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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!


The friggin ending!!

So I guess this dude will be skipped to S4. Kinda wanted him to be dealt with now.

Also I'm a little disappointed that there wasn't anything to Sam more than what we saw. I thought he was an Observers level kind of being. Oh well.


Damn, those last 20secs must have costed them a lot. Thank god they have awesome budget.

Awesome episode, 99% of other series would use this ep for their finale, but Fringe writers have more insanity stored for us. Cant wait to see it.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
AnkitT said:
Oh man, dat ending! The green-ish trench coat at the end reminded me of Kyle Reese.

Very first thing that entered my mind, too.

DieH@rd said:
Damn, those last 20secs must have costed them a lot. Thank god they have awesome budget.

Awesome episode, 99% of other series would use this ep for their finale, but Fringe writers have more insanity stored for us. Cant wait to see it.

Haha, I assumed that was the finale. Good to know there's another episode.


Subconscious Brolonging
Jarmel said:
Yep that's it. The question is where does the story go from here? So Peter jumps back and then what? Not activate the machine? Let's assume he does and destroys the other universe, then he has to prevent the doomsday scenario then? Or does he not and destroys OUR universe to save atleast one side.

Damn, the only other show that gave this much of a twist is TSCC. God Damn.

Yeah, I assume he jumps back (I sort of think only his consciousness jumped forward) but the real question is, what is the set-up for the next season? I have absolutely no idea. This appears to be the end of the doomsday machine arc, I think they'll wrap that stuff up in the finale but I haven't a clue about where the series will head from there.


PhoncipleBone said:
While I would love for them to stay in a jumbled combination universe, if that is what happened, it would be difficult. Do they keep it that far into the future? Do you want to have constant "old age" make up on the actors for an entire season? If it were some hybrid of maybe a year or two from now it would be totally fine, but over a decade is a hell of a jump.

Of course, doing a jump that big is REALLY ballsy and awesome. I want it for the craziness it brings, but not for the potentially crappy make up.
Well to be fair, I think Fringe has some of the best makeup artists on TV. They do some fantastic practical effects with it.


A couple things:

- Sup, Epitaph One.

- Sam Weiss' backstory was oddly underwhelming. I expected him to be somehow immortal, or at least related to The First People. Why is his family protecting this secret? The only thing I could think of the entire time is A DEMON TWIST RUSTS.

- Look, Ford Focus has a back camera when you go into reverse!

- I expect a new opening next week.


Waking up today still smiling over dat episode. So crazy, so good.

Also, we've now seen that Fauxlivia with dat bangs and future Olivia with dat wavy hair are so much hotter than ponytail Olivia. Let that shit down, Olivia!


zychi said:
The preview annoys me because it's quite obvious that Peter
returns from the future from his whole "I've seen doomsday..." line

That's not necessarily the only interpretation.
He may have seen the doomsday of Other There briefly before warping to Our 2026, so he knows what fate may eventually befall the regular universe.


We've gotte one for:

- regular episodes (green)
- other side episodes (red)
- past episodes (retro)
- both universe episodes (red and green)

So I think one is pretty much guaranteed for future episodes.


For those interested, ratings up a tenth to 1.3. Hopefully, it goes up again for the finale.

After sleeping on it, fuck awesome episode still. After watching the after episode promo again, I have no idea how they're gonna cram all that stuff in 45 minutes or whatever.


Hah that new Focus is kinda sexy, but yeah it was obvious. But I don't give a fuck since it helped get the show renewed.
Solo said:
We've gotte one for:

- regular episodes (green)
- other side episodes (red)
- past episodes (retro)
- both universe episodes (red and green)

So I think one is pretty much guaranteed for future episodes.

It's totally gonna be like BWAAAAWWWNWNNNN


Teh Hamburglar said:
LoL @ the product placement



I don't mind product placement. But I do mind when they put this awkward pause in there so they can zoom in on the product logo.


Fringe loves Sprint almost as much as those guys in Heroes do.

But really, I don't mind product placement as long as it helps keep marginally rated television on air.

jax (old)

mm04 said:
For those interested, ratings up a tenth to 1.3. Hopefully, it goes up again for the finale.

After sleeping on it, fuck awesome episode still. After watching the after episode promo again, I have no idea how they're gonna cram all that stuff in 45 minutes or whatever.

came to post this. Any sign of ratings going up = Great. Season 3 finale bring it on. Can't wait for what happens next in 4.
Solo said:
We've gotte one for:

- regular episodes (green)
- other side episodes (red)
- past episodes (retro)
- both universe episodes (red and green)

So I think one is pretty much guaranteed for future episodes.
Thought regular episodes were blue, not green. So if we get a purple opening next week that means a hybrid universe.

We better get a new opening. It is expected.


Yeah, that Ford part was ridiculous, but those things don't bug me too much.

Man I woke up today and just thought about how great that episode was. Next week really can't come soon enough.

jax (old)

Solo said:
We've gotte one for:

- regular episodes (green)
- other side episodes (red)
- past episodes (retro)
- both universe episodes (red and green)

So I think one is pretty much guaranteed for future episodes.

colour blind confirmed


PhoncipleBone said:
Thought regular episodes were blue, not green.

Its both, actually, although more blu-ish than green-ish. I dunno, for some reason Ive always referred to them as the green titles, and always shall.

Solo said:
Its both, actually, although more blu-ish than green-ish. I dunno, for some reason Ive always referred to them as the green titles, and always shall.

I know there was always a hint of green, but it is majority blue.

I guess you stand Solo in calling them green titles. :)


I've definitely always thought of them as blue. We'll probably get some new words or whatever too if there is a new opening.
CrankyJay said:
Thought the drawing of Olivia was awesome. So beautiful.
Yeah, I loved the drawing.
TripOpt55 said:
I've definitely always thought of them as blue. We'll probably get some new words or whatever too if there is a new opening.

Yeah, I loved the drawing.

Didn't think about that. I just thought of new color and graphics, but never thought of the words. I am just waking up, so I have no guesses as to what crazy stuff they could throw on there.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Oh god, Peter's gonna meet
his douchey future teenage son
, isn't he?


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
PhoncipleBone said:
And according to call sheets
Olivia's now teenaged niece.
iiiiinteresting. This could be awesome or all kinds of horrible
, depending on casting.


Did anybody notice the
wedding ring
at the end of the episode? :D

(spoilered cause I know for sure from spoilers that it's there)

ivysaur12 said:
- Sam Weiss' backstory was oddly underwhelming. I expected him to be somehow immortal, or at least related to The First People. Why is his family protecting this secret? The only thing I could think of the entire time is A DEMON TWIST RUSTS.

Maybe that's what you weren't supposed to trust? Everyone thought there was something special about him when in the end he basically just comes from a line of treasure hunters :lol
Fuzzy said:
Will she be hot?
No clue. It was actually a casting sheet for the role, so I have no idea who is playing it. That casting call combined with the September 11th plaque we just saw got me speculating big time a few weeks ago. I just never thought they would do it in the second to last episode.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.


Zoe said:
Did anybody notice the
wedding ring
at the end of the episode? :D

(spoilered cause I know for sure from spoilers that it's there)

Maybe that's what you weren't supposed to trust? Everyone thought there was something special about him when in the end he basically just comes from a line of treasure hunters :lol

Yes, I noticed what you did. That should be interesting to see how that plays out.

On Sam Weiss, I still get a mystic vibe about him. I like how Broyles kicked him out and he still ended up at Liberty Island without a helicopter. And who choose his family line to be (to borrow a line from Harry Potter), the secret keepers in this? Observers? First People? I still don't think we know all these is to know about Sam.


So how does Walternate even activate the machine? Does he just decide to splatter his grandson's blood on it and see what happens to the machine?

Did I miss something?


Huh. When I said that I wish we get to see the 2 universes being merged into one I didn't think the show would head that way. But after seeing this episode it looks like it's going to be the case.

It makes sense actually. If Peter doesn't want neither universe to be destroyed then what he sees in the future is the result: a mish-mash of the 2 universes with its own physics problem due to the merging of both world. It kinda makes sense because it'll allow the series to continue its case of the week format while still having a large overarching problem to deal with.


Dead said:
Abrams has pretty much fuck all to do with Fringe at this point
He doesn't work on the show on a daily basis, but he still interacts with the producers and writing crew, even if only in a casual manner.


I'm so glad this show gets the time to wrap things up properly if next season ends up being the last. It has been so good this year that it would've been a crime for it to go out rushed.


Zoe said:
Did anybody notice the
wedding ring
at the end of the episode? :D

(spoilered cause I know for sure from spoilers that it's there)

Maybe that's what you weren't supposed to trust? Everyone thought there was something special about him when in the end he basically just comes from a line of treasure hunters :lol

edit: nvm

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I actually liked that Sam Weiss was just a human. It looks like his ancestors were archaeologists or something searching for information on how the parallel universes and the machines work, and most likely they all had "Sam Weiss" as an alias. It might even be an anagram for Mass Wise or something weird, that could be the actual title of the original manuscript that Sam Weiss' ancestor found. I'm just glad they didn't explain them away as the Observers or something immortal and able to grab bullets out of mid-air.

Now for the next episode, the glyph code for this episode could have a clue as to what exactly happened:


The glyph code for this episode spelled MULTI which could be a reference to the fact that there's multiple machines activated. But they used the "crowbar" on the machine on the other side. The flower glyph was also the final glyph which suggests that there might be some sort of symmetrical effect on both universes. I don't know maybe the machine has the power to meld both universes since when Olivia used the typewriter, it said "Be a better man than your father" which is Walternate and who was of course suggesting that one universe will have to be sacrificed for the other to survive. I'm guessing both universes will eventually be mostly saved but melded together somehow.

What's weird is that time jumped forward at least ten years. Whether that's just Peter jumping forward in time or the whole timeline of the series fastforwarded I don't know.


Zoe said:
Maybe that's what you weren't supposed to trust? Everyone thought there was something special about him when in the end he basically just comes from a line of treasure hunters :lol

It's just super dumb after 2 years of build-up.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
ivysaur12 said:
It's just super dumb after 2 years of build-up.
I think a lot of that build up was more on the side of fans than within the show itself.
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