The Shadow
Great episode but one thing I don't understand....why didn't they arrest that typewriter shop owner for aiding and abetting the baddies from the other universe? I was freaking shocked that he was apparently free at the end.
I don't remember the specifics, but the last time we see him is when he lets them into their shop correct? So you could say we don't know for sure whether they charge him.The Shadow said:Great episode but one thing I don't understand....why didn't they arrest that typewriter shop owner for aiding and abetting the baddies from the other universe? I was freaking shocked that he was apparently free at the end.
1) I'm guessing "vagenda" :lolGDJustin said:I'm the only one that didn't like this episode? For being the ep where the shit was supposed to GO DOWN, I found everything to actually be very subdued. Some goods/bads:
+ Walter had one of the best lines of the entire series.
+ Poor alt-broyles. This is in the plus category because knowing that his decision literally results in his death makes me want to re-watch the ep. Truly shocking.
- Olivia can hear all the ruckus going on when she was in the "sensory deprivation" tank and was still able to successfully cross. Derp derp. Very stupid. Basically to cross over all she needed was to be placed in a tub of water.
- Peter's moment of realization at the top of the episode wasn't bad, but it was an opportunity for something greater. He should be wrecked. He finally realized he had feelings for Olivia, acted on them & was happy as shit, only to find out it's evil Bolivia. I feel he was too understated.
Overall, I was just expecting something more epic I think.
you need to re watch the last couple of episodes then >.>Exclamation-One said:What's all this malarkey about Olivia injecting herself with Cortexiphan?
They don't have Cortexiphan over in the alt-verse.
Listen to CryptiK. They spent the last couple Red-verse episodes extracting and synthesizing in from Ourlivia. They started to mass-produce it. Ourlivia grabbed it out of the DoD lab and took it to Harvard with Alt-Broyles.Exclamation-One said:What's all this malarkey about Olivia injecting herself with Cortexiphan?
They don't have Cortexiphan over in the alt-verse.
Explain. What'd I miss?CryptiK said:you need to re watch the last couple of episodes then >.>
Except that they recognize a chemical that was working in her brain when she crossed over. Olivia finds bags of blood that were labeled with her name in last night's episode, and she tells Alt Broyles that it must be Cortexiphan since they were studying her. It was implied that they were trying to synthesize more of it and all the bags in the lab were their attempts, so Olivia took it to use herself.Exclamation-One said:Explain. What'd I miss?
Edit: Okay, I need to rewatch, apparently.
Even so, according to Fringepedia:
At the conclusion of Amber 31422, Secretary Bishop and Brandon Fayette monitor Olivia during her immersion in the sensory-deprivation tank in the lab on Liberty Island. They notice that her brain chemistry has spiked, and identify the dormant synthetic compound bound to her neurons. The estimate is that it has been there since she was a child. The two scientists do not recognize it as Cortexiphan, or a similar chemical compound from their universe.
Nothing about the other side manufacturing Cortexiphan.
PhoncipleBone said:Peter Bishop is tired of your bullshit.
Awesome. Probably top 3 for me. Just so fucking awesome. Man From the Other Side is still king for now.
big ander said:I don't remember the specifics, but the last time we see him is when he lets them into their shop correct? So you could say we don't know for sure whether they charge him.
I'm betting they let him off the hook because he ended up being cooperative and giving them access to their transdimensional typewriter.
Solo said:Also, after getting used to bangs on Olivia and Olivianate the past 8 episodes, its going to take a while to get used to Olivia sans-bangs again in 3.09.
DoctorWho said:I have a thing for girls with bangs.
I'll miss them.
Yes, this! Enjoyed the crap out of this one. Very cool. I assume the next few episodes will be more MOTW-ish which is fine with me.Solo said:Well, that lived up to the hype fully for me. A completely awesome and satisfying conclusion to the season's arc so far, and definitely the best episode this season. Peter was on another plane of boss-ness, Walter was fucking firing on all cylinders, and I really loved how both plots were finally tied together. The acting was especially great in this one. Joshua Jackson was fantastic and I continue to be incredibly pleased with Anna Torv. Season is bonafide 8/8, baby!
Also, loved the pilot throwback with Olivia back in the tank![]()
KibblesBits said:I wonder, does Nina have an alternate...?
*facepalm* Why the fuck do I discuss TV shows at 3am. :lolZoe said:We saw him one more time with the new character.
RIP Bangs. You will be sorely missed.Solo said:Really interested to see how we fare moving back into the OG Fringe crew investigating MOTWs. Obviously the other side isn't going anywheres, but I fully expect it to be placed on the backburner for the middle chunk of the season.
Also, after getting used to bangs on Olivia and Olivianate the past 8 episodes, its going to take a while to get used to Olivia sans-bangs again in 3.09.
Amazing how that one small change takes her right back to looking very straight laced and professional.
I'm hoping we get a back-and-forth between the universes in each episode. I'd rather that than see each universe in alternating episodes.The Big Rig said:Good episode.
My hope is that the alt. episodes will continue. I know it won't happen, but seeing things from both sides was really interesting and cool.
big ander said:I'm hoping we get a back-and-forth between the universes in each episode. I'd rather that than see each universe in alternating episodes.
big ander said:I'm hoping we get a back-and-forth between the universes in each episode. I'd rather that than see each universe in alternating episodes.
You're right. I've just grown to love Red Universe so much that I don't want to be completely without it.Solo said:I think expecting to see Universe B in every episode is pushing it. I would wager that the next 5-7 episodes will take place entirely on our side, with Olivia trying to reintegrate with the team and some MOTW episodes. Then the war between universes will come back to a head near the end of the season.
Olivia will be pretty messed up from her other side captivity/Peter betrayal. Sounds like a good time to have Sam Weiss return.
Yeah, I always thought that was kind of a flaw in the promo.GDJustin said:FOX's promo said if you only see one episode make it this one, but in truth, if someone did just see this one, they wouldn't have a clue what was happening.
Solo said:Damnit, why couldn't FOX have given Fringe the same treatment as ABC gave LOST?
Fringe is better
GDJustin said:LOST had less than half as many viewers in S6 as S1 too. The difference is that LOST started at 22M, while Fringe did not :lol
Look, I love Fringe, but from a popularity standpoint, moving away from the stand-alone stories has hurt the show as much if not more than moving time slots. Just like LOST. I think it was a mistake to move the slider so far over to the "mythology" side. It was fine to be more mytharc focused, but the showrunners went to far. MotW should have remained the show's backbone IMO.
Solo said:Also, still a huge fan of the transitions between universes. Slick as hell.
Walternate had him chopped up, the sick bastardSolidusDave said:Whoa, they teleported a zeppelin, again! But where did it go?
poor alt-Broyles :/
btw did they actually cut off his leg (and more?) so he weights as much as Boliva or was that due to the teleportation (Stargate-like)?
Mindlog said:I wasn't going to make that claim. I don't want to throw rocks at that bee hive.
Fringe is good at this. They have all this build up then in the end nothing happens. This happened when they crossed back over from the other universe. The whole thing felt so monotone.GDJustin said:I'm the only one that didn't like this episode? For being the ep where the shit was supposed to GO DOWN, I found everything to actually be very subdued. Some goods/bads:
+ Walter had one of the best lines of the entire series.
+ Poor alt-broyles. This is in the plus category because knowing that his decision literally results in his death makes me want to re-watch the ep. Truly shocking.
- Olivia can hear all the ruckus going on when she was in the "sensory deprivation" tank and was still able to successfully cross. Derp derp. Very stupid. Basically to cross over all she needed was to be placed in a tub of water.
- Peter's moment of realization at the top of the episode wasn't bad, but it was an opportunity for something greater. He should be wrecked. He finally realized he had feelings for Olivia, acted on them & was happy as shit, only to find out it's evil Bolivia. I feel he was too understated.
Overall, I was just expecting something more epic I think.
Broyles gave Peter a gun and told him not to shoot himself. Then Walter butted in and said "no gun for me.".GqueB. said:Fringe is good at this. They have all this build up then in the end nothing happens. This happened when they crossed back over from the other universe. The whole thing felt so monotone.
There were a few things that bothered me though. Maybe Im mistaken here but when they walked into penn station Peter said "no gun for me" then in the next scene he had a gun. Then he had no problem shooting that girls mom in the head as she was going nuts behind him. I know he was a shape shifter but that image will be forever ingrained in her mind. Pretty brutal if ya ask me. Shoot the guy in the leg.
Oh waaaaalter said it. Gotcha. I was playing a round of word feud and trying to watch at the same time. And yea youre right about the head shot. Perhaps it was necessary.big ander said:Broyles gave Peter a gun and told him not to shoot himself. Then Walter butted in and said "no gun for me."
And shapeshifters are resilient soldiers. Had Peter shot him in the leg, he could have helped Bolivia in her attempt to escape, and she might have been able to succeed. Shooting him in the head eliminated a threat and kept Bolivia where she was.
Solo said:Well, its true though, and I say that as a huge LOST fan. Fringe is quite simply better, mostly because it learned what NOT to do from shit LOST DID do. The pacing on Fringe is perfect. Plotlines never feel drawn out, answers always come just when it feels like they should, and the writers clearly have a vision which they are marching towards brilliantly. And the mythology has grown organically in such a wonderful fashion. LOST on the other hand meandered far too much, answers were drawn out and when they came were often unsatisfactory, and Lindelcuse had no fucking clue where the show was going despite having 3.5 years to figure it out. As for the mythology? All over the fucking place. What S6 revealed as the main thrust of the show is not what I was watching in earlier seasons.
.GqueB. said:There were a few things that bothered me though. Maybe Im mistaken here but when they walked into penn station Peter said "no gun for me" then in the next scene he had a gun.
CrankyJay said:Anyway, I'll be interested in the scene in which Peter tells Olivia what happened between him and Altivia.
GDJustin said:Yeah my wife pointed this out. Peter is totally going to be thinking (and should be SAYING) "I've seen you naked."
If him and Olivia do ever hook up he's probably going to be really disappointed, because BOlivia is probably way more wild in the sack. I bet regular Olivia just lays there :lol