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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!

CrankyJay said:
OMG at that Ford Product placement. LOL. I know it's necessary for the show's survival but it's so goddamn awkward. LOL.

Yeah that was really random. I also noticed when she called Peter (or he called her) Olivia said that it is warm out and she wanted to go to a fair, yet she was wearing a coat/scarf and so was everyone else in the rest of the episode.

I think that scene was just thrown together to promote Ford.


K, just finished the episode. I thought it was the weakest of the season. I wasn't really feeling the MOTW portion, and my initial reaction to Olivia talking like Bell was to laugh hysterically. I'm still laughing. Not that it was bad necessarily, but it was so out of left field.


I've never watched this show, so I'm not reading this thread because of possible spoilers. I'm thinking about getting into it.

Not sure if I'll like it or not. I like J.J. Abrams, but I HATE Kurtzman and Orci; based on their previous works I'm inclined to think they're two of the biggest hacks in the writing business.

Is this show closer to typical Abrams (Lost, MI3) quality, or typical Kurtzman Orci (Transformers, lol) quality?


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Better than Lost in some aspects. And better than MI3 in every way.

It appears as though Orci & Kurtzman, actually enjoy working on Fringe.

You should realize that the show gets good, right around the finale of season 1. Where, the vast majority season 2 to starts to suck, up until the finale again. Where season 3 then just achieves a whole nother level of goodness.


Veidt said:
Better than Lost in some aspects. And better than MI3 in every way.

It appears as though Orci & Kurtzman, actually enjoy working on Fringe.

You should realize that the show gets good, right around the finale of season 1. Where, the vast majority season 2 to starts to suck, up until the finale again. Where season 3 then just achieves a whole nother level of goodness.
The parts of the first 2 seasons that get a lot of vocal hate are anything but bad. They are simply focused on the procedural aspect of the show while throwing the serial elements like the mythology stuff on the backburner. You still get plenty of character development in those episodes, but I guess some people are upset that the main story was not moving forward every week. The show does however do a great job of folding aspects of the standalone episodes back into the season long arcs in clever ways.


Puddles said:
Guess I'll see if I can find the pilot episode somewhere. Thanks!

Sadly the show doesn't really come into its own until season 2 I would say. At least give it a chance. It's good writing, and they tie up loose ends much faster than they did on Lost.
Puddles said:
I've never watched this show, so I'm not reading this thread because of possible spoilers. I'm thinking about getting into it.

Not sure if I'll like it or not. I like J.J. Abrams, but I HATE Kurtzman and Orci; based on their previous works I'm inclined to think they're two of the biggest hacks in the writing business.

Is this show closer to typical Abrams (Lost, MI3) quality, or typical Kurtzman Orci (Transformers, lol) quality?
To all those saying the show doesn't get good until season 2, ignore them. There are no really bad episodes of the series, just average.

Season 1 starts off decently and is very MOTW, but it isn't until episode 7 called "The One in Which We Meet Mr. Jones" that things get awesome. They have a string of really great episodes in a row, then go back down to being "decent." Episode 14, "Ability," is one of the stronger ones of the first season. Then the last couple of episodes of season 1 it is really awesome and ramps things up.

The beginning of season 2 is good but not great. It then just kind of devolves back down to being "decent" again with a few strong episodes here and there, but all are worth watching.

But once you get to episode 15 of season 2, "Jacksonville," the show goes into God tier and doesn't look back. The last third of season 2 is just all kinds of crazy awesome. Personal favorite episode of the entire series is "The Man From the Other Side." The strangest thing is that Akiva Goldsman, a bigger hack than Orci and Kurtzman put together and multiplied to the 10th power, delivers some of the best episodes of any show of the last few years. The last two episodes of season 2 have this certain swagger to them. An attitude the other episodes didn't seem to have. As if the creators just looked down and saw they had testicles made out of steel cannonballs.

Season 3 started at the same level as season 2 ended, and has simply stayed there. Sure, there are a couple of episodes in season 3 that are not as good as others, but they are still what I would classify as great.

You do need to watch the entire series all the way through. Yes, there are a lot of MOTW episodes in there, but they usually have one lil thing to drive mythology forward or at least character development.


PhoncipleBone said:
To all those saying the show doesn't get good until season 2, ignore them. There are no really bad episodes of the series, just average.

Hey now, no twisting words. I didn't say "doesn't get good". The first season is very good, but you don't realize the bigger picture until the end of the season, and then the show isn't just very good, it's fucking awesome.



Solo said:
In most respects. Its a shame Fringe isn't on ABC and getting the support/budget LOST did.

Fringe in its first season was not nearly as good as Lost's first season, and it didn't get that popular.. The pilot in particular was pretty weak, especially when compared to Lost's. So you can't blame fox for not supporting Fringe as much as a show that avg'd 15 million viewers and was a cultural phenomenon.

Although I'd agree that its second and third seasons have been as good or better.
CrankyJay said:
Hey now, no twisting words. I didn't say "doesn't get good". The first season is very good, but you don't realize the bigger picture until the end of the season, and then the show isn't just very good, it's fucking awesome.

It was how I interpreted it, and there were people earlier in the thread and in a LTTP thread for the show (I think) that said ignore season 1. I just woke up, so I might be imagining that, but I have seen it somewhere on GAF.

Did not mean to "twist" the words. It was just how I interpreted your first sentence. My apologies Jay.

And yes, your post quoted above is better. :)


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Is it wrong that I was thinking that if I was Bell's soul, saying hello wouldn't be the first thing I'd be doing once I was in Olivia's body? Maybe he'll just wait until he has some privacy. Then again I suppose he watched her growing up so it'd just be too weird for him.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Puddles said:
I've never watched this show, so I'm not reading this thread because of possible spoilers. I'm thinking about getting into it.

Not sure if I'll like it or not. I like J.J. Abrams, but I HATE Kurtzman and Orci; based on their previous works I'm inclined to think they're two of the biggest hacks in the writing business.

Is this show closer to typical Abrams (Lost, MI3) quality, or typical Kurtzman Orci (Transformers, lol) quality?
Dude, I loathe Kurtzman and Orci too. They were reduced to consulting producers at right around the time the show got good. Coincidence? I think not.

So yeah, still watch it. You can probably skip a chunk of the first season if you'd like.


Just watched the new episode and wow. Bell to help decode the shapeshifters discs? Awesome.
Dramatic entrance? Check. Olivia being able to actually sound like Bell? Amazing.

I don't know how this show does it but every episode builds on the last in a way that takes the show and makes it something better everytime.

If this show gets cancelled without a proper ending I'm going to find the person responsible I'm going to cram my fist down their throat and rip out their goddamn spine!


PhoncipleBone said:
Ratings are in. Held steady, no increase.

Well thank god for staying steady. We might luck out and see Fox Renew it. Also I'm in the camp that the show started great and once the introduction phase to the characters, overreaching lore, etc were set up it really became something magical. I'm ok with that having taken about two thirds of season 1 too.


PhoncipleBone said:
It was how I interpreted it, and there were people earlier in the thread and in a LTTP thread for the show (I think) that said ignore season 1. I just woke up, so I might be imagining that, but I have seen it somewhere on GAF.

Did not mean to "twist" the words. It was just how I interpreted your first sentence. My apologies Jay.

And yes, your post quoted above is better. :)

Rest assured, I will rage fucking hard if this show is canceled. It's fucking art as far as I'm concerned.

big ander

Spotless Mind said:
Pretty good episode, even though the motw was enormously predictable. Walter was the highlight, as usual. The gravity effects were very cool too.

I'm looking forward to seeing whether Torv can pull off the impersonation next episode. Should be interesting either way.
You saw it coming that the thing making them float would be an aeronautics accident mixing two of the densest elements created a substance that resisted gravity? :S
I've been wondering what they'll do with Torv next week. Bellivia the whole time? Or fading in and out?
PhoncipleBone said:
Ratings are in. Held steady, no increase.
I hope it at least holds at 1.5. I mean, that's better than what they've previously had in that slot, right?
DarthWoo said:
Is it wrong that I was thinking that if I was Bell's soul, saying hello wouldn't be the first thing I'd be doing once I was in Olivia's body? Maybe he'll just wait until he has some privacy. Then again I suppose he watched her growing up so it'd just be too weird for him.
I'd hit Bellivia too
PhoncipleBone said:
The most shocking thing to me about the show is that Akiva Goldsman wrote and directed something really good.
Goldsman seems more miss than hit, but writing Cinderella Man and A Beautiful Mind in addition to writing/directing Fringe gives him some credit.


KarmaCow said:
Okay so what was the dude trying to do? Reverse gravity so his son could walk? That's an awfully round about way to do it.
He discovered a molecule that was lighter than air for the military and he was using heavy element to create an equilibrium I think.

When he told Walter in the prison cell the 2 elements to make the light molecule weren't the osmium or whatever it was called.

big ander

shintoki said:
My god... the ending was terrible. So fucking terrible.
I find this hard to say about cliffhangers. We don't know how Bellivia will be handled. We don't know if it will be a full episode, part of an episode, if Bell will move to a different body (in fact, Walter Bell could be a badass man), if Bell's conscious will be moved into a snow globe and he'll crack jokes and shake when he laughs.
With a cliffhanger like that, I can only judge it on how surprising and exciting it is. And whether or not this turns out good, it was a great ending to an episode.

Shick Brithouse said:
He discovered a molecule that was lighter than air for the military and he was using heavy element to create an equilibrium I think.

When he told Walter in the prison cell the 2 elements to make the light molecule weren't the osmium or whatever it was called.
No, he was an aeronautical engineer and was trying different elements to create material for aircraft parts. He mixed two of the heaviest elements for no reason in particular, and that was lighter than air. It was an accidental discovery, but he noticed he could try to use it for handicapped people.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Shick Brithouse said:
He discovered a molecule that was lighter than air for the military and he was using heavy element to create an equilibrium I think.

When he told Walter in the prison cell the 2 elements to make the light molecule weren't the osmium or whatever it was called.

No, from what I gathered, he took the osmium and the other one that I don't recall and by pure accident, and by virtue of the laws of physics beginning to break down courtesy of Walter's extradimensional meddling, he created the lighter than air molecule with those two extremely dense materials. Presumably he had hidden his real results from the military and was instead focusing on creating a way for his son with muscular dystrophy to be able to move more easily. He was probably a chemical engineer or something so it's not like he had any other way than the roundabout way to help his son, so being able to make his body extremely light would have been his best way of doing it.


big ander said:
No, he was an aeronautical engineer and was trying different elements to create material for aircraft parts. He mixed two of the heaviest elements for no reason in particular, and that was lighter than air. It was an accidental discovery, but he noticed he could try to use it for handicapped people.

Right, it's that last part that makes me scratch my head. But I probably shouldn't be thinking about this.


big ander said:
No, he was an aeronautical engineer and was trying different elements to create material for aircraft parts. He mixed two of the heaviest elements for no reason in particular, and that was lighter than air. It was an accidental discovery, but he noticed he could try to use it for handicapped people.
Right the 2 elements he combined formed the lighter than air molecule. I should have been more specific with my post.

But I could have sworn when he was telling Walter about the discovery, Walter named the 2 elements but neither was osmium. So I'm thinking that was used as a counterbalance to perfect it so they wouldn't float away.

Maybe I heard him wrong when he said the 2 elements but it didn't sound like osmium was one of the 2 that made the floating molecule.

I already deleted it from my dvr so I can't check it again.


Really Really Exciting Member!
How many episodes are supposed to be in Season 3? Is it close to ending? I see that its at Episode 16 on Fringepedia right now, so i guess 4 or 6 more episodes?

I'm only at the episode 10 on my Season 2 DVD, so i missed all the Season 3 episodes on TV so far. Does the Seasons DVDs usually come shortly after its finished? I dont feel like looking for all of them on the internet and downloading all the episodes once im finished with Season 2(especially since i have some shitty download limit per month), so i'll probably just wait on the Season 3 DVD.

big ander

KarmaCow said:
Right, it's that last part that makes me scratch my head. But I probably shouldn't be thinking about this.
I get it. I'm willing to accept the coincidence that the man who stumbled across it had a son with MD, but that he decided it was a good idea to inject people with that metal is weird.

Shick Brithouse said:
Right the 2 elements he combined formed the lighter than air molecule. I should have been more specific with my post.

But I could have sworn when he was telling Walter about the discovery, Walter named the 2 elements but neither was osmium. So I'm thinking that was used as a counterbalance to perfect it so they wouldn't float away.

Maybe I heard him wrong when he said the 2 elements but it didn't sound like osmium was one of the 2 that made the floating molecule.

I already deleted it from my dvr so I can't check it again.
Just skipped to in in my copy:
He was hired to make a metal dense enough to protect pilots from fire while still being fast. He combined osmium and lutetium. And that made the molecule. He just calls it a miracle and leaves it there.

Bisnic said:
How many episodes are supposed to be in Season 3? Is it close to ending? I see that its at Episode 16 on Fringepedia right now, so i guess 4 or 6 more episodes?

I'm only at the episode 10 on my Season 2 DVD, so i missed all the Season 3 episodes on TV so far. Does the Seasons DVDs usually come shortly after its finished? I dont feel like looking for all of them on the internet and downloading all the episodes once im finished with Season 2(especially since i have some shitty download limit per month), so i'll probably just wait on the Season 3 DVD.
22 episodes total in season 3. Six to go.
Sadly, the DVDs come out about a week before the new season starts. I hate that they've started doing this the past few years, but they do it because then the DVD/BD gets free marketing from the marketing for the new season.
Though, if we don't get a season 4, it will probably come out sooner. :(
I think it was said earlier, but if you have a Blu player DO get this show on BRD. It's beautiful.


Bisnic said:
How many episodes are supposed to be in Season 3? Is it close to ending? I see that its at Episode 16 on Fringepedia right now, so i guess 4 or 6 more episodes?

I'm only at the episode 10 on my Season 2 DVD, so i missed all the Season 3 episodes on TV so far. Does the Seasons DVDs usually come shortly after its finished? I dont feel like looking for all of them on the internet and downloading all the episodes once im finished with Season 2(especially since i have some shitty download limit per month), so i'll probably just wait on the Season 3 DVD.
I think there are 22 episodes this season so 6 more (someone correct me if I'm wrong). The first two seasons DVD's came out like a week and a half before the new season aired so you may have to wait a while if you go that route. Edit: Oops... didn't see your post before posting this big ander.


big ander said:
I get it. I'm willing to accept the coincidence that the man who stumbled across it had a son with MD, but that he decided it was a good idea to inject people with that metal is weird.

Just skipped to in in my copy:
He was hired to make a metal dense enough to protect pilots from fire while still being fast. He combined osmium and lutetium. And that made the molecule. He just calls it a miracle and leaves it there.

22 episodes total in season 3. Six to go.
Sadly, the DVDs come out about a week before the new season starts. I hate that they've started doing this the past few years, but they do it because then the DVD/BD gets free marketing from the marketing for the new season.
Though, if we don't get a season 4, it will probably come out sooner. :(
I think it was said earlier, but if you have a Blu player DO get this show on BRD. It's beautiful.

but it wasnt a miracle right, its their world starting to screw itself up because of walter

big ander

iNvidious01 said:
but it wasnt a miracle right, its their world starting to screw itself up because of walter
Yeah, but Alan Ruck's character had no idea how it happened, and we never really see how he jumps from "I have a super light metal from my aeronautics work" to "I'm going to inject this into young men with MD".


Really Really Exciting Member!
Bah, this sucks, if the 2nd half of Season 2 is as crazy as i heard, waiting so many months for the Season 3 DVD is going to suck. Maybe i'll just find some website to download the episodes, although i hope its not like over 1gb for each of them.


big ander said:
Yeah, but Alan Ruck's character had no idea how it happened, and we never really see how he jumps from "I have a super light metal from my aeronautics work" to "I'm going to inject this into young men with MD".
My bad hearing it wrong then. But yeah its quite odd he jumped to the conclusion of using it as a potential medical treatment for people with md.

Although I guess I can kind of see it to make the persons body light enough to allow the persons legs to work.

I think the bigger plot-hole so to speak is how in the world would their legs be strong enough to walk with the weighted boots that kept them from floating off? Oh well it was still a great episode anyway. Just nitpicking at this point.
Bisnic said:
Bah, this sucks, if the 2nd half of Season 2 is as crazy as i heard, waiting so many months for the Season 3 DVD is going to suck. Maybe i'll just find some website to download the episodes, although i hope its not like over 1gb for each of them.
If you get SD versions they are like 300mb or so.


Does not have twelve inches...
Hurley... really? REALLY? Anyways the episode of the week was ok but I wish they'll go full main story mode on.
big ander said:
You saw it coming that the thing making them float would be an aeronautics accident mixing two of the densest elements created a substance that resisted gravity? :S
Wait, you didn't?! I was referring to the motivation of the villain and the inevitable connection back to the ongoing arc. It's a formula that works, but sometimes the story beats in this show become a bit obvious.
PhoncipleBone said:
Ratings are in. Held steady, no increase.

Late, but...



Did anyone else think Hurley was going to walk in the door at the end and talk like William Bell? What with him mentioning that he knew Bell and all.

I was calling that one from a mile away, and boy did I turn out to be wrong!

big ander

Hokuten said:
Did anyone else think Hurley was going to walk in the door at the end and talk like William Bell? What with him mentioning that he knew Bell and all.

I was calling that one from a mile away, and boy did I turn out to be wrong!
No, but only because I knew his role was just a cameo. :p


Bell using Olivia as a vessel seems apt. One, he knows how special she is and, two, we're quite aware of how "adaptable" her brain seems to be. She can cross worlds under extreme emotional distress with no other consequences, she can lurk through both her own memories and those of others, just to name a few of her capabilities.

The voice is funny, but in a good way. I mean, it sounds exactly like Olivia doing Spock, which is how it should.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
big ander said:
Yeah, but Alan Ruck's character had no idea how it happened, and we never really see how he jumps from "I have a super light metal from my aeronautics work" to "I'm going to inject this into young men with MD".
Eh, I think it's enough that he has a son with that condition so it's sort of always on his mind. I don't think we needed some kind of play-by-play. The audience can fill in the blanks well enough.
That blew my mind when i read it on another forum, since i only vaguely remembered that scene. This show is so awesome at planting seeds and paying them off in a satisfying way.

Supposedly the previouslies covered that moment, but i always skip them.
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