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Fugitive ex-U.S. spy Snowden in talks on returning home: lawyer

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I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
No joke man, have you ever taken a federal job? They literally make you sign a piece of paper saying you're not here to fuck up the government's shit.

"Here sign this paper promising you won't whistleblow on us"

How convenient.

Do you have proof that he took the job with the intent to leak information? Did I miss something?

Yup, creeps will continue to exist with or without the USAs help. And yeah, cops continue to suck. Thanks for those links.


I was going to bring this up, that they possibly can't sift through all the data but I stopped when they propped up their strawman.

It's akin to take a camera, getting in a car, and just filming through windows while driving across various suburbs for 24 hours. Sure you're invading peoples privacy, but one person having to sift through and catalog everything they see through a window is inefficient.

That's an analogy. Yeah, the US is illegally spying on every goddamn microbe in the USA, but they don't have the staff or capabilities to sift through every single thread, in that if your info is read off by someone, it'll mostly likely be a bot categorizing it. And if they focus on anyone, it's because they have reason to believe they may be planning or working with a terrorist-not just because you're an average joe.

The thing is, I'm sure the data they collect is of great use in other areas. It seems obvious that the system they have in place is not just for terrorism. They are not spending all that money collecting data and building huge data facilities just for terrorism.

If you remember, one of the documents was about spying on Petrobras. Basically industrial espionage. That's why they are so intent on collecting and storing everything; because there are other areas of interest where having that data is potentially of great use and value.


Violating employment contracts aren't one of the specific criteria listed for treason in the Constitution.

What about violating a federal oath of office? I mean, this wasn't some "employment contract", it read very similarly to the shit elected officials read when being sworn in.


What about violating a federal oath of office? I mean, this wasn't some "employment contract", it read very similarly to the shit elected officials say when being sworn in.
Politicians violate their oaths all the time, they aren't hauled in for treason.

Because treason is specifically defined in the Constitution, the only such crime. To quote Article Three, Section 3, emphasis mine:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Snowden was not levying war, so that's out. (The Supreme Court has also ruled that one person cannot "levy" War against the United States but instead men must assemble.)

And the second part requires you to define the "Enemies" and the only way that fits Snowden's case is if the "Enemies" are the citizens of the United States.
Before Snowden, everyone called people who said the government was spying on us tinfoil hat wearing conspirators. The fact that it's still ongoing and hasn't been dismantled is a travesty.


Before Snowden, everyone called people who said the government was spying on us tinfoil hat wearing conspirators. The fact that it's still ongoing and hasn't been dismantled is a travesty.
Yeah, but on the upside we get this out of it:

To go with their already not in any way creepy HQ:

Just found this out about their HQ:
In 2007, as BGE's largest customer, NSA bought as much electricity as Annapolis, the capital city of Maryland


Because he knows he won't anymore, or if he does, it won't be for very long. The man is a celebrity now, between the documentary and now a feature Hollywood film. He might do some time but afterwards he'll live the life of a rockstar. Think Kevin Mitnick. That's way better than bouncing around shithole dictatorships for the rest of your life.
he'd be the second Manning the instant he sets a foot out of Russia. There's absolutely no guarantee that he'd be pardoned (fair trial or not) and if I were him, I'd rather live "free" in a semi-dicatorship than spend the rest of my life in a US prison
God forbid I ever have kids, but these next few years of Snowden's life and times will be a very interesting story to tell them when they're old enough.

"Now I'll tell you kids the story of the man who pulled back the curtain..."
In the documentary they said the Feds can charge him for per document he leaked, so he's looking at about a million year sentence. How could he possibly expect a fair trial?


In the documentary they said the Feds can charge him for per document he leaked, so he's looking at about a million year sentence. How could he possibly expect a fair trial?
This is actually common for crimes of any level. It's mostly to make the potential sentence higher so that the person pleas out.

Meanwhile General Petraeus gets probation for leaking classified documents to his mistress. She's isn't getting charged, happy ending for everyone!!!
If he should, then so does everyone in the NSA and government involved in directly tossing out the constitution ... which is a much more serious crime.
Hold on here, can you imagine what would happen if high ranking government officials and associated important people were suddenly held accountable for their abuses of power?

It'd be hard to find people to take the jobs for one thing.


Politicians violate their oaths all the time, they aren't hauled in for treason.

Because treason is specifically defined in the Constitution, the only such crime. To quote Article Three, Section 3, emphasis mine:

Snowden was not levying war, so that's out. (The Supreme Court has also ruled that one person cannot "levy" War against the United States but instead men must assemble.)

And the second part requires you to define the "Enemies" and the only way that fits Snowden's case is if the "Enemies" are the citizens of the United States.

Wait, wait, I'll concede that signing a piece of paper isn't treason, but leaking the information he did, in the way he did, definitely might be. I don't personally think the man is a "traitor", in the sense that he wanted to harm America, but he undoubtedly broke a lot of laws meant to secure the nation from enemies.


contribute something
Just pardon him Obama.

I'd be scared to come back, not just because of the government but crazies who practice 'Murica-ism like a religion. He'd need a bodyguard.

Most of those people are Libertarians, though. I doubt they have much beef with Snowden.


Wait, wait, I'll concede that signing a piece of paper isn't treason, but leaking the information he did, in the way he did, definitely might be.
Who are the "enemies" that he adhered to? Or provided aid or comfort?

Should Geraldo be tried for treason?

Okay, bad example.


Or Santa Clause. Source your made up claims.

Made up claims? I thought this was pretty well known already but...


Read it and weep.

All you needed was a simple google. It isn't hard.


or http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/06/24/edward-snowden-nsa-leaker-russia-cuba-flight-asylum-ecuador/2451403/

or about 40 other news sources of your choice. It's even in the wiki. Jesus, dude.

Edward Snowden took a job with a firm that provides contractors to the National Security Agency solely to gather evidence about U.S. surveillance programs, the self-avowed leaker told the South China Morning Post Newspaper.

"My position with Booz Allen Hamilton granted me access to lists of machines all over the world the NSA hacked," the Post quoted him as saying in a story published Monday. "That is why I accepted that position about three months ago."

Before you cry FAKE the interview session was online and was recorded.


It's worth noting that he took that specific job after having already witnessed things that distressed him in prior intelligence contracting jobs where he had no "malicious" intent except working. Booz Allen Hamilton was the one with the best access.


Who are the "enemies" that he adhered to? Or provided aid or comfort?

Should Geraldo be tried for treason?

Okay, bad example.

See, those are the sorts of questions a trial could answer. Maybe expert testimony will show that there was, in fact, no danger in releasing those documents to the public and that Snowden made genuine attempts at concealing the most sensitive data. Maybe all the terrorists have already figured out the strong correlation between cell phone calls and drone strikes. Or not, but we won't know until he returns to answer for his crimes!


See, those are the sorts of questions a trial could answer. Maybe expert testimony will show that there was, in fact, no danger in releasing those documents to the public and that Snowden made genuine attempts at concealing the most sensitive data. Maybe all the terrorists have already figured out the strong correlation between cell phone calls and drone strikes. Or not, but we won't know until he returns to answer for his crimes!
But a trial couldn't answer this. It'd have to be a closed trial because the state still considers these classified documents and any expert testimony would also be classified. Snowden couldn't present a defense because legally there isn't one he could use, whistleblower protections only apply if you use the official process. The state can simply assert the danger but it's classified and too sensitive to reveal in court or provide to the defense (especially since he's already released documents at least once), boom, done, convicted for life.
Wow, it must be going really bad in Russia if he's had enough of it.

If the Russians got everything he had he is no longer of any use to them. Better make a deal now before he's put on a plane out of Moscow. Or ends up with a bullet in his head if he ever tries to leak some Russian dirt.
Guys a god damn hero I wish him the best.

But why come back to the country that wants to jail your forever? How shitty is your life in Russia that you'd want to do that?


Even if it were a fair trial, there are too many cards stacked against him in regards to anti-Snowden sentiment. There's no way he could get a tame verdict. I understand wanting to come back home, but the US government will forever be after blood now.


The surprising thing about this thread, is not the reaction about Snowden.
But the fact that people here actually still believe that all the data collected by the NSA is essentially useless because it's too much and the government does not have enough people to check it, its..

We are not in the 90's anymore.


Even if it were a fair trial, there are too many cards stacked against him in regards to anti-Snowden sentiment. There's no way he could get a tame verdict. I understand wanting to come back home, but the US government will forever be after blood now.

Why is this? I don't understand why people are pro government and not pro citizen.


Why is this? I don't understand why people are pro government and not pro citizen.

well you have a confused looking Doogie Howser and a confused looking Jimmy Fallon making Snowden is a traitor jokes, to only smatterings of laughter, yeah. It seems forced.


I'm on his side. I was referring to majority public opinion.

That's my point. I don't understand why in the public's eye he would be viewed as a traitor. Traitor to who? The government? Sure, but not the people. To the people he is a hero, or at least he should be.


Snowden is basically martyring himself if he comes back. He can fully expect to spend a year or two in solitary confinement before they even bother to bring him to trial, followed by a guaranteed guilty verdict with a decades-long sentence.

I would have major respect for Obama if he pardoned the guy, but that seems pretty unlikely at this point. Obama and his administration have been pretty consistent in stating that Snowden is not a patriot or a whistleblower and doesn't deserve to be treated as such.

Even the general public seems to have moved on from outrage to listless acceptance of creeping government surveillance. Just look at this thread; half of the posters don't care that their government is spying on them and resent Snowden for telling them about it.


He complained about authoritarian regime and fled to Russia.

That's where I separate the act from the person.

I imagine options are very limited when you've pissed off the US of A. Look back to the good men and women of history that have done great, selfless things and virtually every single one of them will have done something you'll find, at the very least, questionable.


He complained about authoritarian regime and fled to Russia.

That's where I separate the act from the person.
He went to China first, but Russia was the only place powerful enough with enough of a jackass as its head. Where else could he have gone?
He went to China first, but Russia was the only place powerful enough with enough of a jackass as its head. Where else could he have gone?

"Just stay in the country so you can have a secret trial where evidence doesn't actually have to be produced, and where you can be prosecuted for literally anything under the espionage act for the act of whistle-blowing."

Yeah, you don't understand how you might link the magnitude of treasonous acts the US govt has carried out and why snowden might be hesitant to stick around for a trial no one would ever witness?

Snowden chose to be as free as he could given the circumstances and for as long as possible. He has already been able to speak more than he ever would have if he stayed in the US or went through "proper channels".


denounce spying and wiretapping............ decides to hangout in Putin's Russia

It was a stop on his way to Latin America, when his travel pass got revoked by US goverment. He then asked multiple states for asylum. Wasn't granted. You got a weird definition of decided to hangout.
It was a stop on his to Latin America, when his travel pass got revoked by US goverment. He then asked multiple states for asylum. Wasn't granted. You got a weird definition of decided to hangout.

It's ok, he is just willfully ignoring actual context in hopes no one will correct it.


Julian Assange is still camping out in Ecuador's London embassy. At least Snowden seems to have a better day-to-day life than that.


It was a stop on his way to Latin America, when his travel pass got revoked by US goverment. He then asked multiple states for asylum. Wasn't granted. You got a weird definition of decided to hangout.

Don't waste your time.
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