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FRINGE Season 3 |OT| Inexplicably renewed for a 4th season!

big ander

Oh my Walter, guys.

Fucking great, all of it.
I loved how swiftly it dealt with Sam Weiss. I had been theorizing that he was something more, but this was still a good answer. And I preferred it this way for now, because when the secrets of the First People finally do get revealed, it will be epic. The heist scene was fun, the bowling vase was crazy/cool. :lol
It felt so final. Wonderful moments for Broyles, Walter, Astrid, Olivia. And of course, Peter. Loved it, and I would have been happy with any outcome from there, really. The outcome we got...
That fucking twist. That fucking twist.
Fringe does these so well. I couldn't believe that happened, and yet it made total sense for the show to move there. Excellent plotting. I can't wait to see where it goes. My personal theory: it will just be a warning for him, and he'll be sent back with the knowledge/ability necessary to save both universes. However, if that happens I wonder what the twist will be. I'd also enjoy if, even beyond that happening, time travel was used more. It's too exciting of a device to just not use after teasing us with it.

What do you guys think Fringe will use as its set of time travel rules? For example, it's clear our current Peter is in the future, but he's aged. Did just his conscience travel? If it did, what happened to his current body? We know he's still alive because he's a Fringe Agent in the future, but does the timeline he's in assume that he will eventually return to the exact point he left and live his life? Or does it put him on "autopilot"?
Catalix said:
It's... different. Honestly, I don't think anything on network TV can top the deep-seated affection I had for LOST at the time.

But I appreciate Fringe on a different level. The more technical aspects of the show feel tighter, particularly when it comes to character dialogue from scene-to-scene, and overall mythological consistency and payoffs. I love how the writers are able to take seemingly innocuous things from earlier episodes and inject them with greater significance later on. I guess the "amber" is a great example. It's also incredible how they were able to effortlessly tie all 3 main characters directly into the mythology's main conflict in very meaningful ways. The fact that Walter's selfish abduction of Peter was the catalyst for a potentially universe-ending conflict? Brilliant.

The way Fringe delves so deeply into its pseudo-science just resonates with me. The writers never shy away from that aspect of the show, always providing intricate, creative, and internally plausible explanations for weird phenomena. And they hardly ever undermine my intelligence when exploring all these things. The characters are just as inquisitive as the audience about the crazy world they inhabit, and address issues in logical ways. It's pretty refreshing.

I wish I had believed you ;_;
I almost love that you're coming in on the show now, because your fresh perspective on the show is how I feel about it but haven't been able to explain.
I could never love this show like I love(d) Lost. But Fringe is such a tight and efficient show. It's developed its identity and moved it to higher and higher levels of quality over time. It's smart but not confusing, has strong continuity but never uses little throwaway lines/events to fuel entire twists, and is technically cool.
The way I think of it, us Lost+Fringe Gaffers are LOST FINALE SPOILERS BEING USED FOR A LAME JOKE, WATCH OUT
the ones who made it on to Ajira and left the island to live full and happy post-island lives.


Water is not wet!
Merguson said:
So how does Walternate even activate the machine? Does he just decide to splatter his grandson's blood on it and see what happens to the machine?

Did I miss something?
Thats the gist of it afaik. If DNA was all that was needed to start the machine why not get a sample of it from Peter when he was in their custody.

Still not a fan of the whole Peter vs the Machine plot. As good as season 3 has been (esp the first half) the more they focus on the mythology the worse it gets. im tired of fate and destiny and love saving the universe and drawings of people in ludicrous machines. i would like a return to mad scientist terrorism.
What would happen if they just sent the machine over to the other side. Would it destroy the other side, and or stop the problems. Since their universe cant be destroyed by a machine that isn't there.


not a medical professional
I've said before that with each passing week, fringe is turning more and more into LOST.

....and I love it.
Still have not watched this week's episode, will not be able to catch it until Monday. I should not be in here. It is okay though, I have not read anything.

I will run away now...

big ander

Big Papa Husker said:
I'm not sure if anyone has seen this yet, but it is a short clip from next week's episode.

Wow. Like PhoncipleBone said,
seeing Walter that way again is painful. So sad.
Also, I think I'm an idiot. I hadn't slept in 41 hours when I watched last night, so I thought Peter had time traveled. I thought that because of how he was confused at Fringe Division. Rewatched the episode and I guess he was just surprised they had come. I think.

big ander

Oooh: Meet the genius behind the Fringe promos
The show does have some of the best promos ever, I'd say. And like the movie-style ones he's done before, he says a movie one will be done for next weeks finale. :D

..What's the process of cooking up these trailers?
Well, I kind of have a lot of freedom at this point because I have built up a lot of trust and have a good report with Jeff and Joel, so usually what will happen is I will read the scripts when they come in, and that's where the ideas start to hatch.

Then usually I will just do a rough cut of something because I have a lot of freedom but if it is something really elaborate, I will script it out first and then show it around internally.

For the big trailers we show them to Jeff and Joel first because we want to make sure that they're cool with it. I am super sensitive about not revealing too much because I don't want to spoil the show for anyone but I want to make sure that the executive producers are good and comfortable with it too.

It's been just crazy as of lately because they've mentioned me a couple of times in the press and then we had a live Twitter thing and Jasika Nicole me a shoutout on Twitter and that's when all the messages from fans started pouring in. So it's been kind of crazy because you don't really expect it. It's all about the Fringe fans, they're just the best fans. Working on promos for Fringe is more than a job because I love the show so much.

Also, one other geek detail you'll appreciate, I wear a Fringe shirt every Friday (including right now) and alternate between a normal Fringe one and alternate-universe Fringe Division one, depending on where the ep is set. And when it's set in both, it's a coin toss!

jax (old)

ivysaur12 said:
It's just super dumb after 2 years of build-up.

Yup, plus that fact that tehy always presented Sam Weiss with a "guru" "I know the portents of the future" "I can fix you with mumbo jumbo bullshit" for that time. Suddenly, its.. .
"oh my ancestors"

I did an eye roll when weiss explained it. /sigh


Water is not wet!
Jax said:
Yup, plus that fact that tehy always presented Sam Weiss with a "guru" "I know the portents of the future" "I can fix you with mumbo jumbo bullshit" for that time. Suddenly, its.. .
"oh my ancestors"

I did an eye roll when weiss explained it. /sigh
Yea, the explanation behind him made his character even worse. The only intriguing thing they could do with him now would be if
hes not necessarily descendant but just the latest clone of whoever Sam Weiss was. That would explain the same name and be a little more interesting for The Last Sam Weiss. At least, imo.

big ander

I think it works. It's not the most interesting thing they could have done with his character, but it focuses us on what's really important: who the first people were. And his wisdom earlier in the show doesn't become dopey or anything, because he legitimately knew his shit. The first people manuscript was comprehensive and likely contained plenty of information that he could apply to interuniversal relations.



I wonder if this means that
they're going to stay in the future, because Emily Meade's role is supposed to be recurring next season.

big ander said:
I think it works. It's not the most interesting thing they could have done with his character, but it focuses us on what's really important: who the first people were. And his wisdom earlier in the show doesn't become dopey or anything, because he legitimately knew his shit. The first people manuscript was comprehensive and likely contained plenty of information that he could apply to interuniversal relations.

Yeah, but the show also gives us no information on the First People within this episode, which was underwhelming. And he's no more than a glorified plot point now to help the machine become activated.


"Recurring role" doesn't necessarily mean much. It just means they have to be available when the story calls for it.


Zoe said:
"Recurring role" doesn't necessarily mean much. It just means they have to be available when the story calls for it.

Yeah, but it means that the story will still need to call for it. Which means
we'd need to stay in the future, or at least have stories that take place in the future, similar to how we went back and forth for the first 9 episodes of this season.


ivysaur12 said:
Yeah, but it means that the story will still need to call for it. Which means
we'd need to stay in the future, or at least have stories that take place in the future, similar to how we went back and forth for the first 9 episodes of this season.

I think you're right, as far as how that will play out. That being said, I hope there's not too much of it, because it appears that
Olivia is going to die in the season Finale. Can they really afford to have her missing completely in episodes for any kind of long stretch? IMO, no.
It'll be interesting to see how the writers make this work. That being said, I have faith in them based on their work so far.


mm04 said:
I think you're right, as far as how that will play out. That being said, I hope there's not too much of it, because it appears that
Olivia is going to die in the season Finale. Can they really afford to have her missing completely in episodes for any kind of long stretch? IMO, no.
It'll be interesting to see how the writers make this work. That being said, I have faith in them based on their work so far.

Hmm, maybe, but it
could be Fauxlivia's funeral.
Or a red herring.


Before Peter woke up, the heart monitor was acting crazy, crazy dissipating waves and the questions Walter asked Peter were not question to prove his sanity, Obama could be president on both sides, and h did correctly recognize Olivia and the year. But I don't think Peter is fully aware of the two sides. I for some reason think he has reverted to believing that the alt universe is the correct one and the one worth saving, but that prOmo is making me think.


Water is not wet!
What if the First People arent ancestral progenitors to humanity but humans of an "original" reality which was splintered off into alternate realities by some event?


I was hoping we'd get answers to the First People question this season. I assume that we'll only learn the true nature of the Observers in the final acts of the series.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
ivysaur12 said:
It's just super dumb after 2 years of build-up.
If he was some sort of supernatural being then that wouldn't really serve any point, it would just look cool but it wouldn't advance the plot. What you have to consider is that he's probably the most well-read person in at least this universe regarding the manuscript and the functionality of machine and he could play a major role (good guy or bad guy) in the finale or in next season. Until the last episode, it seemed like he was keeping most of his knowledge of the machine and the manuscript to himself.


Get Inside Her!
Maybe I missed this at some point BUT

So there's a machine "over there" right, the one Walternate activated with baby-Peter. But it's not.. it's not a FULL machine, right? It's just one PART of the machine, the one Fauxlivia brought back with her, right? They keep referencing it like he's got the full thing over there all built, and it's entangled with "ours." But he's really just got the one piece, yeah? And managed to activate the whole thing?

So.. if you can activate it with just one piece, what's the point in even assembling it? Why not leave each piece buried wherever they hell they were in the first place?

big ander

ivysaur12 said:
I was hoping we'd get answers to the First People question this season. I assume that we'll only learn the true nature of the Observers in the final acts of the series.
I feel like the First People and Observer mysteries are so big that it would do a disservice to them to try and give closure right now. I'm sure we'll get a lot more next season.
Tathanen said:
Maybe I missed this at some point BUT

So there's a machine "over there" right, the one Walternate activated with baby-Peter. But it's not.. it's not a FULL machine, right? It's just one PART of the machine, the one Fauxlivia brought back with her, right? They keep referencing it like he's got the full thing over there all built, and it's entangled with "ours." But he's really just got the one piece, yeah? And managed to activate the whole thing?

So.. if you can activate it with just one piece, what's the point in even assembling it? Why not leave each piece buried wherever they hell they were in the first place?
I thought they had another full machine over there. I'm gonna have to rewatch the season over the summer. It all blurs together.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
There's a copy of the machine in each universe, it's been said that that it is "a potential source of all creation, and destruction" but it's original purpose is not really known. The Fringe division on both sides think that if you destroy one universe, that will heal the temporal rifts on the other universe so the machine has only really been considered as a weapon right now.

I'm guessing the finale will shed some light on what exactly the machine does.
big ander said:
I feel like the First People and Observer mysteries are so big that it would do a disservice to them to try and give closure right now. I'm sure we'll get a lot more next season.

It's been pretty well established that next season is the last right? As long as Fringe keeps some minimal audience on Friday nights I'm hoping for 22 episodes of question answering. This season should have a more clear narrative than any previous one I would think.

big ander

brucewaynegretzky said:
It's been pretty well established that next season is the last right? As long as Fringe keeps some minimal audience on Friday nights I'm hoping for 22 episodes of question answering. This season should have a more clear narrative than any previous one I would think.
The people who make the show aren't planning it that way yet. Pinkner and Wyman have said they have 5 or 6 season plans. But if it is the last, I think Pinkner and Wyman will be smart enough to give us substantial amounts of information, even if a lot is left open-ended.


brucewaynegretzky said:
It's been pretty well established that next season is the last right? As long as Fringe keeps some minimal audience on Friday nights I'm hoping for 22 episodes of question answering. This season should have a more clear narrative than any previous one I would think.

If Fringe can stay at a 1.5 levels next year (which is suspect, but we'll see) then I believe that it'll scrape a (at least) 13 episode 5th season. Broadcast is generally down this time of the year across the board, so it might not be the best time to judge.

I suspect that a 5th season would be needed to truly let their world-vision come to fruition, but who knows. Remember, the dual universes weren't supposed to be revealed until the 3rd season in their original show bible.


big ander said:
The people who make the show aren't planning it that way yet. Pinkner and Wyman have said they have 5 or 6 season plans. But if it is the last, I think Pinkner and Wyman will be smart enough to give us substantial amounts of information, even if a lot is left open-ended.

They've already stated that they already have an ending in mind. At this point, it's the stories that need to be told to get the story arc to the ending. They also mentioned that they believe that both Fox and Warner will give them even enough notice to tie loose ends if the show doesn't continue as long as they had planned.

On the note of the machine, they do have a fully functioning machine over there. Walternate obviously had the means to start it, which he did, but there isn't anyone over there to pilot it like Peter on this side. Maybe Walternate knew enough of the quantum entanglement of the devices that if he jump started the red machine, it would in turn start up the blue machine and cause it to wreak havoc.

Anyway, I can't wait till Friday to see the direction this is all going for season 4. Then it's gonna be a long 4 months or so until we start again. Hopefully, we get more GAF'ers watching and catching up over the summer and we'll get a lot more participation in the season 4 OT. Those that aren't watching, don't know what their missing.


mm04 said:
They've already stated that they already have an ending in mind. At this point, it's the stories that need to be told to get the story arc to the ending. They also mentioned that they believe that both Fox and Warner will give them even enough notice to tie loose ends if the show doesn't continue as long as they had planned.

On the note of the machine, they do have a fully functioning machine over there. Walternate obviously had the means to start it, which he did, but there isn't anyone over there to pilot it like Peter on this side. Maybe Walternate knew enough of the quantum entanglement of the devices that if he jump started the red machine, it would in turn start up the blue machine and cause it to wreak havoc.

Anyway, I can't wait till Friday to see the direction this is all going for season 4. Then it's gonna be a long 4 months or so until we start again. Hopefully, we get more GAF'ers watching and catching up over the summer and we'll get a lot more participation in the season 4 OT. Those that aren't watching, don't know what their missing.

It's unfortunate the show doesn't get the love it deserves from the masses. My parents gave up because of how serialized and confusing it got after the first season.

big ander

mm04 said:
They've already stated that they already have an ending in mind. At this point, it's the stories that need to be told to get the story arc to the ending. They also mentioned that they believe that both Fox and Warner will give them even enough notice to tie loose ends if the show doesn't continue as long as they had planned.

On the note of the machine, they do have a fully functioning machine over there. Walternate obviously had the means to start it, which he did, but there isn't anyone over there to pilot it like Peter on this side. Maybe Walternate knew enough of the quantum entanglement of the devices that if he jump started the red machine, it would in turn start up the blue machine and cause it to wreak havoc.

Anyway, I can't wait till Friday to see the direction this is all going for season 4. Then it's gonna be a long 4 months or so until we start again. Hopefully, we get more GAF'ers watching and catching up over the summer and we'll get a lot more participation in the season 4 OT. Those that aren't watching, don't know what their missing.
I know they have an ending in mind, but I'm saying they never wanted it to have to come this soon. They had a much more long-term plan. I still think they could pull off an ending in season 4 (or maybe in a truncated season 5) but at this point the showrunners aren't working with a defined end in mind. Like you said, if they do need to end it next year, they'll be told.

Walternate's use of his machine put them in a sort of warm-up mode, it seems.

Who thinks an official summer watch/rewatch thread would be a good idea? Would give it a little more notice and maybe coerce some people into watching.


big ander said:
The people who make the show aren't planning it that way yet. Pinkner and Wyman have said they have 5 or 6 season plans. But if it is the last, I think Pinkner and Wyman will be smart enough to give us substantial amounts of information, even if a lot is left open-ended.

does JJ Abrams has any involment on the direction of the show?
big ander said:
I know they have an ending in mind, but I'm saying they never wanted it to have to come this soon. They had a much more long-term plan. I still think they could pull off an ending in season 4 (or maybe in a truncated season 5) but at this point the showrunners aren't working with a defined end in mind. Like you said, if they do need to end it next year, they'll be told.

Walternate's use of his machine put them in a sort of warm-up mode, it seems.

Who thinks an official summer watch/rewatch thread would be a good idea? Would give it a little more notice and maybe coerce some people into watching.
Keeping this thread alive until season 4 is probably easiest. Go back through and read impressions as it aired.

big ander

Tomcat said:
does JJ Abrams has any involment on the direction of the show?
Certainly not as a showrunner, but he did still create it and I believe he has occasional interaction with Pinkner and Wyman to discuss the broad strokes.


I started watching this show last month, and it has become one of my favorite shows. I had originally written this show off as another X-Files rehash. I'm glad I finally came around and gave this show a shot.


To everyone complaining about Sam Wiess....I don't think we've heard the the full truth from him.

Dont' forget..."Don't Trust Sam Wiess"
I wonder will they add parallel universe jumping in conjunction with time travel. Will we see the other side of what ever timeline Peter is in now?


Have the universes clashed a became one at this point?

That about the most sensible thing I can think right now.
big ander said:

Caps necessary.
Can't change titles anyways. Only mods can. But I think one season one thread is the easiest way to go.

In fact, already trying to think of tweaks to make for the season 4 thread.
Finally watched this. Oh. My. God. What an episode, what a cliffhanger. I didn't pick up on it being the future until I came here and read it. For some reason I just thought it was a mis-mash of the two worlds. I must have missed the visual clue because my mind was blown with awesome.

Also, put me in the camp that we haven't seen the last of Sam Weiss.

Between Fringe, Supernatural, and Doctor Who this week it has been good to be a science fiction TV fan this weekend.


big ander said:

Caps necessary.

Seems more appropriate for a re-watch/LTTP thread.
Zoe said:
Seems more appropriate for a re-watch/LTTP thread.

A rewatch thread is not really necessary in my opinion, unless it is a full series rewatch. Even then, I think something like that should be held off for when the series ends.

A LTTP thread will most likely pop up, then die quickly. The OTs are usually where the most talk and chatter is. I will get a season 4 one up a decent length of time ahead of its premiere, but it is WAY too early to be thinking of a rewatch thread.

Just my opinion.
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