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Frustrated with Nintendo's 'Release 1 decent game every couple of months' business?


I decided to pull the plug on my GameCube after it has been sitting idle gathering dust for about 4 months the last game I bought was MGS:TTS. I had 6 games for it, and realized that I was only buying and keeping on average less then 2 games a year... Luckily I had another system to keep me occupied through the drought. So I am trading it toward a PS2 and not looking back. I already have an xbox. I basically got fed up with the way Nintendo puts out games for it, and the lack of 3rd party support. I have felt this way ever since the N64... I remember when the SNES was out, there was always stuff coming out to play...

I don't think I will buy a Nintendo system again unless they get the same amount of support from other developers that Sony and MS get

Deku Tree

We'll I've played 4 swords, Mega Man AC and Tales of Symphonia since TTS was put out (I'm probably forgetting something).

But I believe that if you want a steady diet of top notch games that interest you in this day and age you need to own at least 2 consoles and probably all three of the current ones.


Queen of Denmark
Kingpen said:
I decided to pull the plug on my GameCube after it has been sitting idle gathering dust for about 4 months the last game I bought was MGS:TTS. I had 6 games for it, and realized that I was only buying and keeping on average less then 2 games a year... Luckily I had another system to keep me occupied through the drought. So I am trading it toward a PS2 and not looking back. I already have an xbox. I basically got fed up with the way Nintendo puts out games for it, and the lack of 3rd party support. I have felt this way ever since the N64... I remember when the SNES was out, there was always stuff coming out to play...

I don't think I will buy a Nintendo system again unless they get the same amount of support from other developers that Sony and MS get
Just because you don't feel that there are good games being put out for the GameCube doesn't mean there really are none. It's not Nintendo's fault that you only found six GC games that you liked.

Don't confuse your gaming preferences with a particular console's support (or lack thereof).
human5892 said:
Just because you don't feel that there are good games being put out for the GameCube doesn't mean there really are none. It's not Nintendo's fault that you only found six GC games that you liked.

Don't confuse your gaming preferences with a particular console's support (or lack thereof).

I agree.


Hates quality gaming
Frustrated with Nintendo's 'Release 1 decent game every couple of months' business?
What I'm really frustrated with are the people who defend Nintendo's "Release 1 decent game every couple of months" business.


Honestly, the GCN's poor quanity of games doesn't bother me all that much, perhaps ecause the GC hardware is so cheap, and I also own a PS2 and Xbox...


force push the doodoo rock
i dunno, not much gets released for xbox either last game we got was galleon and some pinball game.


MoxManiac said:
Honestly, the GCN's poor quanity of games doesn't bother me all that much, perhaps ecause the GC hardware is so cheap, and I also own a PS2 and Xbox...
Minotauro said:
I agree. Aside from some multiplayer a few weeks back, I haven't touched my Cube in months.

If you own more than one system, and you choose to only purchase third party games for the other system, the Cube will more than likely collect dust. It is the gamers fault, not the manufacuter. There's always other good games on the Cube other than games developed by Nintendo.


I don't mind their release schedule. There's over 300 games available. If you can't find a game to play, then maybe your standards are too high or something.

It's Nintendo's ultra-conservative business practices that fucking drive me nuts... and the fans that defend such practices.


Running off of Custom Firmware
MoxManiac said:
Honestly, the GCN's poor quanity of games doesn't bother me all that much, perhaps ecause the GC hardware is so cheap, and I also own a PS2 and almost 60 GCN games...
I only played GBA for the first half of the year, and there are Metal Slug, Kingdom Hearts, and Minish Cap to be released, along with any Fire Emblem that comes our way.

Front Mission 4 and Tales of Symphonia were the first console games I played since some time last year, and I mostly played Mario & Luigi, Fire Emblem, and Sword of Mana late last year, so Final Fantasy X-2 and Viewtiful Joe may have been the only console game sI played late last year.


I thought everyone would have a PS2 by now.

I mean PS2 is the console to own and then you can pick GC or Xbox. I choose GC.


Frustrated with people moaning about the lack of Nintendo releases on the Gamecube, as if they're the only ones who write games for the system?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I don't own a PS2 yet. I get to play most of the best games on my friend's anyway, and I've waited this long, so I might as well wait until the end of the generation when I can get it nice and cheap.

aoi tsuki

Deku Tree said:
We'll I've played 4 swords, Mega Man AC and Tales of Symphonia since TTS was put out (I'm probably forgetting something).

But I believe that if you want a steady diet of top notch games that interest you in this day and age you need to own at least 2 consoles and probably all three of the current ones.
Even when i was 18, worked in a game store, owned all the current (and most past) systems, i didn't play that many games. Owning two systems now gives you plenty of games to play, Three is practically overkill, if you're simply looking for great titles. But i can see owning all three to ensure you never miss a great title.

i'm not going to lie and say the Gamecube's got great support, especially compared to the other two. But compared to Xbox, there's just more i want to play. Maybe you (Kingpen) aren't big on Nintendo's games, which is the main reason for owning the Gamecube since they put out the majority of excellent games on the system. i opted against getting an Xbox because the games (many of which are Japanese) aren't as appealing to me, and i've already got too much to play thanks to those great clearance sales.
I have only played Mega man anniversary collection for the last 6 months on PS2......I've been playing Xbox. Then this fall, there's more out for PS2 that I'm interested in, so I'll be playing PS2 more than Xbox. Owning 2 systems (or more) is great. Just because a system is gathering dust now, doesn't mean it always will be.


Running off of Custom Firmware
alejob said:
I thought everyone would have a PS2 by now.

I mean PS2 is the console to own and then you can pick GC or Xbox. I choose GC.

Hey now. I had my Cube before my PS2.


I only have a Gamecube (and a GBA and older systems) and there are more games I want to play than I could ever hope to, unless I gave up all my other hobbies, relationships, and my job. I mean, I have over 70 games for the Cube alone, about a third or a half of which I'm still working on because I don't have all the time in the world to play everything I want to.

I mean, I guess it depends what system you buy your third party games for, but still. It's not like the Cube has a tiny library or something. If someone can't find more than 2 games a year he or she wants, that's just their preference. I'd say the Cube's library is just fine.
You just explained the Fall 2004 Christmas season for many people. Quite frankly Nintendo don't really seem to care about giving people a variety of great games anymore,they seemed more concerned with starving a userbase so that they can delay a AAA game and then cash in with it by delaying it to a month when the Halo's and GTA's aren't hitting the streets with gamers buying them up like wildfire. Basicaly,for most of the year if you don't live and breath quirky games then youre screwed.

The public doesn't deserve that sort of treatment. Delaying games like StarFox and Resident Evil seem more a ploy to not want to compete directly this year,just to maximize profits on these games,thereby screwing over consumers once again in the holiday shopping season. This is getting ridiculous though,they always seem to worry about maximizing profits over satisfying the general public,how about a better selection of games Nintendo!

Its no wonder they keep loosing marketshare every generation.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Uh...... news flash: All the consoles are in a games drought ATM. The GC has the BEST summer lineup in terms of exclusives out of all three, in Zelda: FSA, Tales of Symphonia and Pikmin 2. Before that, from March-May, we had Pokemon Colosseum, MGS: TTS, and Harvest Moon. Now, I count six decent games there, out of six months. If a zelda game (hey, screw the "OMG IT'S 2D and it requires CONNECTIVITY FOR MULTIPLAYER!" people: It's a zelda game, it has a single player mode that you don't need anything for, and it's a fun game."), an RPG in the Tales series, a new Pokemon game, a stealth-action game, a sequel which improves upon the formula in the original game while removing the biggest "problem," in the timer, and a new, 100-hour game in the widely-renowned Harvest Moon farming simulator series isn't enough for you, well, then that's too bad.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
T-1000_Model3 said:
You just explained the Fall 2004 Christmas season for many people. Quite frankly Nintendo don't really seem to care about giving people a variety of great games anymore,they seemed more concerned with starving a userbase that doesn't live and breath quirky games. The public doesn't deserve that sort of treatment. Delaying games like StarFox and Resident Evil seem more a ploy to not want to compete directly this year,thereby screwing over consumers once again in the holiday shopping season. This is getting ridiculous though,they always seem to worry about maximizing profits over satisfying the general public,its no wonder they keep loosing marketshare every generation.

This "ploy". To what end?

And you do know Capcom and Nintendo are different companies, right?


alejob said:
I thought everyone would have a PS2 by now.

I mean PS2 is the console to own and then you can pick GC or Xbox. I choose GC.

I've managed to avoid owning a PS2. Yes, there's some games I would like to play, but I, like most people, just don't have the time. I'm really quite satisfied with primarily gaming on the Xbox and catching a few titles on the GC.

Consoles and games are so cheap now that money isn't a factor... it's time.
OG_Original Gamer said:
If you own more than one system, and you choose to only purchase third party games for the other system, the Cube will more than likely collect dust. It is the gamers fault, not the manufacuter. There's always other good games on the Cube other than games developed by Nintendo.

more often then not the GC version isnt the best version to get

(assuming you own a ps2 and xbox also)


Mama Smurf said:
This "ploy". To what end?

And you do know Capcom and Nintendo are different companies, right?

I agree. I hate when people says it's nintendos fault when etc RE4 and Starfox gets delayed when it's 3rd parties that make the games.


Yeah... I just am wondering how many times I want to play Super Mario... or Zelda.. ya know? Nintendo seems to target their 7-12 year old audience the most with anything innovative they come out with as well. I just don't dig Animal Crossing or Pokemon... I just kinda get a "been there, done that" feeling with Nintendo and all their francise games. Not bashing the system at all, I enjoyed playing a lot of games on the system. I probably played about 50-60 of them. I also thought about the future and wondered how many games I would buy in the next 6 months from Nintendo. I came up with 2 (Metroid Prime 2 and Resident Evil 4) I came up with 12-15 for PS2, so it made the choice easier.... I still will support Nintendo with GBA though, and don't plan on selling my SP. Maybe I will eat my words next gen and give Nintendo another chance with their Revolution system, but I know I won't be buying it at launch, and wont buy it unless I see more support from other game companies then I have seen over their last 2 systems


rawk said:
I only have a Gamecube (and a GBA and older systems) and there are more games I want to play than I could ever hope to, unless I gave up all my other hobbies, relationships, and my job. I mean, I have over 70 games for the Cube alone, about a third or a half of which I'm still working on because I don't have all the time in the world to play everything I want to.

Don't lie, there are only 15 GC games.;)

Whats happening to me? I used to be such a good Nintendo fanboy :(


alejob said:
Don't lie, there are only 15 GC games.;)

Whats happening to me? I used to be such a good Nintendo fanboy :(

the fanboy of you will come out again with the new Zelda :)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
T-1000_Model3 said:
You just explained the Fall 2004 Christmas season for many people. Quite frankly Nintendo don't really seem to care about giving people a variety of great games anymore,they seemed more concerned with starving a userbase that doesn't live and breath quirky games. The public doesn't deserve that sort of treatment. Delaying games like StarFox and Resident Evil seem more a ploy to not want to compete directly this year,thereby screwing over consumers once again in the holiday shopping season. This is getting ridiculous though,they always seem to worry about maximizing profits over satisfying the general public,its no wonder they keep loosing marketshare every generation.

Wait a minute, if they're that much worried about maximizing profits, then why are they PROLONGING THE DEVELOPMENT CYCLE OF STARFOX? If they wanted to maximize profits, they could just release the game as it is and settle with those sales. But are they doing that? NO. They're skipping the holiday season, and spending more time and money to develop the game so that it turns out to be GOOD, and that the consumer is satisfied when the game DOES release. And Resident Evil being delayed is Capcom's fault, not Nintendo's. But I'm sure Capcom had the same reasons: They felt that they couldn't make the product what they wanted to make it in time for the holiday season. They chose to delay the game, knowing that the holiday shopping spree would be missed, and knowing that there would be potential sales lost, so that they could release the game the way they wanted it.

Now, please tell me: HOW is moving a game from the holiday shopping season to January/February, and adding an extra two months of development time and costs to a game, a plot to maximize profits? If anything, it's a plot to MAKE THE PRODUCT BETTER.


Seems to me the Cube has plenty of non-"kiddy" games, just not as many or as great a percentage as the other consoles. And, no, most of them are not made by Nintendo. But if I am in the mood to blow things up into bloody chunks in a video game, it's not difficult to find a game on the Cube in which to do so.

Musashi Wins!

MoxManiac said:
Honestly, the GCN's poor quanity of games doesn't bother me all that much, perhaps ecause the GC hardware is so cheap, and I also own a PS2 and Xbox...

I agree. For obvious reasons I want to own more than a Nintendo machine these days as their schedule isn't very good, but since I only own it to play the occasional offering it's fine. Besides, they recently had ToS which was good.

As their home console market continues to suffer and they continue the same basic model of business they did with their last console I suppose it's a source of frustration to N only gamers or those who have an emotional stake in their business. At GAF you sort of get a warped, optimistic view of their offerings. But you own 2 other consoles, and it's not worth crap in re-sale so just grin and bear it until next year or spaceworld or whatever.


rawk said:
Seems to me the Cube has plenty of non-"kiddy" games, just not as many or as great a percentage as the other consoles. And, no, most of them are not made by Nintendo. But if I am in the mood to blow things up into bloody chunks in a video game, it's not difficult to find a game on the Cube in which to do so.

Is there actually a game out there that lets you blow things up into bloody chunks? Just curious... none come to mind.


GaimeGuy said:
Wait a minute, if they're that much worried about maximizing profits, then why are they PROLONGING THE DEVELOPMENT CYCLE OF STARFOX? If they wanted to maximize profits, they could just release the game as it is and settle with those sales. But are they doing that? NO. They're skipping the holiday season, and spending more time and money to develop the game so that it turns out to be GOOD, and that the consumer is satisfied when the game DOES release. And Resident Evil being delayed is Capcom's fault, not Nintendo's. But I'm sure Capcom had the same reasons: They felt that they couldn't make the product what they wanted to make it in time for the holiday season. They chose to delay the game, knowing that the holiday shopping spree would be missed, and knowing that there would be potential sales lost, so that they could release the game the way they wanted it.

Now, please tell me: HOW is moving a game from the holiday shopping season to January/February, and adding an extra two months of development time and costs to a game, a plot to maximize profits? If anything, it's a plot to MAKE THE PRODUCT BETTER.

well said.
Kingpen said:
Yeah... I just am wondering how many times I want to play Super Mario... or Zelda.. ya know? Nintendo seems to target their 7-12 year old audience the most with anything innovative they come out with as well. I just don't dig Animal Crossing or Pokemon... I just kinda get a "been there, done that" feeling with Nintendo and all their francise games. Not bashing the system at all, I enjoyed playing a lot of games on the system. I probably played about 50-60 of them. I also thought about the future and wondered how many games I would buy in the next 6 months from Nintendo. I came up with 2 (Metroid Prime 2 and Resident Evil 4) I came up with 12-15 for PS2, so it made the choice easier.... I still will support Nintendo with GBA though, and don't plan on selling my SP. Maybe I will eat my words next gen and give Nintendo another chance with their Revolution system, but I know I won't be buying it at launch, and wont buy it unless I see more support from other game companies then I have seen over their last 2 systems

Same here. We've basically been lied to,where the hell was this new 3rd party support that was being spoken about when the GameCube was hitting the scene. Its just an endless road of disapointments. They have the worst translations to multi console games,they are ignored by Sega for Sports,they have no online plan,and this has to be one of the worst holiday lineups in years. It needs to be said,and loud and clear. Theyre almost always lagging behind the competition-its very noticeable. If you can't keep up with the competition then its time to stop being a 1st party alltogether and offer the games that people buy from them,onto another platform.


jedimike said:
Is there actually a game out there that lets you blow things up into bloody chunks? Just curious... none come to mind.

In Resident Evil you can blow zombie heads into bloody chunks.


jedimike said:
I've managed to avoid owning a PS2. Yes, there's some games I would like to play, but I, like most people, just don't have the time. I'm really quite satisfied with primarily gaming on the Xbox and catching a few titles on the GC.

Consoles and games are so cheap now that money isn't a factor... it's time.
Exactly right. Time is the issue for me as well.

Sure, I could buy a PS2 and enjoy GT3 (and GT4) and MGS 3, or I could buy an Xbox and enjoy Ninja Gaiden and Rallisport Challange. But I'm very happy just owning a GC and picking up the occasional PC game. There are enough exclusives and third-party support for each system to easily satisfy the gaming needs of most.


These kinds of threads are getting old. I have a hard time sympathizing with posters who haven't figured out that they should be blaming their preferences and not what a company is releasing.


sp0rsk said:
your avatar is too big.


These kinds of threads are getting old. I have a hard time sympathizing with posters who haven't figured out that they should be blaming their preferences and not what a company is releasing.

Yes we see this kind of topic too often.


Kingpen said:
I basically got fed up with the way Nintendo puts out games for it, and the lack of 3rd party support. I have felt this way ever since the N64... I remember when the SNES was out, there was always stuff coming out to play...

To each his own. I only own (and only ever owned) 4 N64 games and Sin & Punishment alone is worth having the console for. All it takes is one incredible experience you can't get anywhere else, and the price is already paid for. That being said, the only reason I'd ever get a cube is the GB Player.
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