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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!


That was a very LOST-esque musical flourish at the end. I didn't care for it. Thankfully, it was the only thing in this episode I didn't care for.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Great episode, i really wonder how all of this is going to end.

And damn, i always forget to stay during the credits for next week previews. :( Good thing there's Youtube.


Another great one. I felt this one was especially a standout episode for John Noble. His scene with Peter and then his scene in the church hospital, man, that was some emotional shit. Peter going into the machine had very unexpected results, and Ill be damned if there aren't a lot of tasty morsels to chew on for the rest of the season. Looking forward to seeing what happens with Olivia/Sam Weiss, Peter, Fauxlivia, and Lincoln/Charlie.
Disappointed that they did not end the episode with this, because it was screaming for it.


there is joy in sucking dick
Has Noble won any TV awards for his work on Fringe? He was really doing some great acting in this episode. I love the whispering reverence his voice carried in the Church at first and then the pleading in his voice when asking God to spare the world. Such a wonderful actor.
BlueTsunami said:
Has Noble won any TV awards for his work on Fringe? He was really doing some great acting in this episode. I love how whispering reverence in the Church and then the pleading in his voice when asking God to spare the world. Such a wonderful actor.
No, nor has he been nominated. Hopefully Fox does an aggressive push for him this year. Funnily enough, HBO is pushing for Sean Bean in Game of Thrones. How funny would it be for Bean and Noble to be against each other in an acting category.

Now we just need a Denethor pic with "Son, I am disappoint." underneath it.


Solo said:
Ill be damned if there aren't a lot of tasty morsels to chew on for the rest of the season. Looking forward to seeing what happens with Olivia/Sam Weiss, Peter, Fauxlivia, and Lincoln/Charlie.
Yeah, they really set up a lot of different things. Can't wait to see how it all shakes out.


Really Really Exciting Member!
PhoncipleBone said:
Disappointed that they did not end the episode with this, because it was screaming for it.

Yeah, i kinda smiled when i saw him walking through the corridor leading to the cell. I was all "Ah, the 2 Olivias went into the same cell"
Solo said:
The titles for the last two episode have me salivating. Especially DAT FINALE.
I know. That title and the set pic that leaked have my mind in overdrive.

As for tonight, I was not expecting that reaction from Peter touching the machine. But the scene with Walter putting the gel on Peter's hands was so nice.


damn, great ending. I am very excited what is going to happen

Maybe because the machine was activated from the child, it can only be deactivated by the baby?

John Noble seriously needs to win something for his fantastic walters. Almost as great as John Locke/Man in Black


DarthWoo said:
I was kind of wondering why they didn't use the alternating blue and red intro for this one.

Ah, that is true. I love when they do that, especially for the oldschool episodes.

Heh, would be great if the finale's intro was just purple, to show the blend of the two universes
Man, Fringe has been fantastepic (yes I made a new word to describe Fringe because it's that good) this season. I have season 1 on DVD and kind of want to go back and watch it after the season ends just to see if there are tidbits I can pick up on.

The huge build-up to Peter getting into the machine and then br-zap was really well executed. I kept thinking the whole episode that it felt like a finale, and yet there are still two more episodes to go. I can't wait to see what happens.

jax (old)

Interesting episode in that its clear that this was written to close off Fringe as a series. (again with the idea in mind that S3 was the final season) I wonder how the absolute finale for S3 is going to end as they're pushing pushing pushing for a killer finale.

The one thing that I thought was a bit bullshit.. really was:

um, you idiots didn't need to put the machine together. Its the Our universe idiots who set it up to activate. If it were in parts, it wouldn't work. I'm sorry but you guys could try rocket launchering the thing?!? or stick enough c4 around it and blow it up? Seriously.
Jax said:
Interesting episode in that its clear that this was written to close off Fringe as a series. (again with the idea in mind that S3 was the final season) I wonder how the absolute finale for S3 is going to end as they're pushing pushing pushing for a killer finale.

The one thing that I thought was a bit bullshit.. really was:

um, you idiots didn't need to put the machine together. Its the Our universe idiots who set it up to activate. If it were in parts, it wouldn't work. I'm sorry but you guys could try rocket launchering the thing?!? or stick enough c4 around it and blow it up? Seriously.

First, they thought building the machine might be the only way to understand what Walternate planned to do with it. Second, taking it a part might still be a bad idea because it may be the only way to stop Walternate from what he is doing on the other side. That's also why you shouldn't shoot it into space. Third, I would never try to blow up something I don't understand. You could be dividing by 0.

Great episode.


heh, in retrospect my favorite part of the episode was when sam was doing a math equation while looking at the other universe and his answer was '0' and he looks concerned, just a small stupid thing

jax (old)

DoctorWho said:
First, they thought building the machine might be the only way to understand what Walternate planned to do with it. Second, taking it a part might still be a bad idea because it may be the only way to stop Walternate from what he is doing on the other side. That's also why you shouldn't shoot it into space. Third, I would never try to blow up something I don't understand. You could be dividing by 0.

Great episode.

I disagree. all they need to do is to blow it up. As is, they didn't.

Its a machine that has 28 parts. Assuming all bits are needed... well, they really should not have put it together.

Now that they know its what's causing the "vortexes", all the more reason why it was stupid to put it togehter in the first instance.

ergo, I'd blow it up.


this is like the old woman episode. Which I liked. But someone said, why didn't they shoot the old bag in the head. And I would have too :)
I thought they talked about taking it apart or something in the episode, but Walter talked about how they could be worse because of the power output of the machine.


Solo said:
Another great one. I felt this one was especially a standout episode for John Noble. His scene with Peter and then his scene in the church hospital, man, that was some emotional shit. Peter going into the machine had very unexpected results, and Ill be damned if there aren't a lot of tasty morsels to chew on for the rest of the season. Looking forward to seeing what happens with Olivia/Sam Weiss, Peter, Fauxlivia, and Lincoln/Charlie.

Almost exactly how I felt about the episode. John Noble was absolutely fantastic. I really got sucked into every scene he was in. I think there were more emotional Peter/Walter scenes in this episode than in the entire season combined.

Fauxlivia is a damn soldier. That's really all I could think as she was locked up in that cell with the look on her face and her demeanor. I fully expect Charlie and Lincoln to bust her ass out of there sometime in the next 2 episodes.




solblade00 said:
Oh shit. Looks like a memorial stone for some guys who died trying to save this universe - the only question now is who?

What? I think your speculation is a bit off.

It's just a dedication to OUR universe (the one that lost the towers), because 9/11 didn't happen the same way in the alt universe. Therefore, the alt puts up a memorial dedicated to what happens on 9/11 in the other universe.


PhoncipleBone said:
The speculation in the pic is
the time. It lists it being erected in 2021. So we might have a time jump coming up.

When and where. My assumption is that our universe ends, the people end up in the universe that still has the towers. In 2021 a dedication is erected to the people from the universe that lost the towers on 9/11. solblade seemed to think it was entirely unrelated to 9/11 which is what I was responding to.
Hairtux said:
When and where. My assumption is that our universe ends, the people end up in the universe that still has the towers. In 2021 a dedication is erected to the people from the universe that lost the towers on 9/11. solblade seemed to think it was entirely unrelated to 9/11 which is what I was responding to.

Either way
there will be a time jump somehow.
DieH@rd said:
I changed my mind, i did not look at that pic. :D
As I said, it is more speculation fodder than anything. It isnt like it is a pic of William Bell choking Peter to death or something. (I made that up, so dont freak out)
Christ, the ratings dropped again.

EW said:
Fringe (3.5 million, 1.2), taking the steepest tumble of the evening, down 14 percent.

I know we dont need to worry that much anymore because it got renewed, but that is just terrible.


Woah. I haven't even been paying attention to the ratings since it got renewed. What was it last week? It was around what a 1.5 before the break right?


Last week it was 1.4. Maybe it's the Easter weekend or something, but it definitely makes me sad considering last night's episode was so good.
My worry ever since they announced the renewal is that the passion would die down, as would the ratings.

With numbers like this, they better plan on next year being the last.


PhoncipleBone said:
My worry ever since they announced the renewal is that the passion would die down, as would the ratings.

With numbers like this, they better plan on next year being the last.

Yeah, people probably switched to DVR instead. They typically have big DVR numbers, which means there is an audience, but they're out doing other shit. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the number got adjusted up in a few days.

I still worry because even though it's been renewed for 22 episodes, there's no guarantee that FOX couldn't pull the plug earlier if ratings plunged next season, right?


PhoncipleBone said:
Christ, the ratings dropped again.

I know we dont need to worry that much anymore because it got renewed, but that is just terrible.

That's shitty. I know we don't need to worry, but that's just bad. I hope it's because of Easter weekend, or something like that. To be fair, most people I know had stuff going on for Good Friday last night, but still.

mm04 said:
Yeah, people probably switched to DVR instead. They typically have big DVR numbers, which means there is an audience, but they're out doing other shit. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the number got adjusted up in a few days.

I still worry because even though it's been renewed for 22 episodes, there's no guarantee that FOX couldn't pull the plug earlier if ratings plunged next season, right?

They absolutely could. CBS did it with Medium this year.


threenote said:
Friday just sucks for Fringe. I wish they can move it.

Friday is the only thing keeping Fringe alive right now.

Great episode. I'm going to rewatch it again to catch smaller things I might have missed, but it can't stated how much I love this show. I only wish that it can continue for a while.


threenote said:
Friday just sucks for Fringe. I wish they can move it.

I think that ship has sailed. It's Friday or bust. I do kind of agree with the theory that once it was renewed some Nielsen families felt they did their job and switched to time shifted viewing instead. Hopefully, it ticks back up for the last 2 episodes. After that, we can just hope that Fringe gets some award nominations and some recognition. Maybe they'll get some new viewership if that's the case since people will have a good number of months to catch up with the DVDs. But hey, that's my wishful thinking. If we actually do get the full 22 episodes next season, I'll be ecstatic.

Edit: ^I have an Amazon season pass for Season 3 and it's been worth it for me. Plus it's supporting it financially and it's not like I can't afford a couple of bucks an episode for a show I love. The new episodes show up for download the very next morning.


I also am not entirely worried about Fringe's ratings. While we know that total viewership in the 18-49 was up slightly (and I still think it's statistically unchanged from last week, but that's okay), we don't know the type of audience Fringe attracts. Is it a predominately Christian audience? Was viewership up because of Good Friday specials? Did people who watch Fringe usually not watch anything that night? Or are people just dropping it?

Either way, one week doesn't make a trend. Let's see what happens next week.

EDIT: Also, I wouldn't worry because the traffic on this thread slowed to a halt this week.


YAY. Finally got to watch the episode. The station here aired it 10PM tonight because the fucking weather interrupted here. God forbid there was a little rain and some spooky dark clouds. So it got preempted for them to waste a couple hours talking about how it's raining and this rain could turn into bad weather at anytime but it's still just rain. Of course it didn't.

Anyway I'm getting off on a rant. So this episode kicked all sorts of ass and I couldn't believe it was over. It literally felt like it had only been 10 minutes when it ended. Needless to say I'm interested in where this is going.

big ander

Wow. Fantastic episode. It had Noble showing once again that he needs an Emmy (that church scene was fucking amazing), some good FX, excellent emotional notes for all characters, and it seemed like an action-filled part 1 of a three-part finale. So so great.
Fucking Walternate and his pragmatism. It's scarier than if he were just a mad scientist. I love it. Bolivia and her son was cute, Logan was sweet, Peter was determined and brave but soft with his father. Goddamn. This show.
Jax said:
Interesting episode in that its clear that this was written to close off Fringe as a series. (again with the idea in mind that S3 was the final season) I wonder how the absolute finale for S3 is going to end as they're pushing pushing pushing for a killer finale.

The one thing that I thought was a bit bullshit.. really was:

um, you idiots didn't need to put the machine together. Its the Our universe idiots who set it up to activate. If it were in parts, it wouldn't work. I'm sorry but you guys could try rocket launchering the thing?!? or stick enough c4 around it and blow it up? Seriously.
It clearly wasn't written to close off the series. Pinkner and Wyman have been saying for a while now that, like the season 1 and 2 finales, season 3 finale just takes it to a whole new level. Before renewal, they even admitted that a season 3 finale would be a cliffhanger of a sort.
As for your "bullshit" comment, see below.
PhoncipleBone said:
I thought they talked about taking it apart or something in the episode, but Walter talked about how they could be worse because of the power output of the machine.
They did, I don't know why people are being just a little bit stupid with these "well just go an blow it up now" comments. They specifically say in the episode when everyone's staring at the diagrams that trying to disassemble it now could be catastrophic.


big ander said:
Wow. Fantastic episode. It had Noble showing once again that he needs an Emmy (that church scene was fucking amazing), some good FX, excellent emotional notes for all characters, and it seemed like an action-filled part 1 of a three-part finale. So so great.
Fucking Walternate and his pragmatism. It's scarier than if he were just a mad scientist. I love it. Bolivia and her son was cute, Logan was sweet, Peter was determined and brave but soft with his father. Goddamn. This show.

It clearly wasn't written to close off the series. Pinkner and Wyman have been saying for a while now that, like the season 1 and 2 finales, season 3 finale just takes it to a whole new level. Before renewal, they even admitted that a season 3 finale would be a cliffhanger of a sort.
As for your "bullshit" comment, see below.

They did, I don't know why people are being just a little bit stupid with these "well just go an blow it up now" comments. They specifically say in the episode when everyone's staring at the diagrams that trying to disassemble it now could be catastrophic.

I couldn't agree more about Noble. He always blows me away in this show. This episode was just another example of how damn good he is.

Also come on people. If they just blew it up and were done with it that wouldn't make for great tv. If you look at all of tv nobody ever does the easy thing. Most shows would be 5 minutes if the easy thing was always done. Hell most movies would be 10 minutes if they did the easy thing. Not only that but man they'd be boring as hell.
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