BoboBrazil said:Didn't Dollhouse do higher than a 1.4 on Fridays? Damn hope they get a final season next year.
No, not even close. Dollhouse was like 0.8 - 1.0.
BoboBrazil said:Didn't Dollhouse do higher than a 1.4 on Fridays? Damn hope they get a final season next year.
GDJustin said:FYI this is part of the reason I watch Fringe and other bubble shows I like on Hulu or another (legal, sanctioned) online streaming source.
I'm not a Nielsen family so my TV viewing isn't counted. But online, every single person that watches a show is counted.
Does this make a difference? Probably not. There is absolutely 0 stories of a show pulling a 1.4 on TV, but being "saved" because a lot of people watched it on Hulu. But I figure... it can't hurt. At least my view is COUNTED, this way.
Plus, I would imagine online viewership is not an insignificant amount of money, at this point. A little back of the envelope math:
If ~300,000 people stream each episode of Fringe, and there are four paid 30-second commercials (assuming one unpaid), that is 1.2M paid spots per episode. If those spots are sold for $30 CPM, then that is $36,000 per episode, or $792,000 for the season. Not much, but not exactly chopped liver.
& of course it is possible twice that many people stream, Hulu CPMs are $50 not $30, there are 8 paid commercials (2 per break) etc.
GDJustin said:No, not even close. Dollhouse was like 0.8 - 1.0.
Shick Brithouse said:I told you guys Walternate wasn't evil last season but you laughed at me. He's not evil, hes just is willing to go to the ends of the earth to get his son back.
But sadly we won't see how this show plays out it seems. Maybe SyFy will pick it up if it gets cancelled.
There you go bringing logic and reason into this...ivysaur12 said:Not a chance. SyFy is owned by Universal, which would only pick up the show if it was a UMS production (hence why Dollhouse was never even a possibility).
If Fox passes on season 4 of Fringe, it would only get picked up by other networks that are owned by Time Warner: HBO, Turner Broadcasting System, The CW Television Network, or Cartoon Network.
The show is off-brand for almost all of those except potentially the CW. Even then, it's still off-brand enough that I don't think Ostroff would make that call. Not to mention that the CW is basically a CBS enterprise anyways.
ivysaur12 said:Dollhouse's low in season 1 was a 1.0. It had around a 1.4-1.5 and then sunk right at the end near Briar Rose and Omega. The second season stayed around a .9 most of the time, sometimes a .8, sometimes a 1.0.
ivysaur12 said:Not a chance. SyFy is owned by Universal, which would only pick up the show if it was a UMS production (hence why Dollhouse was never even a possibility).
If Fox passes on season 4 of Fringe, it would only get picked up by other networks that are owned by Time Warner: HBO, Turner Broadcasting System, The CW Television Network, or Cartoon Network.
The show is off-brand for almost all of those except potentially the CW. Even then, it's still off-brand enough that I don't think Ostroff would make that call. Not to mention that the CW is basically a CBS enterprise anyways.
GDJustin said:...That's what I said.
On Fridays, it pulled a .8 - 1.0
Edit: re: your online viewer notes - all I was saying was on Hulu my view is counted. On TV, it isn't.
PsychoRaven said:Not only that but let's be honest here. How many shows have successfully been picked up by other networks post cancellation? I can count them on one hand with some fingers left over. Those being SG1, That one show that went to CBS when NBC killed it, Scrubs for it's final season (I refuse to count Med School), and southland. So the odds it would be picked up are slim to none.
ivysaur12 said:Right, I know it is. The problem is that even if you, me and every single other person on GAF right now go have every Fringe episode stream on Hulu, it won't really make a difference. We'd literally have to crash the servers for there to be significant ad revenue generated to the point of saving the show.
And I was pointing out that Dollhouse was average a 1.5 until the very end of its first season. It's matching Fringe fairly evenly now, actually.
You're thinking of Medium. Medium, Scrubs and Southland also weren't very successful on the other networks either. The only really "successful" network switch I can remember is Buffy from the WB to UPN, but that was over a decade ago.
Well, I don't think he was ever evil. He just used to take extraordinary measures to complete a goal, even if that meant sacrificing the innocence of children. I'm pretty sure he didn't go on a killing spree to invent a vaccine or anything like that.water_wendi said:Good episode. Sucks about the 1.4
i have a question. What was the trigger that changed Old Walter into such an asshole? Old Walter must have been a huge prick from whats implied to have taken place between himself and Peter. We also get a glimpse of Old Walter when in S1 i think, Old Walter resurfaces and is seemingly downright evil. So im curious, what happened between the Nice Walter that swapped sons to point where Walter had to have his brain modified? Did i miss something?
They aren't going to move Glee to Fridays. Sure, it'd probably do good for a Friday show, but they'd rather have it do a lot better on Tuesdays.TheOMan said:1.4 =![]()
Anyways, really good episode.
Fox really messed up here. The dude who said they should put Glee on Fridays and move Fringe back to Tuesdays (for season 4) is a genius. I would rather have Fringe than Human Target and I like Human Target.
Did anybody notice they threw a hint to Fauxlivia being pregnant in the episode? When she gives Frank the wine and they toast, she's drinking water.
She also didn't get her tattoo on the back of the neck back either. Not sure if that's a continuity mess up or not, but Frank didn't notice.
Feel pretty bad for Frank, he got burned. I think Peter is gonna merge worlds...or create another Peter? He's obviously gonna fix something.
Also, I'm guessing Walternate won't experiment on kids because his kid was stolen.
Hm. Weird that you don't know why it lost you, especially when I feel it's otherwise unanimously agreed that it's only gotten better as time has gone on.Jtwo said:UM.
This show has lost me completely. I don't know what it is man, I used to love this show. And this season has been really cool, but I just don't care any more.
TheOMan said:1.4 =![]()
Anyways, really good episode.
Fox really messed up here. The dude who said they should put Glee on Fridays and move Fringe back to Tuesdays (for season 4) is a genius. I would rather have Fringe than Human Target and I like Human Target.
I dont think anyone else took you seriously.TheOMan said:Um - I wasn't being serious about moving Glee to Fridays...
PhoncipleBone said:I dont think anyone else took you seriously.
As for the ratings, I only partially blame the friday move. I mainly blame moving it to Thursdays. It was doing well enough on Tuesdays, but they had to go and fuck with it.
Yet the ratings dropped big from season one to season 2 once it switched nights and went to the most competitive slot of the week.dead souls said:Maybe, but if you have to baby a show to keep the ratings healthy is it really worth keeping on your network?
Fringe has moved around a lot less than many other Fox shows that outperform it. Look at how many different time slots something like Bones has aired in and it still gets solid ratings. The problem isn't the time slot, it's that Fringe just isn't particularly popular. A show shouldn't need a cushy slot or massive lead-in support to get decent ratings in its third season.
PhoncipleBone said:Yet the ratings dropped big from season one to season 2 once it switched nights and went to the most competitive slot of the week.
PhoncipleBone said:Yet the ratings dropped big from season one to season 2 once it switched nights and went to the most competitive slot of the week.
That or they were already committed to CSI or Grey's Anatomy which aired at the same time and pulled in some of the highest amount of viewers for the whole week.dead souls said:Which shows that its ratings were being propped up by a less competitive time slot and lead-in help. If most of an audience won't follow a show to a new time slot than maybe they weren't really all that big of fans to begin with.
i think its because the show is almost entirely different than when it was first on. You had a really compelling villain in David Jones in the first season that was killed way before his time, imo. There were also entire plot lines completely dropped. Remember ZFT? A terrorist organization that operated in 83 countries just disappears without mention. There are other things just left dangling like that cylinder that was a big enough deal for the Observer to not only interact with people for but he needed Walters help to get.Jtwo said:UM.
This show has lost me completely. I don't know what it is man, I used to love this show. And this season has been really cool, but I just don't care any more.
dead souls said:Which shows that its ratings were being propped up by a less competitive time slot and lead-in help. If most of an audience won't follow a show to a new time slot than maybe they weren't really all that big of fans to begin with.
water_wendi said:i think its because the show is almost entirely different than when it was first on. You had a really compelling villain in David Jones in the first season that was killed way before his time, imo. There were also entire plot lines completely dropped. Remember ZFT? A terrorist organization that operated in 83 countries just disappears without mention. There are other things just left dangling like that cylinder that was a big enough deal for the Observer to not only interact with people for but he needed Walters help to get.
Season 2 also has some serious missteps, imo, like the complete fumbling of David Jones mk.II aka Newton. If he was sent there by Secretary Bishop then why did he need pieces of Walters brain and interrogation to find out how to cross over when the other side seems to do it whenever they want? Newton then disappears for a huge stretch of episodes (my guess for a reworking of his character to tie him into the other side).
So far this season has been great but i can definitely see how someone would not like it. The show is very different now. i think the largest change was that the Mythology stuff used to be really cool with the MotW episodes being slightly weak (the best thing about S1 is how all these unrelated things tied into Jones and the shows mythology).. this season that has flipped, imo.
dead souls said:Which shows that its ratings were being propped up by a less competitive time slot and lead-in help. If most of an audience won't follow a show to a new time slot than maybe they weren't really all that big of fans to begin with.
ivysaur12 said:I agree with you to a certain extent. Even though I *love* the way the show has evolved, a lot of potentially interesting plot lines have been shed, ZFT being the most egregious. I really hope that they're at least given a throwaway line, like "they were really just tools of the First People." Something like that, I don't know.
And while I can understand where dead souls comes from, I think calling the show dead right now isn't necessarily correct. Fringe will not be renewed if it continues to drop, or even stabilizes, but if it can rise to anything around a 1.6 or a 1.7, we'd definitely get a fourth season.
I also love Shawn Ryan, but The Chicago Code did not premiere well. There's now way that Fox premieres more than 4 1/2 new hours of programming next fall (it's almost half of their entire M-F schedule) so what do they do then? We shall see. The network really loves both shows creatively, more so than most of the other scripted programming they have.
Here's where I'm going to disagree with you: Fringe fans did follow the show, but the show took a dramatic tonal shift during its second season. It became far less of the episodic, X-Files lite it was in the first season. That, combined with a far more competitive time slot, really chipped away at the show.
Purkake4 said:The Peter and the World Destroyer storyline has become more and more ridiculous.
I guess it's "all about the characters" once more...
It kind of makes sense though. Sam was oversimplifying it, but him loving one or the other sort of points to which universe he likes more overall. It's not which girl he loves more, it's which universe he loves more.Rodney McKay said:For me it has reached a total soap opera level of ridiculous-ness.
Will Peter choose his first love, or her EVIL twin sister who is pregnant with his baby!?!
The fate of two universes hang in the balance!
The only solution is for him to love both of them equally! (*cough* threesome *cough*)
I loved this season until Olivia returned. I really can't stand it right now.Jtwo said:UM.
This show has lost me completely. I don't know what it is man, I used to love this show. And this season has been really cool, but I just don't care any more.
TheOMan said:Did anybody notice they threw a hint to Fauxlivia being pregnant in the episode? When she gives Frank the wine and they toast, she's drinking water.
The problem is them making a giant prophecy out of it with the machine being only usable by our beloved emotionally unstable Peter who's love will determine the fate of two worlds. They could have been a lot more subtle about it and not hit the viewers over the head with it again and again.big ander said:It kind of makes sense though. Sam was oversimplifying it, but him loving one or the other sort of points to which universe he likes more overall. It's not which girl he loves more, it's which universe he loves more.
Beer Monkey said:Looked like she was drinking white wine while he was drinking red and they just didn't have the same taste in wine.
DarthWoo said:I wonder why Fauxlivia couldn't have just lied and said she'd been pregnant for a couple extra weeks than she really had been.
Zoe said:Wasn't he away for over 3 months?
DarthWoo said:I wonder why Fauxlivia couldn't have just lied and said she'd been pregnant for a couple extra weeks than she really had been.
ivysaur12 said:I'm really surprised people are trusting Sam Weiss.
heliosRAzi said:Hopefully, if it is canned, they wrap everything up. Serial shows like this should present their story and then end, no keeping it going for the sake of ratings and money. Tell a story and quit.
If this paternity shocker at first blush appears a smidge soapy for a series as risk-taking as Fringe, rest assured that this aint no shopworn General Hospital storyline coming your way.
We get to tell stories that maybe you understand as a viewer, and youve seen before but always with a twist, exec producer J.H. Wyman points out. This is not the first time youve heard about somebody having an affair, which is always interesting drama. But it becomes a totally different thing when the person your loved one has fooled around with is another version of yourself!
In keeping with that, Wyman continues, this reveal will not unfold in a way that is traditional. So people should prepare for that, because it should be very interesting.