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Frontrunner for Clinton VP supports more consistent liquidity reporting frequency!

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As a former regulatory liason for two giant banks, it's a good change of the rule.

Daily liquidity calculations are super arduous, cost lots of money, are not horribly accurate and don't offer much view into the bank that monthly calcs would provide.

But the optics of this are horrid because most americans are just going to see "going easy on wall st"

Cool title. Moving daily disclosures to monthly =! deregulation.

read both letters in full and don't see the issue. First letter has two points -- daily reporting is excessive and a more appropriate time period should be chosen and second, that the current method for calculating capital requirements should be revisited. Specifically, the letter argues against letting banks use their own internal models. The other letter just says the CFPB should include in any regulations tailored provisions for community banks (in accordance with the law).
All of this. Quoting for new page.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
You guys really need to stop being one issue voters. Like read up on him before going WELP, TIME TO VOTE TRUMP. Tim Kaine was a pretty good governor of Virginia. He is immensely liked by African Americans and Hispanic communities. He worked as a missionary in Honduras. The dude helped with integrating public schools in VA. He is really well respected by Obama too. And he speaks fluent spanish.


Anyone looks good when you only mention their positives. Except Trump, because he doesnt have any.


I don't understand at all how you can equate Trump's political views to fascism.

The part where he says that America is failing, only he can save it, we need to hate and fear minorities, and he doesn't believe in checks and balances or truth and falsity?

I don't understand how you can make this post and expect to be taken seriously. Have you considered literally watching anything Trump has ever said or done before you ask questions like this?

But, banking regulation is incredibly important. Not only to America, but to every single nation on earth. If we let another 2008 happen, we will all be fucked. This is why as a Canadian, I hate the idea of a Clinton presidency.

If you think banking regulation is so important, why haven't you bothered to spend any time actually understanding the topic or what the candidates would do?

Do you actually think it's important, or do you just have unformed feelings about the topic and think that people should consider them valid for some reason?


It wouldn't look good for her, but the GOP wouldn't be able to use it as a plan of attack to woo anyone because of Pence. And it's Vice President. His utility is for a few months this year and then again in 2020. Hillary still sets the agenda and I can't see her getting on board with this.
Why not? Trump has not shame in making hypocritical arguments.


Its a two-party system. Trump is preferable to Hillary.

Saint Bernard will always be #1 in my heart though!
You were simply looking for an excuse to (poorly) rationalize jumping to someone whom Bernie is personally repelled by and is the exact opposite of literally everything that he stands for. Such a dishonest, fear-mongering attempt at an initial thread title comes as no surprise from you.
So nice to see how many NeoGAF posters are like, "well, I guess racism and fascism is bad, but ultimately I care just as much about an esoteric banking regulation I don't understand."

As a person of color and second generation immigrant I really appreciate your support. Glad to see you guys are real progressives.

Also nice to see that people are still taking Team Alucard seriously even though he's a white nationalist who has been concern trolling the liberals all year.


I don't understand at all how you can equate Trump's political views to fascism.

But, banking regulation is incredibly important. Not only to America, but to every single nation on earth. If we let another 2008 happen, we will all be fucked. This is why as a Canadian, I hate the idea of a Clinton presidency.

There are plenty of things from which to choose, but here's one: Trump wants to modify the First Amendment to remove free speech protections for journalists.
Rights are important, but sometimes I feel like they're a distraction from far bigger issues such as global warming and consolidation of wealth.

Does it matter who you can marry or which bathroom you can enter when your existence is threatened?

I'm just going to quote this again to to say WE CAN DO BOTH! You realize that any regulation for global warming is going to get struck down by the Trump court? There is no burning everything down because the Trump Supreme Court will be around for decades. The Trump congress will deregulate the banks and prevent any global warming action.


Payday lenders can take a flying fuck at the moon. They deserve no respect and I don't care if any state representatives thinks that no maybe things are different in their state.

We tried to restrict them in Ohio, so they started offering what are ostensibly "auto title loans" in order to keep their interest rates sky high.

They are opportunistic scum that prey on the disadvantaged, and we need to pressure every elected official to make them a thing of the past.

I am in Ohio and I've seen first hand their predatory ways. I remember one person I know got a payday advance from one of these places that works through a native american reservation as a way to be able to have outrageous interest rates. It gets me so angry that I just want to drag each and every one of them out to the streets and run them out of my town and this state.


The part where he says that America is failing, only he can save it, we need to hate and fear minorities, and he doesn't believe in checks and balances or truth and falsity?

I don't understand how you can make this post and expect to be taken seriously. Have you considered literally watching anything Trump has ever said or done before you ask questions like this?

If you think banking regulation is so important, why haven't you bothered to spend any time actually understanding the topic or what the candidates would do?

Do you actually think it's important, or do you just have unformed feelings about the topic and think that people should consider them valid for some reason?

Yes, Hillary has promised to reform Wall Street but I find it a bit hard to believe her when she's been in bed with them already.
The part where he says that America is failing, only he can save it, we need to hate and fear minorities, and he doesn't believe in checks and balances or truth and falsity?

I don't understand how you can make this post and expect to be taken seriously. Have you considered literally watching anything Trump has ever said or done before you ask questions like this?

If you think banking regulation is so important, why haven't you bothered to spend any time actually understanding the topic or what the candidates would do?

Do you actually think it's important, or do you just have unformed feelings about the topic and think that people should consider them valid for some reason?

This is basically how I feel about a lot of angry Democrats. It's understandable that people feel like our governing politicians are siding with The Enemy but a lot of the arguments for "banking regulation" really just fall apart upon scrutiny. And what's most infuriating is that when you scrutinize the platforms of the candidates and former candidates, it turns out that Hillary Clinton is literally the only one hitting the important stuff while simultaneously being informed about all of the possibilities and ramifications. It's really telling when Bernie Sanders couldn't explain how he's break up the banks but Clinton could!

Also lmfao at the thread title change.

Yes, Hillary has promised to reform Wall Street but I find it a bit hard to believe her when she's been in bed with them already.

Okay, then how do you reconcile the fact that she's voted for regulations for Wall Street whenever they were important and have not voted against them even though she's supposedly a stooge?

If she does everything she says she's going to do, historically, why do you still not trust her?
As a minority as well, please stop with this garbage line of thinking. Stop trying to belittle and guilt people into voting for your chosen candidate; they have the freedom to vote third party if they so choose. You do realize not just white people are looking at other options, right?

If Hillary chooses this guy, I'm done. I already don't like her, but I'm pushing that aside and voting for her. This would probably be the nail in the coffin that makes me look at third party options.
Here's the deal. You can not claim to care about Progressivism in this country and simultaneously threaten to vote third party during an election where the fate of the cause will be decided for the next several decades. There is no third option here. Your frustration does not change this. Your dislike of Hillary and/or her VP pick does not change this.

I don't particularly care about arguing with other people about what to do with their vote. Vote Green or Libertarian or Working Families or Constitution Party. Just stop grandstanding, and stop acting like these issues actually matter to you when you're willing to consign your vote on them to irrelevancy.


Yes, Hillary has promised to reform Wall Street but I find it a bit hard to believe her when she's been in bed with them already.

Let me repeat the question:

If banking is so important to you, why haven't you bothered to invest even a small amount of effort in actually understanding the issues?

Or is it actually just an excuse for the feelings you already have that you want to justify somehow?


Still waiting to hear from people how this would lead to another 2008.

My bad :p
This particular policy might not be problematic but the priciple behind it that regional banks should not be regulated more heavily when they have particularly large assets is. Not a huge deal in the scheme of things but it shows the direction Hillary is going. Away from the progressive wing of the party. Just another reason for me to leave the presidential selection blank this november. I wish the people trying to guilt people into voting for hillary would save some blame for the party establishment for backing such a terrible candidate.
Such a dishonest, fear-mongering attempt at an initial thread title comes as no surprise from you.

My thread title was not fundamentally different from the title of the article. Only thing I changed was replacing Kaine's name with frontrunner, as I would wager most people don't know who he is.


This particular policy might not be problematic but the priciple behind it that regional banks should not be regulated more heavily when they have particularly large assets is. Not a huge deal in the scheme of things but it shows the direction Hillary is going. Away from the progressive wing of the party. Just another reason for me to leave the presidential selection blank this november. I wish the people trying to guilt people into voting for hillary would save some blame for the party establishment for backing such a terrible candidate.

Do you actually have evidence for this based on her voting record on financial institutions or her current platform?


This particular policy might not be problematic but the priciple behind it that regional banks should not be regulated more heavily when they have particularly large assets is.

Since it's clear you don't understand the policy, why would you imagine you understand the principle?

Consider the possibility that an unhelpful regulation that accomplishes nothing makes it harder to pass actually meaningful regulations that will help protect us.

I wish the people trying to guilt people into voting for hillary would save some blame for the party establishment for backing such a terrible candidate.

The Democrats successfully backed somebody who wasn't a white nationalist.

My expectation is that you're able to do the same.

If you're not, I guess that's good to know.
I'm sure if the speeches were that innocent, she would have released them long ago and used it to support her platform.

just like how i'm sure bernie wouldn't have waited until april 2016 to release one year of tax returns if--

i'm gonna cut myself short there and just say in both cases, it's fucking nothing


In a statement, Kaine spokeswoman Amy Dudley argued the Virginian has a strong record on pushing stronger banking regulations.

"Sen. Kaine is a strong supporter of Dodd Frank’s financial protections because certain financial institutions wreaked havoc on the American economy, hurting millions of Americans in the process and believes we need strong rules‎ to stop that chaos from happening again," Dudley said. "The toughest regulation should be on the biggest and riskiest institutions. Credit unions, community banks and regional banks need to be carefully regulated, but the nature of the regulation can be different to ensure scarce resources are efficiently spent allowing regulators to focus on the bad actors."

Kaine was one of 70 senators who signed a one-page letter asking Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray to try to "prevent any unintended consequences that negatively impact community banks and credit unions or unnecessarily limit their ability to serve consumers," although the letter did not call for the rollback of any specific regulation.

Kaine also signed a second letter that called for changes to the rules governing how larger regional banks have to set up capital cushions to protect themselves against failure.

Written to the heads of the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the missive asked regulators to reconsider how they apply safeguards to the activities of regional banks — meaning those that are bigger than the smallest, community lenders but smaller than international mega-banks such as JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup.

Kaine was one of four Senate Democrats signatories on the letter, including Sen. Mark Warner, a fellow Virginia Democrat. Kaine and Warner have a strong constituent interest because Capital One, the tenth biggest bank in the country by assets, is based in McLean, Virginia.

The senators asked regulators to reconsider aspects of two sets of rules designed to ensure that large banks have enough financial resources to withstand another crisis. Kaine did not endorse dramatic de-regulatory measures, but asked for changes for "regional banks that do not share the same risk profile or complexity as their larger, systemically important brethren."

The general idea is one that is also being advanced by top Fed officials who have repeatedly told Congress and the public that they are considering steps to differentiate the way rules apply to major Wall Street banks and their smaller competitors.

Much ado about nothing. Tailored rules by complexity and size make absolute sense and both community bankers and regulators at the Fed support similar measures.
Nice title change mods.

I'm guessing OP just posted this wild mischaracterization of a thread because he likes Trump and wants to make Clinton look bad.


This is basically how I feel about a lot of angry Democrats. It's understandable that people feel like our governing politicians are siding with The Enemy but a lot of the arguments for "banking regulation" really just fall apart upon scrutiny. And what's most infuriating is that when you scrutinize the platforms of the candidates and former candidates, it turns out that Hillary Clinton is literally the only one hitting the important stuff while simultaneously being informed about all of the possibilities and ramifications. It's really telling when Bernie Sanders couldn't explain how he's break up the banks but Clinton could!

Also lmfao at the thread title change.

Part of the reason it was always hard for me to get behind the Bernie movement was that so many of its followers don't look into anything any further than "banks = bad". It's not about looking for effective regulation, it's just about sticking it to the man. Banks would prefer monthly reporting to daily? THEN DAILY MUST BE BETTER! Like hey, why not hourly reporting? You say that's literally impossible? Oh well boo hoo Mr. Bank Man. Maybe you should of thought of that before you opened a bank!


Dude has a serious case of Jack Nicholson Joker face.


listen to the mad man
oh we're back to recognizing that kaine is the frontrunner instead of delusionally falling for a puff piece about a random military admiral or pinning our hopes or perez or castro? cool. thanks for joining me in reality.


formerly sane
While I get what he wants. By saying this one point instead of various ones that would show his wisdom/awareness, the nature of the conversation will be very tilted.
I'm sure if the speeches were that innocent, she would have released them long ago and used it to support her platform.

Even the Republicans who went as far as to question the head of the FBI to find out why Hillary wasn't in jail yet gave zero fucks about these speeches.

That says it all really.


I'm sure if the speeches were that innocent, she would have released them long ago and used it to support her platform.

Do you know how stupid that sounds? It's like questioning if Obama's really born in the US since he didn't release his long form birth certificate when first asked. Or you know, Sanders' tax returns.

Incidentally, if you actually have any proof that she's under the thumb of financial firms, I'd like to see it.


I'm sure if the speeches were that innocent, she would have released them long ago and used it to support her platform.


You can find at least one of these speeches on YouTube. The whole speech was uploaded.

You know what it was? Fucking nothing. Bullshit inspirational speaker 'rah-rah' stuff.


listen to the mad man
I don't care if daily accountings are hard. They were meant to be punitive.

It's probably bad to say "I don't care if it's an effective regulation, it's meant to punish the bad guys"if you're planning on refuting "The Democrats want a class war because they hate people who work hard" with the response "No, we just want effective regulations to prevent us from being screwed over by big banks"
Here's the deal. You can not claim to care about Progressivism in this country and simultaneously threaten to vote third party during an election where the fate of the cause will be decided for the next several decades. There is no third option here. Your frustration does not change this. Your dislike of Hillary and/or her VP pick does not change this.

I don't particularly care about arguing with other people about what to do with their vote. Vote Green or Libertarian or Working Families or Constitution Party. Just stop grandstanding, and stop acting like these issues actually matter to you when you're willing to consign your vote on them to irrelevancy.

Boom. Couldn't have said it better myself.

If ideological purity is more important to you than ensuring progressive policies and laws that protect the disadvantaged stay in place for the next 20+ years, then you don't get to claim you care about the people you supposedly care so much about.
I don't care if daily accountings are hard. They were meant to be punitive.

Ok and if we can get the same information on a monthly reporting basis why not? We should not be in the business of punishing banks for literally no reason if doesn't help the American people. This is why Republicans can actually use the democrats just want to stifle business method effectively.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't care if daily accountings are hard. They were meant to be punitive.

No, they weren't. Why would anyone design regulation meant to ensure the continued health of the financial sector in this way? I guess I don't understand the logic here.
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