Personally speaking, a line that's presented the exact same way in two different movies has the exact same effect in both of them. A corny line is a corny line, no matter what movie it happens to be in. Attack of the Clones certainly had plenty of cheesy moments, but it's highly derivitive of Empire, which had many of the same types of scenes and made me similarly wanna gouge my eyes out during said moments (ie- anything to do with romance).
Also, while I try not to be judgemental of other people's rationales (as many of my own opinions are pretty fucked up), I'm not big on liking movies just because somebody else liked them. So Episode IV doesn't have any flaws because some stupid asshole on the Academy liked it and Episodes I and II do because the same and/or different retarded fucks didn't? Bullshit! That just doesn't hold water. Critics and the Academy have liked some pretty shit things. Why the fuck should I care what they think?