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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!


Another great episode. That's what I thought Bell had left Walter when they first read the will. Wasn't sure though when he didn't say anything afterwards though. I loved when he called Astrid, Aspirin :lol . That was good. The deafening sequence reminded me a bit of when they did that noise-cancelling sequence last year. This was cooler though I think. Anyway, strongest first two episodes to a season for Fringe yet I'd say. I do think I preferred the premiere to this week a bit, but I loved them both so not sure. They were kind of great for different reasons I guess. Glad to get a full dose of Walter though again. Great stuff. Astrid was good this episode too.
Solo said:
Makes sense, scheduling/sweeps-wise. Also seems about the perfect length for this arc. Not undercooked, but not dragged out.
Bout how long it took for Season 1 to get bad ass. Episode 10 in season one was "Safe" which was where all the stuff came together and the show just elevated.

And I know there is going to be a hiatus for this season, so perhaps after the merging there will be a HUGE cliffhanger.


Yaweee said:
I suspect next week's is what the creators call a "Myth-Alone" like White Tulip; an unrelated case that has a distinct and important spot in character development.

If its at the quality of that episode, it can be as "myth-alone" as it likes. Throughout all of S1, and most of S2, Ability was the best episode of Fringe, and I was starting to wonder when or if it would be topped. White Tulip was the episode that topped it for me. Granted, it only held the title for a week or two before the current champion (The Man From The Other Side) took over, but still. Damned fine episode.

If S3 follows the S1/S2 pattern and only gets BETTER from here, than The Man From The Other Side will be topped too in no time.
Solo said:
If its at the quality of that episode, it can be as "myth-alone" as it likes. Throughout all of S1, and most of S2, Ability was the best episode of Fringe, and I was starting to wonder when or if it would be topped. White Tulip was the episode that topped it for me. Granted, it only held the title for a week or two before the current champion (The Man From The Other Side) took over, but still. Damned fine episode.

If S3 follows the S1/S2 pattern and only gets BETTER from here, than The Man From The Other Side will be topped too in no time.
Man From the Other Side. Fucking A. As a single episode, that is the king for me. The whole time you think Newton is doing this to bring an army or a machine, but it is for just ONE SINGLE MAN. Just something so creepy and sinister about that.

Over There is right behind it, if just for the opening half of part one. But "Man From the Other Side" is just about perfect.


PhoncipleBone said:
Man From the Other Side. Fucking A. As a single episode, that is the king for me. The whole time you think Newton is doing this to bring an army or a machine, but it is for just ONE SINGLE MAN. Just something so creepy and sinister about that.

Definitely. And for a show steeped in the macabre and filled with lots of creepy images, I thought the most sinister and off putting one in the whole show yet was the single ghostly visage that Peter witnesses crossing the bridge, which of course ended up being Walternate.
Solo said:
Definitely. And for a show steeped in the macabre and filled with lots of creepy images, I thought the most sinister and off putting one in the whole show yet was the single ghostly visage that Peter witnesses crossing the bridge, which of course ended up being Walternate.
When I saw the single man walking down the bridge, I told my wife "That better be the other Walter. I WANT Evil Walter."

And my prayers were answered.

As much as I love having an Evil Walter, he is not a villain I hate. Walternate is a scary villain in the fact that he is a genius, powerful, and has very few visible moral scruples. But now, in Fauxlivia, I have a villain I can HATE! I am so glad to have a villain that I hate and want horrible things to happen to.


Interesting to see that next week's episode seems like a MOTW for the altiverse. I don't think it will be White Tulip level though because John Noble would need to be involved, because he acted the FUCK out of that one. Damn.


PhoncipleBone said:
I am so glad to have a villain that I hate and want horrible things to happen to.

I'd assume some of the Olivia/Fauxlivia slash-fan-fiction discussed a few pages ago goes there.
CrankyJay said:
Interesting to see that next week's episode seems like a MOTW for the altiverse. I don't think it will be White Tulip level though because John Noble would need to be involved, because he acted the FUCK out of that one. Damn.
And Walter Bishop vs. Buckaroo Banzai in "White Tulip." Hard to top that.

Yaweee said:
I'd assume some of the Olivia/Fauxlivia slash-fan-fiction discussed a few pages ago goes there.
Unless some of those fanfics have Fauxlivia being punished with certain add-ons, I dont care. But I must admit, the idea of seeing Anna Torv do depraved sexual acts to her twin does sound yummy.


Fantastic episode.

Better than the first.

Not sure though if the episode is actually better because of the story or because I like our universe characters so much more than alt universe.

1. Peter >>> no Peter: Peter and Walter scenes are some of my favorite parts of the show
2. Astrid >>> no Astrid: Again her interactions with Walter is great.
3. Altivia >>> Olivia: I'm hating Altivia but I'm suppose to, Torv is doing a much better job with Sinister Altivia than boring monotone Olivia.
4. Walter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Walternate: Walter is the main reason why I'm staying with this show not some evil "OMG lets destroy world" villian.

Broyles I feel the same for each and couldn't care less about Charlie. Also find Altivia's partner in our universe interesting.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I have to say that i am loving this show more and more each season. I used to think this show was nothing more than a carbon copy of the x-files now i see this show is willing to take chances. Had this been the x-files we would have had 8 seasons of talking about the alternate universe but not actually going there.

Let me in

I'm really intrigued by this notion of "ancient tech" or "old tech." I can't wait to learn how it all goes together, and how, being ancient, it all pertains to Peter and his DNA.

Oh, and are we still seeing observers in every episode? They fit in to this whole idea somehow, curious to see where they're popping up at.

I love this show, support it all the way. Hope more people start watching.

Edit: answered my own question


ccbfan said:
3. Altivia >>> Olivia: I'm hating Altivia but I'm suppose to, Torv is doing a much better job with Sinister Altivia than boring monotone Olivia.

Or maybe that's exactly how Olivia is written.


Let me in said:
I'm really intrigued by this notion of "ancient tech" or "old tech." I can't wait to learn how it all goes together, and how, being ancient, it all pertains to Peter and his DNA.

Oh, and are we still seeing observers in every episode? They fit in to this whole idea somehow, curious to see where they're popping up at.

I love this show, support it all the way. Hope more people start watching.

Edit: answered my own question


Why are the parts split across two dimensions? That might be the first major sign that these two dimensions aren't just two of an infinite number, as was suggested in previous episodes.

Observers, First People, Ancient Technology, Potentially rogue Observers that knew Walter's Father, Un-aging Nazis that worked with Walter's Father...

So many interesting places for the story to go.

Let me in

Yaweee said:

Why are the parts split across two dimensions? That might be the first major sign that these two dimensions aren't just two of an infinite number, as was suggested in previous episodes.

Observers, First People, Ancient Technology, Potentially rogue Observers that knew Walter's Father, Un-aging Nazis that worked with Walter's Father...

So many interesting places for the story to go.
Agreed about the dimensions, I think there's only two. Speculation:
I actually think that this machine doesn't just "destroy." Maybe it was created to split a dimension into two from one (hence the pieces in two dimensions) and it also has the power to unify the dimensions once again, which would still cause destruction according to the law that says two objects can't exist in the same time/place concurrently. I think this is even more likely once we get confirmation that there's only two dimensions.

Either that, or a group/individual we're already aware of purposefully split up the machine into its component parts to prevent disaster.
THE GREATEST EVER. That little fuckers head exploded!!!!!




I was kind of worried that alt-Olivia would start to see the wonderfulness of our 'verse, and while that may eventually happen, I was glad to see her kill that dude in cold blood. It wouldn't make sense for her to sympathize with our 'verse when it has nearly destroyed hers.


So great. Much better than the premiere.

The mythology is building in such an interesting way, I'm really not sure where it's going to go (and I love it).


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Pretty good episode tonight. A nice mixture of the team trying to solve a crazy Fringe event while still tying directly into the mythology. It was a little understated, but it might be one of my favs of the series. It wasn't "OMG EPIC" but it just felt like what Fringe should feel like.

It wasn't without several stupid moments, though.

"Let's make out on my living room couch to keep you from seeing the blood seeping into the room!" Makes complete sense. Keep him in the house/in the room. And the whole sequence ended up being useless, because it cut away and never even SHOWED them leaving the apt :lol

Also Peter "diffusing" the "bomb." It wasn't a bomb! There was no threat of explosion! Why is he clipping wires??? Just smash the fucking thing! :lol


I'm really liking this Olivia-alternate. because every time Pete and Walter do something u know she's a step ahead. Also, she capping the deaf guy. damn

they actually showed hobbit's head exploding on a non-cable show

really digging this season. looking forward to next episode. back to red-intro


CrankyJay said:
Or maybe that's exactly how Olivia is written.

This. I never understand the complaints about Anna Torv's acting ability. Olivia was always meant to be socially reserved, not very emotive, and a bit melancholic. In contrast, AltLivia is a happy individual and extrovert and it shows on her face. It's actually kind of creepy how different she is from Olivia. She's looking pretty and model-like while the real Olivia is dressed plainly, hair combed straight and in ponytail.


So I was a bit confused near the end there. How did the midget get down the tunnel? I thought it was kinda implied that he opened it on the bench when the dude left. And even if he wandered down the tunnel a bit before opening it, it apparently still affected the people on the platform, so how did it not affect all the agents standing around on the platform?

jax (old)

KevinCow said:
So I was a bit confused near the end there. How did the midget get down the tunnel? I thought it was kinda implied that he opened it on the bench when the dude left. And even if he wandered down the tunnel a bit before opening it, it apparently still affected the people on the platform, so how did it not affect all the agents standing around on the platform?

yeah, not sure how the midget was able to walk away when no one who can hear survived it.


CrankyJay said:
Interesting to see that next week's episode seems like a MOTW for the altiverse. I don't think it will be White Tulip level though because John Noble would need to be involved, because he acted the FUCK out of that one. Damn.

My favorite lines (and delivery) of the whole series comes from that ep. Walter to Robocop:

"Then allow me to serve as a precautionary tale. There will be repercussions if you pull Arlette from that car. You don't know how things will be changed by your actions, but they will. It's not our place to adjust the universe. And you will never be able to look at her again without knowing that, just like every time I look at my son. I have traveled through madness to figure this out. And you will too."


GDJustin said:
Also Peter "diffusing" the "bomb." It wasn't a bomb! There was no threat of explosion! Why is he clipping wires??? Just smash the fucking thing! :lol

They wanted to study and possibly use it.


So something about last night's episode has been bothering me. Right before the train came up behind Peter he put the clamps on that last set of tubes and the meter spiked, telling Peter and us that the device wasn't diffused.

Then Altivia comes up and saves him. Shouldn't that have tipped Peter off immediately? I'm thinking that people from the other side might not be prone to that frequency or something. Or are we to assume that the train was loud enough to blank out a supersonic frequency? :lol


CrankyJay said:
So something about last night's episode has been bothering me. Right before the train came up behind Peter he put the clamps on that last set of tubes and the meter spiked, telling Peter and us that the device wasn't diffused.

Then Altivia comes up and saves him. Shouldn't that have tipped Peter off immediately? I'm thinking that people from the other side might not be prone to that frequency or something. Or are we to assume that the train was loud enough to blank out a supersonic frequency? :lol

The Box didn't reach to the people next door (in the beginning of the episode), so it presumably has a limited range.


there is joy in sucking dick
CrankyJay said:
So something about last night's episode has been bothering me. Right before the train came up behind Peter he put the clamps on that last set of tubes and the meter spiked, telling Peter and us that the device wasn't diffused.

Actually I believe it was diffused. The meter dropped to 0 right when he started to notice the light from the coming train.


gdt5016 said:
The Box didn't reach to the people next door (in the beginning of the episode), so it presumably has a limited range.

At that point Altivia was right next to him and the device was still presumably active. I thought the thing was run over by the train which is what shut it off.


Ratings for last night are in. Down a bit, but down less than most other shows compared to last week and growing a bit in its second half-hour (which most shows did as The Office bleeds viewers going in to Outsourced).


Subconscious Brolonging
Another fantastic episode, this season is off to a great start. The whole subway sequence was fantastic and even Anna Torv is bringing her A game.

And First People tech in our universe? Fuck yes.

Ratings for last night are in. Down a bit, but down less than most other shows compared to last week and growing a bit in its second half-hour (which most shows did as The Office bleeds viewers going in to Outsourced).

God, Fringe's time slot is brutal. CSI, Grey's Anatomy, The Office? Ratings are down but it's doing respectable all things considered and think Fox recognizes that. If it can hold steady all season I think we'll see a fourth season.

big ander

This weeks episode was spectacular.
I love that Peter and Walter are having such uncomfortable scenes. This is the kind of thing where they need to spend even a good season to have Walter reconcile with Peter. The destructive act that defines the two gives them so much to work with, and both are really hitting it out of the park.
So glad to have Walter the mad scientist back this week too. Between bacon pudding, rock music, and a chocolate cow, he was hilarious.
Astrid should still get more this season. Over There she's a boring drone. Here, she cares for Walter. You wanna know what would be awesome? If he gave her a management position at MD. She's shown that she gets stuff done, so she could work directly under Walter at MD to do research of other stuff. I dunno.
The MD transfer also opens a ton of possibilities and could change the way investigations go down. Now, Walter has those vast resources, and while he'll probably figure cases out better on his own, I'm sure they'll still be of help.
Bolivia is a cold-blooded mega bitch. She's also really hot. It's surprising though, because Bolivia isn't that great of a character. She's cool as a skilled soldier, but beyond that she's just a fake. Our Olivia is actually compelling now. Which only means that both sides of the story for this season should be amazing.
I love Newton.
The deafened sequence was excellent. The sound (and lack thereof) was very good there and made the sequence super tense.
My personal theory: the First People planted these devices, and they want universes to destroy each other. They want one true universe to emerge. I'm hoping they become the villains later on.
This show has been playing on a whole new level lately. I love it.


I really fucking hate Brandon. Can they pull a Strangers on a Train with Olivia and Alt-Olivia? Criss-cross, swap murders. Olivia kills Alt-Brandon, and in exchange Alt-Olivia kills Brandon.

Rewatching the two recent episodes. A list of the opening "phenomena" and blurbs taken mostly from wikipedia:

SINGULARITY- The standard meaning is pretty obvious, but it could be referring to Techonological Singularity, which might tie into the ZFT and the other dimension's tech advancement. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity
SPECIATION "Speciation is the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise."
SYNESTHESIA- "a neurologically-based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway." Really not all that interesting, but it may relate to Olivia's perception of the other side, sensing one property (being from the other world) via a difference in a different sense (sight).
TRANSHUMANISM- "an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities."
NEURAL NETWORKS "the modern usage of the term often refers to artificial neural networks, which are composed of artificial neurons or nodes."
TRANSCENDENCE- no hits directly related to science, but its meanings related to philosophy and religion are interesting. Observers, perhaps?
RETROCOGNITION "knowledge of a past event which could not have been learned or inferred by normal means"

The phenomena are completely the same for both universes, so the only difference is the color. In the S2 finale, FIRST PEOPLE was the only difference listed. This season's seem to tend towards advanced concepts rather than specific technologies or scientific developments.

Will we get another villain named after David Bowie?
Robert David Jones was Bowie's birth name.
Thomas Jerome Newton was a movie character played by Bowie.

big ander

Yaweee said:
I really fucking hate Brandon. Can they pull a Strangers on a Train with Olivia and Alt-Olivia? Criss-cross, swap murders. Olivia kills Alt-Brandon, and in exchange Alt-Olivia kills Brandon.

Rewatching the two recent episodes. A list of the opening "phenomena" and blurbs taken mostly from wikipedia:

SINGULARITY- The standard meaning is pretty obvious, but it could be referring to Techonological Singularity, which might tie into the ZFT and the other dimension's tech advancement. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity
SPECIATION "Speciation is the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise."
SYNESTHESIA- "a neurologically-based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway." Really not all that interesting, but it may relate to Olivia's perception of the other side, sensing one property (being from the other world) via a difference in a different sense (sight).
TRANSHUMANISM- "an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities."
NEURAL NETWORKS "the modern usage of the term often refers to artificial neural networks, which are composed of artificial neurons or nodes."
TRANSCENDENCE- no hits directly related to science, but its meanings related to philosophy and religion are interesting. Observers, perhaps?
RETROCOGNITION "knowledge of a past event which could not have been learned or inferred by normal means"


The phenomena are completely the same for both universes, so the only difference is the color. In the S2 finale, FIRST PEOPLE was the only difference listed. This season's seem to tend towards advanced concepts rather than specific technologies or scientific developments.

Will we get another villain named after David Bowie?
Robert David Jones was Bowie's birth name.
Thomas Jerome Newton was a movie character played by Bowie.
You want to know what would be more hilarious? MD should invent a technology that keeps only a head alive. Brandon should become the first head-in-a-box. I'd love for him to just be talking while they do research :lol Really though I don't hate him. Seems like just a huge nerd.

The bolded titles are the ones I think are coolest. Especially transcendence. Gonna go research (google) it right now.

We should have Tesla time travel and be a villain.
Or there could be a villain who calls himself Jareth the Goblin King.
Holy SHIT I did not see that coming.

Fringe going all Angel Season 5 on us.

Great episode. Bloviate fucking sucks. I hate her. (Obvs, as I am supposed to.)

big ander

BenjaminBirdie said:
Holy SHIT I did not see that coming.

Fringe going all Angel Season 5 on us.

Great episode. Bloviate fucking sucks. I hate her. (Obvs, as I am supposed to.)
Seriously, but her bitchness is beyond just hating her. I want to see her burn. Her and especially Walternate. Walternate is making her do all this with his war propaganda, but she shoots a nice fucking deaf man in the head and then tries to fuck her double's romantic interest.
To be fair, the deaf man wasn't that innocent either.

But yeah, not cool :/

She must really hate our world if she can't see that people on this side are just normal folks who don't plan attack on her universe etc. When she sends Newton away I actually thought she wanted to let the deaf man live.

big ander

SolidusDave said:
To be fair, the deaf man wasn't that innocent either.

But yeah, not cool :/

She must really hate our world if she can't see that people on this side are just normal folks who don't plan attack on her universe etc. When she sends Newton away I actually thought she wanted to let the deaf man live.
So did I. And maybe I thought about the deaf man wrong; I thought the deaf man's cousin just brought him along for the job to help him make some cash. My assumption was that the deaf man was reluctant about doing the job. That could be completely wrong.
Still, you're right. You'd think Bolivia would see that they're not a world of invaders. Maybe she thinks their Fringe division is just keeping it under wraps? Who knows.
big ander said:
So did I. And maybe I thought about the deaf man wrong; I thought the deaf man's cousin just brought him along for the job to help him make some cash. My assumption was that the deaf man was reluctant about doing the job. That could be completely wrong.
possible. Though I assume it was not the first crime he participated in (to help out his cousin).

Still, you're right. You'd think Bolivia would see that they're not a world of invaders. Maybe she thinks their Fringe division is just keeping it under wraps? Who knows.

well, I guess you could compare it to rl terrorists / sleeper cells as they will continue with their mission even though they must have contact with nice/normal people.
Though I think there is still a little chance Bolivia will turn to our side if she's confronted with "her" sister+niece+Peter (maybe just to sacrifice herself blablabla)


PhoncipleBone said:
When I saw the single man walking down the bridge, I told my wife "That better be the other Walter. I WANT Evil Walter."

And my prayers were answered.

As much as I love having an Evil Walter, he is not a villain I hate. Walternate is a scary villain in the fact that he is a genius, powerful, and has very few visible moral scruples. But now, in Fauxlivia, I have a villain I can HATE! I am so glad to have a villain that I hate and want horrible things to happen to.

Stay away from my fauxlivia.

She is awesome.
Jerk 2.0 said:
Stay away from my fauxlivia.

She is awesome.
Oh, I love her too. I love having a villain that I just HATE. And I mean HATE HATE. They are the best. Much like Nina Meyers on 24. You love anytime they show up because they are evil, smart, and badass. But when they finally get what is coming...it is all the sweeter.


PhoncipleBone said:
Oh, I love her too. I love having a villain that I just HATE. And I mean HATE HATE. They are the best. Much like Nina Sharpe on 24. You love anytime they show up because they are evil, smart, and badass. But when they finally get what is coming...it is all the sweeter.

I am not exactly seem much 'evil' from her though...


Jerk 2.0 said:
I am not exactly seem much 'evil' from her though...

Shooting an unarmed, (mostly) innocent deaf man who came to you because he wanted to help in the back of the head seems kinda evil to me.

But maybe that's just me.
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