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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!


Solo said:
Coppola directed Taxi Driver over there :lol Poor Scorsese


My guess is that this episode will end with Fauxlivia, at the height of fear, jumping to our world.

Hey get out of my head damn it. That was exactly what I was thinking. lol

Also it seems that they are accelerating the baby's growth. So I could see her having the baby by the end of the episode. In fact I'm sure that's going to happen.


heliosRAzi said:
It's amazing how they made us sympathize with her

It really is. I've said it tonight and other times. That's why this show is so damn good. They could go the easy route and make the other side entirely evil yet they don't. They are going out of their way to show us that their side really deep down isn't any different from ours in that there are bad and good guys there too.

And oh. This is getting good. Others are starting to question Walternate.

big ander

Excellent episode. Camera work was amazing. Music was fantastic. It was emotional. It had everything.

3 weeks:
LSD inception
Walternate accelerated the pregnancy for two reasons. (guesses)
1. He is impatient and wants to power the machine NOW!
2. He pumped Fauxlivia full of Cortexiphan so that he now has a baby fully loaded and ready to go.

And let's see where the Lincoln and Charlie investigation goes.

Fanfuckingtastic episode.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Walternate and his assistant are some evil bastards.

What is he gonna do with that blood sample? Clone the baby? Make it so his ultimate machine works with just a blood sample from Peter's son?


PhoncipleBone said:
Walternate accelerated the pregnancy for two reasons. (guesses)
1. He is impatient and wants to power the machine NOW!
2. He pumped Fauxlivia full of Cortexiphan so that he now has a baby fully loaded and ready to go.

And let's see where the Lincoln and Charlie investigation goes.

Fanfuckingtastic episode.

They will team up with our Fringe division eventually and go against walternate as a team!
Bisnic said:
Walternate and his assistant are some evil bastards.

What is he gonna do with that blood sample? Clone the baby? Make it so his ultimate works with just a blood sample from Peter's son?
Blood sample to either make sure the cortexiphan worked, or to clone a bunch of cortexiphan babies.


Willy105 said:
There has not been a more appropriate time to play Life and Death in over a year until that scene.

I was thinking the exact same thing while watching that scene. Getting flashbacks to the Lost episode.

Also, I'm assuming the reason Walter went through all of that is because he knew Olivia would have gotten an abortion otherwise.


What a fucking great episode. This season is 18/18 and likely to finish without a single bad episode. Impressive as hell, but even more impressive is how many of those episodes have been stellar. The acting was great in this one - especially the birth scene, where Lincoln and Fauxlivia nailed that shit. I really love all the implications this episode has - Walternate is more fucked up than imagined, Lincoln and Charlie are gonna go poking around where they shouldn't, and Peter has a son. Goddamn, Fringe, goddamn.


Goddamn that was an awesome and moving episode. Can't wait to see the preview. The wait for the next ep is going to kill me.
Somnia said:
They will team up with our Fringe division eventually and go against walternate as a team!
I think that as well. Too bad there cannot be two Broyles as well. Then Walternate wouldn't stand a chance.

And I think the episode had a different impact for me tonight because it was the first in a while that I wasn't watching and fearing that the show would end without closure. It was nice to watch an episode and know that we have a lot more to come.


Somnia said:
To make sure the baby was born and so no one would know Walternate was in on it.
Why not just tell her "we have a way to help you out here" and let her submit to the procedure willingly? I understand that wouldve made for a boring episode but the intentions here are pretty vague. Seemed like an excuse for a twisty ending.


.GqueB. said:
So why did they go through all the trouble of kidnapping her again?

Trying to free himself of suspicion. Would anyone think the secretary of defense would kidnap his own grandson? I think not!


Also there is another motive too. The observer wouldn't have been so interested otherwise. That tells me Walternate has other plans for that baby.
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