Larson Conway
Nina Sharp and her twin globes. She WAS on to something. OH YESivysaur12 said:The fact that she broke the snow globe... Oh man!
Nina Sharp and her twin globes. She WAS on to something. OH YESivysaur12 said:The fact that she broke the snow globe... Oh man!
I have to agree. :lolbig ander said:tonighttonighttonighttonightTONIGHT ander said:tonighttonighttonighttonightTONIGHT
Yeah :/PhoncipleBone said:There is only one thing about Fringe tonight that makes me sad: no Walter.
Plus side to being "over there" tonight: CHARLIE!big ander said:Yeah :/
But still: 1 hour to go!
Yeah, the scene with her in the locker room was awesome. Anna was looking amazing, and Peter was cool as shit.Solo said:I still can't get over how hot Anna Torv is this year. RAWR! I forgot that the Ashmore brothers were up in this bitch tonight. So glad its back!
Love how Peter is going to keep appearing like a magnificent bastard.
Red pills I think.Zoe said:Did anyone catch at the beginning what kind of pills she keeps taking?
Agreed on all counts. Two best episodes this season are the two prior ones. The one with the pens, and the shapeshifter one.Solo said:Fucking loved it. Another great episode, and the season is now 5/5!I really love the whole Peter-as-Olivia's-subconcious thing they are doing, and I felt the A plot of the episode was pretty touching and the Ashmore brothers did a great job. Anna Torv is really impressing the shit out of me this season.
BlueTsunami said:Yeah the Peter Subconscious is pretty effective and believable. That sort of scenario usually comes off as corny but not in this case.
Back over here, the Fringe Division investigates a bizarre phenomenon when 15 people up and down the Eastern Seaboard, all suffer retrograde amnesia from listening to their shortwave radios on the same frequency. Much to Walters dismay, Peter presses on with piecing together the mass destruction device. Just as alternate Olivia and Peters chemistry deepens, the anticipation of Olivias return escalates in the all-new 6955 kHz episode of FRINGE airing Thursday, Nov. 11 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (FR-306) (TV-14 L, V)
I couldn't put my finger on why I loved it, but this is it.Solo said:Its working because hes not coming off as sappy or preachy, but rather he has this mischievous tone that is really awesome. Its like he's toying with Olivia.
Solo said:From what I know (and I don't read spoilers, but I had to know this), it appears we now haveepisode1left on each side before shit hits the fan._
Hah yeah. "What the fuck, another one?"Jay Shadow said:That place is gonna get sick of cleaning up snow globes.
Can't take long. As soon as he knew her ability was given to her in her childhood, I bet he started studying adolescent brain development.Solo said:How long now until Walternate figures out about Cortexiphan?
So did I, but I'm glad they didn't Matthew definitely didn't deserve to be ambered again. And it was a cool turn by Joshua to sacrifice himself.Rafa=FedKilla said:Really thought both brothers would get trapped.
I dunno. Every over there is pretty vehemently angry with the other side. I don't think they'd hesitate to take a traitor down, especially if they learned it was a fake Olivia.Let me in said:Walternate looked thoroughly annoyed with Olivia's supposed failure to cross, now she's disposable. That's going to create an interesting dynamic.
I'm impressed by Torv's (and the writers) ability to pepper in our Olivia's personality into her manipulated personality. You can see her exhibiting qualities of our Olivia, like her tendency to dig into mysteries. Love that aspect.
AND if there were to be a showdown I think she's going to have a few of the alter-characters on her side, maybe Broyles, Charlie etc. They like her, and they're not nearly as attached to Walternate's obsession.