from. Hopefully the expansions we'll see the sort of effort and quality that the Porsche pack brought.
wow, there goes one 7 mark for forza right thereWatched Arthur Gies suck it up on the Top Gear test track in an old school Beemer.
I don't know.
But everytime they announce something like that, I feel like getting kicked in the balls.
They established a certain standard with the previous games in the series, I always got like 400 cars and a decent amount of tracks.
But now I feel like getting half the content and having to pay an insane amount of money to get the other half that was there in the past right away.
Those bastards.
Starving us for tracks and selling them back to us.
i'm buying it
No way to save clip from within the app, about you guys with wp finding a way to share with us, the rest of ios/android peasants?
Sure hope the "Expansions" aren't just tracks but proper race series including tracks and cars!
IE: ALMS Expansion with Long Beach, Road America, + race cars would be nice
more like 3 ribbons and 5 cars for the total pack.
(love to be wrong here, but just saying...)
Anyone notice that you can see the HUD in the reflections of the cars?
it's a 720p video, though.
And here is Prague in a near final version
Are we really trying to see details in those shots?
New build has more details, green tent thing for the cameraman has a decal
unless you point the things out I am not seeing much difference. It's not like we did not expect the final track to look a bit different, but this is just nitpicking.
rip ao?
I don't know dude. I'm trying to pad things down because I don't want to step on any toes, but from both a technical and aesthetic perspective, it looks pretty significant in areas.
Obviously it's not conclusive given the extreme compression and video sizes (near final version being 1080p footage, the original E3 footage being 720p), and different views (cockpit vs outside) etc, but to me at least it looks like there may have been a few downgrades in areas. I like that they've toned down bloom in certain segments, and that they've added glass to certain windows etc, but overall IQ, cleanliness, lighting and in areas, AO and texture/geometry detail just seems to have taken a dive.
I am optimistic about ........
I am going to be POSITIVE here, and guess that the UBER pass is something they recently figured out, so that the TOTAL dlc cost will be a bit lower, like maybe 15% (HOPEFULLY MORE GREEDY DAN) for those that want to buy all. (car packs+expansions packs)Why the FUCK wouldn't Turn10 announce this Ultimate Pass at the same time as the car pass? Seriously, if this is real, it needs to be brought to attention now so that those of us who are dedicated enough to give you our money can do it properly.