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FRIDAY NIGHT [OT] - Official NeoGAF Weekend Kickoff


Gold Member
Drugs. Mental issues.

Frustrated Daniel Day Lewis GIF

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Happy Friday to you as well! I pooped about a hour and a half ago lol
No coincidence then that my unread email count this morning was:

I believe it now to be true what I've long suspected but never uttered before--our bowels are locked across space time. We are one solitary pooping unit. And therefor, I must also respect your body as a temple in addition to my own. May we eat heartily, my colon brother, but may we also eat well so that we may eat for many years to come.


I don't.. well. I do know why but whenever I think about it it makes me smile. First comment is also pretty good.



I think I'm going to go have a edible for lunch.

There isn't anything I need to be sober for happening today and it's -42 outside so I'm not leaving the house (doubt my car would start anyways).

Tunes, Chores and then Final Fantasy 7 Remake for the rest of the Friday.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Been sick and stressed all week from MAGFest prep, but I finally finished most of my deadlines, and everything I’m responsible for has either shipped or arrived.

I can’t really afford to unwind today or this weekend, but I did have a nice big glass of wine for lunch. Next week is the event, where I’ll be surrounded by and responsible for 26,000 nerds.

Pray for me GAF.


A random thought just popped in my mind. I never ever want to be on any substance besides alcohol if Dwight Schrute was real and in my vicinity


Gold Member

I was merely pointing out the one positive.

Messed me up pretty badly as well.
I experienced psychosis only once and I never touched the stuff again. Because I had smoked it for so long my consciousness and reality was completely turned upside down on its head. I locked myself away for a year and had a nervous breakdown basically.


I'm sorry to hear that man.. yeah I was smoking while not knowing i had some severe mental stuff going on. Had to go to a psychiatric hospital for some months (volentary) and got very paranoid, developed ticks and gained lots of weight.

In the coming 2+ decades I've got the diagnosis ASS, ADD, and CPTSS and more. Didn't dare to leave my house for years etc. So yeah. I'm right there with you. *handshake
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