Of course it's not nonsense, you mentioned that "we control things", that's what you believe and what a generation of millennials believes who through "outrage" are going to get things that -in reality- you don't need. Let's list the ones you mentioned?
- Sony honored the price of 59 dollars for Horizon: but in a standard way the price was increased for every release of sony and nintendo already did the same for Zelda.
- You mentioned that one is the lack of innovation, when it is that collectivist thinking that makes the devs not dare to go further in narrative.
-You mentioned that Sony hasn't shown anything new and good since E3 in 2005, however it has been dominating the video game industry for more than 10 years at the end of its own franchises, placing at least 5 games as game of the year throughout this time.
- You mentioned that "we" kept the PS Store on PS3 and Vita up, for what? so the same 100 people (including me) keep playing on those consoles and downloading on the same slow crap server. The funny thing is that Sony would have had a Backward Compatibility policy at least similar to Xbox's, "did we get it?" No.
- We wanted classic next-generation games and we demanded it. For what? so that the same people who demand it do not buy it, is the case of Shadow of the Collosus.
- We wanted Fumito Ueda to complete the Trico trilogy, why? not to buy it.
This generation demands things, but they don't know what they want.
Stop hating a little btw.