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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!


Just watched the episode. Enjoyed it for the most part.

As for the end...

Can't say I'm looking forward to potentially multiple episodes of Anna Torv's mediocre Nimoy impression. It really doesn't even make sense that her voice would suddenly sound different.

Le sigh.


I only have positive things to say about the episode again. I'm like a broken record at this point. I disgust myself.

Yeah, Torv is reallllllllllllllllllly going to have to sell me on this one.

But the AMAZING Paula Malcomson will take the sting off next week.

IMO Torv did fine. I love this show. So fucking good. Honestly, it's the best show on TV right now and picked up the torch since LOST is no more.
Belfast said:
The voice is funny, but in a good way. I mean, it sounds exactly like Olivia doing Spock, which is how it should.
Yeah. I hope they leave it as a gimmick for one episode because it might get old pretty quickly.

Also, I think Noble was outstanding in this episode. In the opening scene he was pretty funny (also even though I only watched the pilot of Lost, I liked the cameo from that big guy) and the scenes with Nina were great too.
Finally got to watch the episode today and the ending was awesome! I also love Alan Ruck so the MOTW storyline didn't bother me.

Hokuten said:
Did anyone else think Hurley was going to walk in the door at the end and talk like William Bell? What with him mentioning that he knew Bell and all.

I was calling that one from a mile away, and boy did I turn out to be wrong!

I thought Bell was going to come back in Jorge Garcia too. I was just thinking "a cameo at the beginning, is that really it?" So I expected him to walk through the door when Walter and Nina looked at it.

I'm also heavily excited for (next week preview spoiler)
regular universe Lincoln Lee
but I kind of have a man-crush on that actor and character, so.


Jexemad said:

Quoted for new page.
I am in shock that people didn't remember the bell thing from season 2, and I havent watched that episode since it aired.

But I am glad to see they laid little seeds here and there, but I do feel this was something that they came up with and found their hook that was already there.


PhoncipleBone said:
I am in shock that people didn't remember the bell thing from season 2, and I havent watched that episode since it aired.

But I am glad to see they laid little seeds here and there, but I do feel this was something that they came up with and found their hook that was already there.

Hah me too. But, I did just buy the Season 1 & 2 Blu-rays and re-watched them. So perhaps that helped me in remembering, but I thought it was pretty memorable.

One of the things I like about Fringe is I don't feel that they've made a enormous amount of loose ends to tie, unlike LOST. I just became impossible for them to answer every question in LOST, but I think they have a good chance to with Fringe...assuming it gets another season.
mm04 said:
Hah me too. But, I did just buy the Season 1 & 2 Blu-rays and re-watched them. So perhaps that helped me in remembering, but I thought it was pretty memorable.

One of the things I like about Fringe is I don't feel that they've made a enormous amount of loose ends to tie, unlike LOST. I just became impossible for them to answer every question in LOST, but I think they have a good chance to with Fringe...assuming it gets another season.
Fringe has done a good job of leading us along just enough on stuff before answering it, and then by answering they present a new lil mystery. It has done a remarkable job of being teasing enough, but answering enough.

And as for season 2, I bought the Blu on release day, but only did a selective rewatch of it due to a lack of time.
Shadow780 said:
My mind was blown seeing Bell laying the seed.

One of the few gifs that keeps on giving.

And I love the name "soul magnets." The question is how did Bell's energy cross universes into Olivia? Or did it latch onto her while she was on the other side and didn't manifest itself until now?
Disappointed they didn't do some Twin Peaks type shit and have Belly in Olivia's reflection.

Maybe next episode Nina sees Belly for a second crouching at the foot of Walter's bed.

Why do I willingly terrify myself?


big ander

BenjaminBirdie said:
Disappointed they didn't do some Twin Peaks type shit and have Belly in Olivia's reflection.

Maybe next episode Nina sees Belly for a second crouching at the foot of Walter's bed.

Why do I willingly terrify myself?

My mental image was Nimoy crouched at the end of Sarah Palmer's bed with a crazy lil' grin on his face. Cracking up at it :lol

Angry Fork

I definitely see why people who disliked Lost's making-shit-up approach love Fringe. I thought Fringe was going to jump the shark with the Peter/Olivia meeting thing, but it made sense and I was pleasantly surprised how they did it. Then they went with the soul magnet stuff and I was like oh come on, my suspension of disbelief is reaching critical mass etc. but then people noted how the bell stuff was shown in season 2 and so on. It seems like the writers really did plan general story arch's and ideas/themes for at least 5-6 seasons or whatever it may be. I have no worries about the show not explaining stuff.

I love lost btw it's still my favorite show, something feels missing from Fringe which made Lost so compelling, I guess Lost had more mysteries and a larger mythology which made me like it more. The most interesting thing about Fringe's mythology to me are the Observers, but they barely talk about/show them which is disappointing. I know you can't show all the eggs in the basket or whatever but still I'd like a bit more on them.

I noticed with Fringe that they tend to go for things which seem a bit far fetched, but then somehow are able to explain it really well. My current 'meh' vibe is from Peter being the most important puzzle to the entire storyline etc. I just don't get that feeling from him. This is likely being done on purpose but having Peter be this huge important thing to the device just kind of feels like it was pulled out of a hat. It'll likely be explained well in the future/at the end of the season but right now I'm not entirely on board which makes Fringe less interesting than say Lost where I was pretty much always on board episode after episode.

The real meat of these shows is the mythology imo, the deep interesting stuff, not the random cases like the people who could float. I don't understand why they do filler episodes just to max out a 25 episode season, just make it 12-13 episodes of raw storyline like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, etc. why do they extend it so much and add filler inbetween? That kind of stuff brings down the show imo, same with Smallville. These companies and TV channels wonder why they get low ratings, because a lot of the episodes are filler, people want answers to a full interesting storyline, they don't want random stuff interjected just to fill the sci-fi quota, at least I don't. A lot of the Walter and sci-fi stuff in the filler episodes are cool and fun, but they don't grip you and keep you interested as much as the main storyline. I'm sure Breaking Bad could have 25 episodes a season but those 12-13 would still be the interesting ones, the other ones would be cool/fun but ultimately dead weight.
The difference between Lost and Fringe is that they are giving us answers on a regular basis with Fringe. They aren't just piling mystery on top of mystery. They give us a tease, then feed us just enough to make us happy, then right after we get another nice little tease.

It is working beautifully because it is not getting weighed down by its own mythology (yet) nor is it setting so many things in motion that they cannot ever truly answer them in a satisfactory manner.

I loved Lost to death, but was disappointed by the ending. The mystery of it was a big part of the fun, but it did eventually crumble underneath its own mystery. Thankfully, Fringe has avoided that so far.

Angry Fork

Yea I definitely agree with that, it's what I love about Fringe so far, it's ability to introduce new things while also answering old questions in a reasonable time frame.

I guess i'm just impatient because a lot of the mythology is interesting, so when an episode comes along that doesn't do much to further the story except like 2 minutes of the show I get frustrated. It's not that big of a deal but I still don't know why shows do this instead of following the Mad Men/Breaking bad route.

I think it's worth noting though that I didn't have to deal with this during Lost days because I got into lost around the middle of the 5th season, and I was able to watch all of it one after another, so I didn't have to deal with the frustration many others did, so that's probably why I love Lost more at the moment. I can't imagine the rage i'd feel if I had to watch Lost from when it first started episode after episode and barely getting answers.
I absolutely loathe Anna Torv as an actor. I hate her character too. I am surprised I've managed to love this show as much as I do considering she makes me want to turn it off whenever shes on screen.


Angry Fork said:
Yea I definitely agree with that, it's what I love about Fringe so far, it's ability to introduce new things while also answering old questions in a reasonable time frame.

I guess i'm just impatient because a lot of the mythology is interesting, so when an episode comes along that doesn't do much to further the story except like 2 minutes of the show I get frustrated. It's not that big of a deal but I still don't know why shows do this instead of following the Mad Men/Breaking bad route.

I think it's worth noting though that I didn't have to deal with this during Lost days because I got into lost around the middle of the 5th season, and I was able to watch all of it one after another, so I didn't have to deal with the frustration many others did, so that's probably why I love Lost more at the moment. I can't imagine the rage i'd feel if I had to watch Lost from when it first started episode after episode and barely getting answers.
Because a lot of fringes appeal lies within the sci-fi anomalies. At least for me anyway. Some of the more memorable episodes this season (marionette, dude who could see the future by calculating probability) had the monster of the week feel to them. As long as they don't forget completely about the mythology, I'm fine with these type of episodes. I don't know what else on tv right now has the x-files/fringe weird shit vibe
Future said:
Because a lot of fringes appeal lies within the sci-fi anomalies. At least for me anyway. Some of the more memorable episodes this season (marionette, dude who could see the future by calculating probability) had the monster of the week feel to them. As long as they don't forget completely about the mythology, I'm fine with these type of episodes. I don't know what else on tv right now has the x-files/fringe weird shit vibe

I can agree on that. The Alt Universe one with the probability guy was one of the best of the series. It had a lil mythology thrown in with Olivia regaining some memory, but it was just a solid and awesome episode.

And my favorite episode, "The Man From the Other Side", was both a MOTW and mythology driven. At least how I look at it. "Entrada" was an all mythology episode, and still awesome.

big ander

New episode tonight.

3x17 "Stowaway" said:
When the Fringe team investigates an apparent suicide victim, they uncover a second set of fingerprints leading them to a woman with uncanny characteristics that cannot die in the all-new “Stowaway” episode of FRINGE airing Friday, March 18 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (FR-317) (TV-14 L, V)

Cast: Anna Torv as Olivia Dunham; Joshua Jackson as Peter Bishop; John Noble as Walter Bishop; Lance Reddick as Phillip Broyles; Blair Brown as Nina Sharp; Jasika Nicole as Astrid Farnsworth


"Has anyone told you that you have lovely hands, my dear?" :lol

Is this the first episode shot post-Friday move? The greenscreen during the rooftop scenes was really bad.


I can't take it. I'm dying here. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

They really should have just done it without her trying to do the voice. That was just a very bad choice.


Im enjoying Torv with the voice, myself. Her and Walter interacting is great fun. Lincoln our-side is a nerd, haha.
Solo said:
Im enjoying Torv with the voice, myself. Her and Walter interacting is great fun. Lincoln our-side is a nerd, haha.
Liking the voice myself. It is funny, but it works. She has the mannerisms down though.

And I think I like nerd Lincoln more.


Solo said:
Im enjoying Torv with the voice, myself. Her and Walter interacting is great fun. Lincoln our-side is a nerd, haha.

Oh don't get me wrong. The episode is great otherwise. I love the way she pulls off interacting with Walter and others. That could just as easily be done without the voice though. Hell even she has admitted that she's not good doing impersonations. It shows too. So I don't fault her for doing what they asked. I just feel that it takes away from what is otherwise a great episode.
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