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FurryGAF |OT| They should have sent a veterinarian


So in case you haven't heard, IMVU bought FurAffinity and, surprise surprise, drama.

Even if they managed to further damage the site it wouldn't matter since so many other sites could replace it by now. Myself I mostly use it to keep myself updated on the output of artists, not much else.

Yay furries! Dragon reporting in.

And the death of FA sounds as deja vu as "Nintendoom!" at this point, I'll believe it's dead when it's actually dead.
Oh, I remember you from another thread. Good to see you here as well, Xaltheron! 😸


Oh, I remember you from another thread. Good to see you here as well, Xaltheron! 😸

Hey! I see I'm not the only GayGAF crossover around here then ^_^ (though your avatar was a bit of a giveaway :p)

Man BoF6 looks disappointing, what's sad is that it could have work as a typical RPG.

The only good thing to come from it is Bo/Gilliam.

I do my best to bury my head in the sand and forget BoF6 is happening. watching the series get turned into a mobile Ragnarok Online clone is just too painful.


Hi hi!

I'm a PokéGAF person myself.

I actually forgot there were gaming community threads too >.<
I'll likely become active there once the next main game has been announced (which if they're going to keep up the trend of yearly releases, should be sometime soon?), I'm not really into competitive battling or the spinoffs, so there's not much for me to talk about atm.
I do my best to bury my head in the sand and forget BoF6 is happening. watching the series get turned into a mobile Ragnarok Online clone is just too painful.

It still think it's crazy that they're calling that game BoF6. What a nonsensical decision. If they just called it "Breath of Fire: (subtitle)" it wouldn't be nearly as absurd.
I actually forgot there were gaming community threads too >.<
I'll likely become active there once the next main game has been announced (which if they're going to keep up the trend of yearly releases, should be sometime soon?), I'm not really into competitive battling or the spinoffs, so there's not much for me to talk about atm.

The Pokémon Community thread is really more about everything Pokémon, not just games, so feel free to go mostly crazy.

Well, as long as they don't involve a certain official, but no-longer-active Pokémon manga involving Zekrom.


The Pokémon Community thread is really more about everything Pokémon, not just games, so feel free to go mostly crazy.

Well, as long as they don't involve a certain official, but no-longer-active Pokémon manga involving Zekrom.

Hm? What's this about a manga? Have they been dirtying Zekrom's name!?


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I do my best to bury my head in the sand and forget BoF6 is happening. watching the series get turned into a mobile Ragnarok Online clone is just too painful.

I'm only waiting for Bo fanart. That deliciousness should not be wasted.


Not if porn is banned and art is repurposed against your will, they won't.
If they just bought it so that they can ruin it for themselves, sure. I mean, it's one of the main attractions of the site and putting that behind a paywall would leave only like 30% of all the art on there for people without a subscription to view. They'd lose most of the sites current userbase.


Interesting artstyle.


(artist's tumblr)
I dunno, scalies in general are less common in the furry community, so it's not unusual to see them not get as much representation. Though I have found some pretty awesome art around here.

Speaking of which


I like it. >'3'<

Speaking of anthropomorphic dragons, have you ever thought that these wings are just plain massive?
I see scalies alot actually.

On a related note pterodactyls are fucking hard to draw.

It still feels like scalies are just, like, barely there until you draw attention to them.

Are they really that rare relative to "furries", so to speak? Sometimes it feels like I'm just a bit weird even among furries.


It still feels like scalies are just, like, barely there until you draw attention to them.

Are they really that rare relative to "furries", so to speak? Sometimes it feels like I'm just a bit weird even among furries.

I've never really considered myself a 'scalie' (mostly because that word kind of sounds weird to me) but pretty much all my characters have been lizard-type creatures, with the exception of a bird.

Reptile characters are certainly not uncommon to me. I see them mostly, because the artists on FA I watch draw them, and I'm watching a lot of artists ... Maybe too many
Yeah, I think reptile characters are just a little less common than mammals. Not by too much though; it feels like a 60/40 split or something.

I think all I really have to contribute on the subject is that snakes are pretty rad and dragon wings have to be massive to make them at least somewhat believably functional.


Cute dawgs, BD. =3

Mmm hmm. What else do you think works well?
Hm, Scorpions maybe, all sorts of beetles (Ladybugs for cute feminine male anthros or female Lady-like chars for example).

Aww. Insect eyes look kind of off on anthropomorphic characters. The eyes are just too darned big.

Nah, you can just make them smaller, just as you can make Feline or Canine eyes bigger on Anthro characters.

Here's some great examples for Arthropod Anthro art.


(Link to original)

(Link to original)

Both were drawn by WhiteMantis (FA)
Hm, Scorpions maybe, all sorts of beetles (Ladybugs for cute feminine male anthros or female Lady-like chars for example).

Ever thought about what would make for something...cuddly? *hides*

Nah, you can just make them smaller, just as you can make Feline or Canine eyes bigger on Anthro characters.

Mm hmm, but when you make them small enough, there's still the problem of them looking a bit too bead-y. Usually I would probably opt for "screw it, draw normal eyes".

Here's some great examples for Arthropod Anthro art.

Both were drawn by WhiteMantis (FA)

The first one...I can't help but keep thinking "I think there might be either a missing or an extra limb here" when I look from the top to bottom at the beginning, then I noticed the other arm. Or leg. Or something. Yikes.

It does make me wonder how useful having multiple arms would be, or not, in practice. It's kind of fun to think about that kind of things when you have literally nothing (much) to do.

Also, nice! Got any other styles to share?


Ever thought about what would make for something...cuddly? *hides*
Well, caterpillars are pretty adorable looking to most people, same as butterflies.

Mm hmm, but when you make them small enough, there's still the problem of them looking a bit too bead-y. Usually I would probably opt for "screw it, draw normal eyes".

Something like this, maybe?


(It's something I'm still working on, just thought it would make for a good example :s)

The first one...I can't help but keep thinking "I think there might be either a missing or an extra limb here" when I look from the top to bottom at the beginning, then I noticed the other arm. Or leg. Or something. Yikes.

It does make me wonder how useful having multiple arms would be, or not, in practice. It's kind of fun to think about that kind of things when you have literally nothing (much) to do.

Also, nice! Got any other styles to share?

Well, there was also this cool little bug miner. Also shows how useful four or more arms can be!


(link to original)
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