GDJustin said:The most bizarre thing to happen on Fringe is introducing and then IMMEDIATELY ignoring that religious FBI agent in the Season 2 premier. She literally never made another appearance :lol
It's just so weird! By the time the episode aired on TV, the next several episodes would have already been in the can, or at least far into the production/writing process. So by the time it aired they already knew they weren't bringing that character back for at least several weeks.
Maybe they had already decided not to use her at all, but she was too intertwined with that episode to remove her. And rather than halfheartedly include her for half the season and kill her off, the writers didn't bother. :lol
GDJustin said:The most bizarre thing to happen on Fringe is introducing and then IMMEDIATELY ignoring that religious FBI agent in the Season 2 premier. She literally never made another appearance :lol
Solo said:Pretty sure Jessop was in 2 episodes, but I could be wrong. But yes, dropping her was fantastic.
Source is spoilertv via fringetelevision, cant grab links quickly on my phoneFringe continues to squander the lead-in support with a fourth-place 3.6/ 5 at 9 p.m. Comparably, that put the overnight retention for Fringe out of Bones of only 55 percent. Three-year-old Fringe, regardless, is expected to return next season because it needs another batch of original episodes for off-network syndication."
big ander said:Source is spoilertv via fringetelevision, cant grab links quickly on my phone![]()
Im glad theyre doing it this way. I dont feel the storyline outside of the mythology is strong enough to sustain the show imo. Its feels so dead and pointless when they arent addressing mythology. Almost to the point where you forget this show is actually about anything.Yaweee said:They've made numerous remarks that they are revealing major mythology things faster than originally intended.
We weren't supposed to see "over there" until the second season, but instead they revealed it during S1.
"First People", was supposed to be a hint for something way down the line, but instead was revealed 5 episodes later.
With how fast the story has been moving recently, they could conceivably be aiming to end it in S4, or even S3 if they know they're going to get cancelled.
Yaweee said:Site doesn't know what it is talking about.
- Total viewers don't really matter for renewal, only the demographic matters, which is less of a loss % from Bones.
- Syndication very likely means shit for renewal, as FOX doesn't own the show and makes nothing from syndication. WB could discount the show, but who knows how likely that is.
Figured it was likely bogus but I thought I'd post it before classYaweee said:Site doesn't know what it is talking about.
- Total viewers don't really matter for renewal, only the demographic matters, which is less of a loss % from Bones.
- Syndication very likely means shit for renewal, as FOX doesn't own the show and makes nothing from syndication. WB could discount the show, but who knows how likely that is.
Fridays, beginning Jan. 28:
8:00-9:00 PM KITCHEN NIGHTMARES (All-New Episodes)
9:00-10:00 PM FRINGE (Time Period Premiere)
ollin said:Not sure if it has been mentioned. I haven't watched the latest episode to check on the posts.
A big F you Fox, you could at least give it a better time slot instead of the Friday death slot.
Novid said:That hurts. But like i said their marketers are horrible outside of Fox News and they dont even try. They could have moved it back to Tuesday and it will get better numbers NCIS LA ever has or will.
vazel said:I have to agree with these reactions. Fringe's monster of the week episodes are lame.
Solo said:OMG "Manhaten" :lol :lol :lol Has to be intentional this time, right?
Just like New Yonkers.Solo said:OMG "Manhatan" :lol :lol :lol Has to be intentional this time, right?
As for the decision to bump Fringe to Fridays, "Fringe has a very particular, loyal audience," Reilly said. With the show picking up almost half of its viewrship via DVR, he doesn't expect the sci-fi series to take a big ratings hit in moving to Fridays where it will be paired with solid reality performer Kitchen Nightmares. "If (Fringe) could stay near the current levels, we'll get a big trade-up on Friday and will solve our problem there."
GDJustin said:Shitty news. Fringe sent to die. -_-
The show was a pretty HUGE hit on Tuesdays... 9-12M viewers. Fox switched nights and the show lost literally half of its audience. Fox has no one to blame but themselves. She show would have continued to be a monster on Tuesdays. Now it gets Chuck-levels.
Solo said:God damn, another fantastic episode. I loved the A plot and how it called back to Olivia's experiences in our world. I also love how Torv played Olivia not as Olivia-playing-Oliviate, but as just Oliva, over there. Im continually impressed with how layered her performance is this year. Really enjoyed the scene with her and Christopher Broyles (who I might add I felt was really nicely acted for a child) - that was pure Liv, through and through. And the final scene was of course, the spark that will cause the fire we've been waiting for. At 7/7 now, its not unrealistic to think they might not have a single stinker this whole season.
All of this makes today even more depressing. I'm realizing recently that this has become my favorite show on television, and here is FOX getting ready to kill it.
DoctorWho said:I think Fringe will be around for another season in that slot. Just like NBC realized with Chuck, trying to bring something else in to replace it might be worse than just keeping it around. Both shows have a loyal following that will continue to watch.
squicken said:I see their logic. If the audience is too small to survive on any other night, then the best case for keeping it around would be a success for a Friday.
I'm not optimistic, but after Lone Star, Terriers, and now Fringe, I realize that my tastes just aren't in line with many other people (not to imply they are somehow better). I can't stand anything youth oriented on TV, so I'll just wander out to pasture and start watching CBS stuff I guess.
Mindlog said:Goddamnit.
I bet the other universe doesn't have to put up with this siht.
That came out of nowhere! :lolSolo said:But unlike Chuck, Fringe keeps getting better, making it a much more crushing blow than losing Chuck would be.