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FurryGAF |OT| They should have sent a veterinarian



So Microsoft will finally bring us 3D interactive Furry Worlds with HoloLens?

the time is near


Neo Member

So Microsoft will finally bring us 3D interactive Furry Worlds with HoloLens?

the time is near

The "HoloLens" is a cool concept but still a good 5+ years away from it becoming practical. Cannot imagine the stabilization being that great. Also, this is augmented reality, not holograms!

I really dislike Microsoft's promotion video though, trying to hype their product up using visual effects in which 95% of them were added in post production.

Also hai everyone! New to the NeoGAF forum. ^_^


Welcome, Acerpaws!


Cool. I won't have to leave my house. ...or maybe I'll still have to leave my house.
You probably won't have to leave your house as you could just be a brain in a fish bowl by then, strapped to some wires and tubes.


(I may have played way too much Fallout, heh.)


Hello FurryGAF

I figured I'd jump in - this may be somewhat of a long post, but I'd like to seek your advice. I'm familiar with furries - the good, the bad, etc. Personally, I think they its a good group of people.

Anyhow, I'm a huge MLP fan, and I am currently working on learning how to make pony fursuits. I already own 4 cheaply made mascot costumes of them, but I wanted to make my own, nice suit. Currently working on a Bat Pony OC - Echo (see below the post). Right now, she's a partial, but I'll be making the full suit for her sometime next month.

Now I know that 'furry' technically describes anyone who likes anthropomorphic (I think that is the correct term) creatures, so everyone is technically a furry. Myself, I just like MLP (I own horses and grew up around them my whole life). I don't really care for other horse/furry costumes though, but I do respect how they are constructed and find the talent that goes into them incredibly amazing, and try to learn the techniques to put forth in my own work.

Now, outside of MLP, I don't really have any sort of interest within the furry fandom. So I can't really consider myself to be a furry, because I'd feel like a poser or something if someone comes up to me and started a conversation. I wouldn't know what to say. Ponies, sure, anything else furry wise, I got nothing.

So come April, I'll be attending Furry Weekend Atlanta with a few friends of mine who also pony suit - they also are part of the furry fandoms. While I support them and look forward to going to hang out with them, I honestly don't know what to expect and I am concerned I'll find myself becoming bored, because outside of hanging with them, I'm not sure what stuff there will be there to get my attention.

I'd love to find folks to talk to about their suits and get to look at how they are made so I can further my knowledge of suit making, but from what I heard, it may be difficult to try to talk to them, for they don't talk in suits. Also I was told about this whole thing called 'breaking the magic' or something. I understand that if I'm in public with kids around, or doing a birthday party - the head stays on. But when I go to current conventions in my suits, if I see someone I want to talk to, I tend to pop off the head and catch up with them. Apparently I was told this will raise hell at a fur con. Last thing I'd care for is to get into an arguement with a grown person about what I can/can't do with my own stuff.

Anyhow, any tips, tricks, advice you can give me regarding furry cons or furries in general would be nice - I'm all ears. I'll go in with an open mind, of course, and hope that my mind will allow my for this to keep me focused. :)

Here's the partial version of my Bat Pony, Echo:


I do hope that in the future (I have 4 more ponies to make), I'd love to work on a Toothless or Gizmo from Gremlins, but I find myself more towards existing IP characters than creating my own like furries do.


Uh, no. Furry designates a specific fandom that you must be a member of.

So, uh... why are you posting in this thread, again? Isn't there already a MLP thread?

I mean, you can go to a meetup if you want, but be warned that a lot of furries, myself included, have an extreme dislike of bronies, and...

...well, if you come in to a furry meetup in a brony suit and intentionally ignore the established rules for wearing fursuits, you're gonna have a bad time.

A furry can like the show MLP, sure. But if you are making pony oc's like this and don't care about anything actually furry related, you're not a furry, you're a brony, and you probably shouldn't go to furry conventions.

Wow man, thats like...incredibly rude.... :/

I'm trying to learn more about this fandom - I'm going with my friends, to support their interests and also because there will be other ponysuiters there. I'm going by their definition of what furries are, because they are the closest connection I have to understanding and learning the fandom.

And yes, I do hang out in the MLP thread, but I'm pretty much the only suiter there, so I don't have anyone to seek advice from.

If I'm going to be surrounded by hatred people like you, then I'll just tell my friends I won't bother...jesus...


Still without luck
Wow what the fuck.

Okay. First off, thanks for posting, jud! I know you've been interesting in suiting stuff for a while and seeing your suit is pretty awesome :) I hope you have a great time at the convention.

Aeolipile, I'm just gonna make this brief. But let's start with the furry thing. Many many furries consider anthropomorphism interest to be the one thing a person needs to call themselves a furry. So you're wrong there.

And what's with the hate for bronies? Are you one of those nerds who hates other nerds because they're a different kind of nerd? Who fucking cares. This is the kinda of attitude I find baffling especially in the furry a community, where you're battling hate everyday.

Knock it off.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Fandom policing is never a good look. Especially when it comes across like using random passerby as a scratching post for someone's subculture neurosis.
Translation of Aeolipile's posts:
"Ugh, what is a fucking brony doing, shitting up the thread I go to. Only my interests are relevant, so if you don't share them, you are inferior to me. Thus how dare you come asking me for any advice."

Furry conventions are just a bunch of guys with a shared interest (in this case furries) coming together, having a few drinks and talking about other stuff they like. There's also some people cosplaying and some people selling their stuff. Just like any other convention.


Well thank you for the replies. I guess its just one bad apple of the bunch. I don't really venture GAF outside of LegoGAF and PonyGAF, so I'm hoping this will be another area I can keep track with.

My pony suiter friends posts a ton of pictures of themselves having a blast at various furry cons, so I was delighted to find out that some of my local buddies are planning the trip over to the next state to attend FWA and I jumped on board at the chance to go.

Talking to them, they tell me something about a lounge where people can go to take heads off/cool off/etc. This is new to me - because I am only use to wearing these costumes at general conventions, so there is no place like this lounge that exists other than going back out to one's car or the bathroom. So hence why I pull my head off in public - because I am pretty much forced to.

All and all, I do like the suit's designs. From what I was told, not too many furries make their suits, so I may have a bit of trouble finding those that do to seek advice, but I may spend a lot of time in the lounge area, taking a look at other's costumes and getting an in-depth look at how they are constructed. I can dig up hundreds of pictures of constructing, but to me, I feel like it is much easier to learn when I have something to look at in front of my face.

Thank you for the greetings though. I really didn't mean to step on any feet/paws/hooves. Other than Facebook and GAF, I don't really do much social media so I don't keep track of any drama/arguements between fandoms.
judhudson, ignore the fuck out of Aeolipile. He does not speak for me, or the furry fandom at large.

Furries at cons don't care if you're suiting as Bowser, Rainbow Dash, or the Dog from Target, or a Four-Armed Yiffmonster from Dimension 9 - as long as you're respectful, having fun, and not getting in the way of anyone else doing either of those. I've seen people at cons dress up as Dr. Weird from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, for crying out. And they got no beef from anyone, because the point is *fun*, and it is good for the furry fandom to be inclusive (within moderation), not just chase off everything that isn't Pure And Furry. That's just asinine.

As much as a lot of grump furries don't like to admit it, Bronies are really just Furry Light, in that they're coming in from the angle of a top-down culture, whereas furry is bottom-up. But there is sufficient overlap.

You sure as hell wouldn't stop someone from drawing furry art after being inspired by Lion King, Balto, or Disney's Robin Hood. There's no reason to single out MLP just because someone, somewhere, is personally tired of what they perceive as its culture.


EDIT: Ah yes, the Headless Lounge. A lot of fursuiters really believe in "don't ruin it for the kids" - at furry cons there are a LOT of young kids, especially since now furries have kids of their own, and taking off a fursuiter head in public can be rather disturbing for the young ones. So furry cons have a Headless Lounge where you can go, take off your suit/head/partials, and put them on vents/pipes that blow out air to help dry them off and give yourself a breather. There will also be lots of water. Drink lots of water.


I've seen people at cons dress up as Dr. Weird from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, for crying out.

EDIT: Ah yes, the Headless Lounge. A lot of fursuiters really believe in "don't ruin it for the kids" - at furry cons there are a LOT of young kids, especially since now furries have kids of their own, and taking off a fursuiter head in public can be rather disturbing for the young ones. So furry cons have a Headless Lounge where you can go, take off your suit/head/partials, and put them on vents/pipes that blow out air to help dry them off and give yourself a breather. There will also be lots of water. Drink lots of water.

Oh man, I always, always wanted to see someone cosplay as Dr. Weird at a convention. That small feat alone would make it for me if I saw that, it would topple as one of the greatest con moments for me.

Thanks for the insight on the headless lounge! That's actually pretty amazing that they'd have vents/pipes/water cooling station. So this is going to be completely opposite of what I'm familiar with convention wise, for they have none of this.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I dunno, while I don't mind bronies, to conflate them as furries is a misnomer. It's like saying sonic fandom are furries.
I dunno, while I don't mind bronies, to conflate them as furries is a misnomer. It's like saying sonic fandom are furries.

I'm saying that the furry fandom isn't really in a position to start dictating what does and does not constitute "furry", since the entire fandom is based on a vague concept to begin with.

I can find people who insist that "furries" who are only in the fandom because "they think Falco from Star Fox is hot", aren't "real furries" and "shouldn't be posting on FA". I wish I was joking - but this is the kind of thinking you're always going to find. "What I like is okay, what I don't like isn't true to the spirit of what I like!".

Culture is fluid. And the quicker the fandom gets over itself and stops trying to police and keep pure, the better for everyone.


Neo Member
Hey judhudson

Just go to these conventions with an open mind and you'll be fine. They'll be plenty of people there who like ponies. I don't really like the idea of labelling people as furries/bronies and then restricting said people to that group only. If you like animals, art, drawing, costuming, crafting etc, there is a place for you in the fandom.

What to expect at a convention? Crazy fursuiters running around, lots of chatter, lots of laughter, lots of drunk people. It's a great atmosphere. Me and my friends typically suit 4-5 hours a day and then spend the rest of the time socialising and drinking.

Here is my king cheetah fursuit just in case you're curious. :)

Juanjo Guarnido is a god among men:

Close up details:

Oh man, I always, always wanted to see someone cosplay as Dr. Weird at a convention. That small feat alone would make it for me if I saw that, it would topple as one of the greatest con moments for me.

You meet and see really interesting people at cons, and all sorts of suits, species, and ideas:











Digimon, MLP, Pokemon.. there is no right or wrong here, what matters is the spirit of the thing.


Hey judhudson

Just go to these conventions with an open mind and you'll be fine. They'll be plenty of people there who like ponies. I don't really like the idea of labelling people as furries/bronies and then restricting said people to that group only. If you like animals, art, drawing, costuming, crafting etc, there is a place for you in the fandom.

What to expect at a convention? Crazy fursuiters running around, lots of chatter, lots of laughter, lots of drunk people. It's a great atmosphere. Me and my friends typically suit 4-5 hours a day and then spend the rest of the time socialising and drinking.

Here is my king cheetah fursuit just in case you're curious. :)

Whoa, now that looks to be an awesomely constructed suit!

From what I am told by my friends, I am to expect the convention to be quite colorful. Locally, I've never really got a chance to see other fursuiters at conventions. It's usually me and a good friend that suit up as ponies, and we tend to be the only fursuiters there. I dunno if I'm just going to crappy cons, my location is bad, or if the cosplayers are just hiding and waiting for their own convention. I do look forward to talking to others within the fandom. Even though I may not be here for the art and lack any sort of will to create my own character/OC, I really do love and respect the creativity that is put forth within the costumes (as well as any other bit of art).

Thank you for putting my mind at ease. I'll try to keep the posts slowly to not overwhelm what you guys were currently discussing/talking about before I jumped on board.
Thank you for putting my mind at ease. I'll try to keep the posts slowly to not overwhelm what you guys were currently discussing/talking about before I jumped on board.

You don't need to worry too much about that. This thread is pretty quiet 99% of the time, and we just post art we like in it now and then. Occasionally a topic might appear that we talk about, but overall it's pretty chill.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You just made me miss Neal :(

I can find people who insist that "furries" who are only in the fandom because "they think Falco from Star Fox is hot", aren't "real furries" and "shouldn't be posting on FA". I wish I was joking - but this is the kind of thinking you're always going to find. "What I like is okay, what I don't like isn't true to the spirit of what I like!".

wait, there are people who think people who think Star Fox are hot characters not furries


Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You just made me miss Neal :(

wait, there are people who think people who think Star Fox are hot characters not furries


There are people who think players of smartphone games aren't playing games. And that developers of games without shootbang and a game over screen aren't game developers. (It's actually about ethics in goat existentialism.)

The desire to build walls around your pool of culture to preserve identity and service the ego is universal.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It's a commish made by an infamous Korean fur, so it's not the artist's fault, and I'd argue that wfa draws them well regardless of the theme makes me appreciate them so much that I'd like to pretend Falco and Fox are just enjoying destroying dioramas and/or holodeck stuff.


It’s a common sight to see hot dog stands in America. In Singapore, ice cream stands are a lifesaver in the sweltering hot weather. In Japan, however, you’re more likely to find a yaki-imo (roasted sweet potato) stand on the streets, especially during winter. If you’re lucky enough, you might even meet the legendary cat that sells stone roasted sweet potatoes in Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture!



Neo Member
^ Whoa that's pretty cool never would I have thought someone would actually do that! Haha I wouldn't mind buying some sweet potatoes from a cat! ^_^

@acerpaws omg your king cheetah suit is super adorable! love king cheetahs!!

@judhudson I hope you have an awesome time at FWA! Outside of your friends there should be quite a lot happening! There should be some vendors selling pony related stuff and there will likely be pony meets too from what I've seen over the years at conventions; there's always something pony related happening in furry cons now a days. There was even a mlp party on the party floor at this year's Further Confusion! So there should be no shortage of fun. And it's always fun to people watch at these conventions as well!

As for learning more about constructions of suits I have never been to a convention that didn't have any building/construction panels! They always range from beginners/intermediate/expert. Feel free to check them out and ask questions! They would be more then happy to answer some of your questions. I think talking to people while in suit about how to they did this or that may be hit or miss, but at these panels you would definitely learn stuff!

No one is going to give you hell for breaking the magic at least not seriously. Jokingly maybe. :p Just be mindful of any children and stuff nearby when deheading yourself. And yes the cool thing about furcons is they have headless lounges where you can rest and cool down! Great place to meet and talk to people while resting there too! A protip about them however! Just be sure to disinfect anything before you use it and after! They are a breeding ground of nasty germs and you don't want to catch concrud! So be mindful of that as well!

If you got any other questions feel free to ask me!

While on topic of suits here's mine! :3


Wow. I'm actually amazed on all these AWESOME LOOKING and well crafted fursuits from the people in this thread here :eek:

I mean, when you see what other people call "fursuits" you really think they are wearing a carpet instead.

like wtf...I want to hug you all ><


That is a fantastic photo, Thien - very nice suit as well! The panels are a must, that's for sure. So much to learn as I'm a newbie and I don't really have anything to go by other than trial and error. Good to know there is a pony presence at these cons as well. So I'll have something to relate to/purchase if needed. :D

I am very good at hygiene. Although I only wear my suits around 2 hours max at a time, so this will be new for a 3 day con in which I will wear it a little more. Any specific things I need to look for in terms of keeping the suit fresh/clean over the span of the few days?

I'll be doing a test run next weekend on my newest suit - I kind of messed up the head in that I didn't add adequate cooling - just 1 fan, so I think I may have to construct a new head in the future (have to reconstruct, as it's a total mess on the inside, but I now know what to do properly for future heads).


Stigmata is going to do some Q&A at around 8pm EST. Yay! (^&#65381;o&#65381;^)&#65417;&#8221;

2015 is the year I become more intentional about communicating with my friends and family online (that's you!). For the first time, I'm holding a live Question and Answers session! My wife may tag-team some of them, so if you ever wanted to meet her, be at the following link on Thursday, the 22nd, 8PM EST:


I'll answer absolutely any question you may have, so long as I think it could be helpful. And at the very end of the talk, I'll reveal a surprise.

It should be recorded for future reference, so if you have questions to ask but won't be able to make it, ask in the comments and I'll try to address them.

Hope to see you then.

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