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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!


Anybody know who played the mystery man?

Edit: nvm, he was listed on Fringepedia

Edit 2: Man, child actors suck.


Keyser Soze said:

That .gif is gold. It's gold Jerry, GOLD.

Loved this episode.


WonkersTHEWatilla said:
Could be one solution to solve multiple problems. Either way it's great having Nimoy on the show, for what brief time it was.

It was probably more likely that the work around to get Leonard Nimoy on the show was that he'd only do voice over work and when the call was made that that's what they were doing the writers rolled with it and did some things that they couldn't in live action without being exceedingly expensive.

But that was quite poorly animated, really stiff and looked like a late 90s prerendered game cutscene. The likenesses were way off too, Walter was the only one even close to looking like the real life version.

Purkake4 said:
Umm, yeah...

The 90s called, they want their video game CG back.

haha I typed my above responde before I read that.

Also what ever happened to those 3 serums walter had to repair his brain, the monkey one, some other one and his? I remember they did the monkey one already


What the fuck?

Remember in the beginning when LOST was genuinely mysterious and even a bit scary? When character conflicts felt real and consequential? And emotional payoffs actually paid off? And then the stakes kept getting higher and every episode became about everything and absolutely nothing.

Fringe has been going down the same path for a while now, but, to its credit, has been doing a great job keeping it credible and interesting this season. But this episode really gave me bad Lost vibes. I can just hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
The only problem I had with the episode, was the cartoon part felt half done, and did not look right in places, as I mentioned before Peter was not even a good match for his real life self. Even worse, some of the stuff (the running) looked like it was from the concept stage.

The basic idea was good though, and if they got the animation spot on the episode have been fantastic.

I really feel like they should have went for a less time demanding style of animation, and nailed that instead of going for something super artsy. They should have called the South Park guys :p


Does not have twelve inches...
Jtwo said:
And with this, FRINGE has officially lost me.
It was a big WTF for me but I'm staying.
Keyser Soze said:
The only problem I had with the episode, was the cartoon part felt half done, and did not look right in places, as I mentioned before Peter was not even a good match for his real life self. Even worse, some of the stuff (the running) looked like it was from the concept stage.

The basic idea was good though, and if they got the animation spot on the episode have been fantastic.

I really feel like they should have went for a less time demanding style of animation, and nailed that instead of going for something super artsy. They should have called the South Park guys :p
I agree completely, the animation was terrible and that sank the episode for me but the idea wasn't that bad. I don't know if they went in that direction knowing that Nimoy is retired.


Keyser Soze said:
The only problem I had with the episode, was the cartoon part felt half done, and did not look right in places, as I mentioned before Peter was not even a good match for his real life self. Even worse, some of the stuff (the running) looked like it was from the concept stage.

The basic idea was good though, and if they got the animation spot on the episode have been fantastic.

I really feel like they should have went for a less time demanding style of animation, and nailed that instead of going for something super artsy. They should have called the South Park guys :p
I agree Peter didn't look right and the running animations looked really silly. I did really enjoy the episode though.
I watched the episode just now. It was great, one of the best this season Id say.

The cartoon thing was interesting. At first, I thought "I guess thats how they could convince nimroy to come back, just do a voice from a studio" and then I saw the next scene and though "thats one way to lower your budget while doing the same level of action".

I just wish they had gone with hand-drawn and not CGI, the running sequences looked terrible. The driving through the suburb scene also looked like movie-maker software from 1995.

Also, apparently some people spoiled other by talking about the cartoon sequence that was shown on a preview.

Remember folks, previews = spoiler tagged. Always.

big ander

jamesinclair said:
Also, apparently some people spoiled other by talking about the cartoon sequence that was shown on a preview.

Remember folks, previews = spoiler tagged. Always.
Don't worry, oh bastion of just and moral rules: it was taken care of a long long time ago. Your services are not needed.
big ander said:
Don't worry, oh bastion of just and moral rules: it was taken care of a long long time ago. Your services are not needed.

My services are always needed because standards slip. And when things become slippery, people get hurt.
Hmm, the writers have until the end of the season to win me over - because at the moment, this show is turning into garbage.

I'm fucking over the shitty 'emotional' explanations for some of the concepts in the show. I don't care that Olivia is hiding because she no longer feels safe - and that for sake of pacing, Peter just so happens to know what colour a particular door is etc. It's all crap.

I love so much about this show sometimes, the episodes where they focus on a particular concept of fringe science and run with it (mostly the MOTW episodes) are often great - and the overarching plot regarding the First People and Peter/Machine etc, is interesting... but when they start pulling 'Oh the pain/love these two old people had for each other, combined with a weakened fabric of the universe blah blah' - it completely takes me out of the show. I stop caring about Walter, the alternate universe etc... and notice just how bad some of the writing/screenplay can really be.

Then they topped it off with a few episodes of a shitty Olivia/Bell combination (complete with a terrible voice/accent), horrible animated episode and an awful child actor version of Olivia.

I hope they pick it back up and move along with the First People/Machine story so I can get back into the show.
"Fringe" actor Joshua Jackson is in talks to star in Stephen Frears' "Lay the Favorite" for Pathe and Emmett Furla Films reports Variety.

Based on Beth Raymer’s bestseller "Lay the Favorite: A Memoir of Gambling", the story charts her rise from lowly Vegas cocktail waitress to one of the top sports gambling bookmakers. After falling in love, Raymer soon begins to re-evaluate her life and the profession she has chosen.

Rebecca Hall and Bruce Willis also star. D.V. DeVincentis (”High Fidelity,” “Grosse Pointe Blank”) adapted the script and shooting aims to kick off in New Orleans shortly.

Looks like Joshua Jackson is getting roles again. Or Fox is letting him pursue other projects during hiatus?
I thought the episode was very good. Not their greatest, but nice surprises. I liked the animation. yes it was crappy, but I felt it fit in with the whole LSD, altered reality of being inserted into Olivia's mind. The producers knew they were on the edge of cancellation when planning this show, yet they tried something experimental and unexpected. Gutsy.
Walter's Tuesday ritual. Awesome.

And shit just got real. Also, I never noticed that on the USA map on the other side that the California coast is missing.


Oh man, that was one of my favorite Peter/Walter scenes of the entire series :_( John Noble destroys me.

Sam Weiss looking through windows - shit is happening!
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