Mashing said:Is there something I'm missing regarding the snow globes? I've seen every episode since the beginning and I do not see the significance.
Sort of a metaphore maybe, smashing of an alternate world .... etcMashing said:Is there something I'm missing regarding the snow globes? I've seen every episode since the beginning and I do not see the significance.
Mashing said:Is there something I'm missing regarding the snow globes? I've seen every episode since the beginning and I do not see the significance.
Was kind of a big moment:Flash said:No significance that I can think of... maybe it represents the collision of universes? i don't know lol
episode was awesome though!
big ander said:Was kind of a big moment:
Nina likened the two universes to snow globes, and showed that when they collide only one will survive.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:Awesome episode... though why the hell does Olivia smile when she's giving bad news? So bizarre :lol
Head Peter amuses me. The ending was pretty awesome.
It's gas.NotTheGuyYouKill said:Awesome episode... though why the hell does Olivia smile when she's giving bad news? So bizarre :lol
Agreed, but like Bolivia might be wrestling with the ethics of her own mission, I think some of the people on the other side might question the morality of killing someone because they didn't work out as an experiment.big ander said:I dunno. Every over there is pretty vehemently angry with the other side. I don't think they'd hesitate to take a traitor down, especially if they learned it was a fake Olivia.
Yeah, you're right. In fact, I'd love to see alt Charlie switch to Blue Team. Bolivia and Lincoln versus alt Charlie and Olivia would be awesome.Let me in said:Agreed, but like Bolivia might be wrestling with the ethics of her own mission, I think some of the people on the other side might question the morality of killing someone because they didn't work out as an experiment.
Will every character be willing to follow Walternate down that path? Not saying they won't or that they're not angry about the state of their world, but I see the show setting up this eventual question. And also the idea that there's neither good nor bad, it's based on your perspective. The perspectives are so fluid that some of the allegiances are bound to fall this way as well. We'll see.
Freshmaker said:It's gas.
squicken said:That this show succeeds despite the lead's poor acting is a testament to the good writing. They do a great job of making everything believable.
Let me in said:Walternate looked thoroughly annoyed with Olivia's supposed failure to cross, now she's disposable. That's going to create an interesting dynamic.
Solo said:Thats not how I read his reaction at all. From what I read on his face, it seemed like he knew she was bullshitting him.
Still better than Lie to Me.ivysaur12 said:Ratings dropped to a 1.8 last night.
Not good :-\
threenote said:Still better than Lie to Me.
ivysaur12 said:Ratings dropped to a 1.8 last night.
Not good :-\
ivysaur12 said:And still the third lowest Fox drama.
If you said this about some other network I would believe you. But this is Fox we are talking about. If that were the case we would still have Arrested Development and Lone Star.Rafa=FedKilla said:Fox will keep this show alive on the basis of artistic integrity.
GDJustin said:Fringe's ratings dropped right when Fox put it in that brutal time slot. The Fox execs, dumb as they may be, certainly know this. Ratings numbers don't exist in a vacuum.
That being said, obviously a dip is never good.
I wonder why Fringe doesn't have more viewers? Moving away from the MOTW format probably doesn't help... it makes the show pretty darn hard to pick up. I mean, let's be honest. If someone was tuning in last night for the first time, based on the World Series promos, they wouldn't have a fucking clue what was happening.
Solo said:I noticed that last night's ep on FOX HD had a "presented by DirecTV" logo beside it at the start, and it made me wonder - to keep the show alive, would FOX consider a Friday Night Lights kind of deal? Co-finance with DTV, let them run it first, then FOX airs it in the summer or whenever?
Sober said:Holy crap, amazing episode!
Also, there was a similar bank robbery episode via walking through walls back in S2, was the robber the same dude or not?
Solo said:Thats not how I read his reaction at all. From what I read on his face, it seemed like he knew she was bullshitting him.
Zoe said:Maybe you're thinking of S1 and the group that broke Jones out of prison.
Ashhong said:No wasn't it a bank? I think one guy got his arm stuck in the wall
Ashhong said:I thought it was just disappointment since she had crossed the first time.
No wasn't it a bank? I think one guy got his arm stuck in the wall
big ander said:If it means anything, I read Walternate's reaction just as "she failed this time, but we'll keep trying." I don't think he's suspicious yet.
Exactly. He knows she can do it already.NotTheGuyYouKill said:Agreed. She already went over the first time, by that fact alone, there's no way in hell he'd dispose of her.
Ravidrath said:Seriously, what IS the deal with this season? After a year and a half of trying to figure things out, it has really been pitch-perfect.
Did they change writing staffs or what?
Might have something to do with it.Fringe show runners said:J.P.: We talk about, "Are there things we can be doing, are there things we should be doing to broaden our audience?" We're very very pleased with the show that we're making right now, and as Joel said, Fox has nothing but wonderful and supportive. Entirely. From creative point of view, from a numbers point of view, everything. There have been no grumblings at allquite the oppositeand we have decided that we would rather turn out a show with perhaps a slightly smaller fanbase, but one that's really really passionate about the show, and not worry about gimmicky stuff. What we say is that not everyone likes licorice, but the people that like it, really like it.
J.W.: We want to make that show.
Season 2 also found a great balance. The show's been on a role for a long time now, and I'm enjoying it.Ravidrath said:Great episode - they seem to have found the right balance between one-off/storyline, and I love that as much epic sci-fi eventry there is, a lot of is coming back to the characters' relationships.
Seriously, what IS the deal with this season? After a year and a half of trying to figure things out, it has really been pitch-perfect.
Did they change writing staffs or what?
big ander said:Season 2 also found a great balance. The show's been on a role for a long time now, and I'm enjoying it.![]()
Yeah that's what I was meaning by it found a great balance; the season didn't start perfect. Then it hit its stride and hasn't slowed down.Ravidrath said:The first half of season 2 was pretty uneven, I think - it didn't really get good until the second half when they did the 1985 episode and started on what turned into season 3.
I don't buy a lot of TV on Blu-Ray, but I'm thinking Fringe could be headed for my shelf soon.
If she's unwilling or "unable" to make the jump as an agent under his control, then her value drops considerably, whether he knows that she can do it or not. Even if he forces her over there, it won't matter if she won't enact his plans.NotTheGuyYouKill said:Agreed. She already went over the first time, by that fact alone, there's no way in hell he'd dispose of her.
You might be right. But remember, they've noticed the cortexiphan in her brain. They know something more significant happened in that tank. It'll be a cause for investigation.big ander said:If it means anything, I read Walternate's reaction just as "she failed this time, but we'll keep trying." I don't think he's suspicious yet.
Let me in said:You might be right. But remember, they've noticed the cortexiphan in her brain. They know something more significant happened in that tank. It'll be a cause for investigation.
(love this show!)
Right, but they don't know what the intention of the Cortexiphan was. All they knew was that something about Olivia made her able to travel between universes, and now they've determined it's some drug in the brain. They think she's plateaued and assumed Bolivia's personality, so they have no reason to suspect her of anything.Let me in said:If she's unwilling or "unable" to make the jump as an agent under his control, then her value drops considerably, whether he knows that she can do it or not. Even if he forces her over there, it won't matter if she won't enact his plans.
Anyway, for story purposes I know it's impossible for her to die, but the intention might be there.
You might be right. But remember, they've noticed the cortexiphan in her brain. They know something more significant happened in that tank. It'll be a cause for investigation.
(love this show!)
I was thinking about her trip too. Maybe she does it so fast that barely any time passes over there while she's here for a minute? Or maybe it's a sort of in-between state; ie she's not all the way back here.Ravidrath said:Anyone else think it's strange that she has a physical presence on the other side, but apparently never actually leaves it? She was there for a while the second time.
Also, I suspect they won't be able to tame her, but they'll extract and replicate Cortexiphan (or some horrible variant of it) before she leaves.
...Didn't Bell originally bring Cortexiphan over from the other side, though? I was expecting them to know what it was when they detected it.
Well... It doesn't really have either going for it.squicken said:That this show succeeds despite the lead's poor acting is a testament to the good writing.
ThLunarian said:I don't understand how she was forced back to Earth 2. She's a native to Earth 1, and she traveled there basically with her own abilities... so why wouldn't she be able to keep herself there?
Here's the way I see it:ThLunarian said:I don't understand how she was forced back to Earth 2. She's a native to Earth 1, and she traveled there basically with her own abilities... so why wouldn't she be able to keep herself there?
Whoa Astral has a whole phenomenon named after her?? Walter would be proudKeyser Soze said:I guess it will be explained as a limited form of travel, like an Astral Projection or something more sci-fish.