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FurryGAF |OT| They should have sent a veterinarian

I'm just glad there is a slow uptick in anthro stuff, the fandom *needs* fresh blood that isn't there just because of the appeal of being part of the fandom itself.

From the 70s to early 00s, there was a massive dropoff in "funny animal" media, be it cartoons, movies or even game mascots. So instead of getting fresh blood into the fandom based on people being interested in the anthro thing conceptually, you had a lot of "scene" kids rock up to be part of the granfaloon because it was big, "counter-culture", and had tons of porn. Something like Zootopia could be the shot in the arm the furry fandom, as a culture, has needed for decades.

I just hope fans of Zootopia don't accidentially call themselves "zoophiles". :p

I do feel a little sorry for kids, fresh from being enamored with something like Zootopia, hitting Furaffinity as their first furry art site. Nobody deserves that.

EDIT: Top of page art tax:




via: http://www.vice.com/read/habits-001


Hi FurryGAF, I finally got this newly activated account and decided to say hello!

I wish they had shown the environment in that trailer, but then again they might not even be ready yet. Those police designs remind me of that combat suit meme that's going around tumblr.

Has it been a while since the last big-budget "furry" film? The last one I can think of that loosely fits the bill is Ratatouille, and even that is fairly old now. I'm so out of the loop with movies. ._.

And that comic reminds me I still have to read the new Blacksad novel.
All we know about the environment of Zooptia, is from concept art:

As for the last "furry" film, I think only Kung Fu Panda 2 really counts (has to have no humans whatsoever, and the animals are acting as the dominant force on the planet).


Wow, I can't wait until they release the Art Of book. That first piece is giving me a Shanghai vibe. It looks like they're catering to the Big Hero 6 crowd with this one. Hopefully Disney applies the same lighting technique as they did in BH6's city scenes. Just breathtaking in 3D.


That girl in the bunny hat
All we know about the environment of Zooptia, is from concept art:

I still really wish it was being made in the style of the third one. I just wanna see a movie done in that painterly kind of style, it'd be interesting.
I'd say most use PayPal, as it's the most convenient, and most international.

If you're commissioning digital art, just remember to select 'no delivery address' or the artist might run into trouble.

It shows up as a 'payment sent to <name of artist> <email address of artist you paid>'.

In PayPal, it looks like this:

On your bank statement, likely a PayPal withdrawel, or transaction depending on if you have it set up with your bank, or just a debit card.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
They will just show up as a paypal transfer I believe. I had the same anxiety when I commissioned something and, thankfully, there isn't a "LOOK AT THIS FURRY FUCKER" in my checking account transactions history.
Looks like you're getting the hang of using construction shapes to form the base! Keep at it. ^..^

Thank you!

Sometimes, when I look at objects these days, I can't help myself but try to visualize the construction shapes and how they'd look like to form the object's outline.
Yeah, it was definitely pretty whatever. I guess it'd be impossible to compete with the insanity of Sony's conference though.

Fairly surprised Platinum developing the game wasn't mentioned in Nintendo's event, lol.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Yeah, it was definitely pretty whatever. I guess it'd be impossible to compete with the insanity of Sony's conference though.

Fairly surprised Platinum developing the game wasn't mentioned in Nintendo's event, lol.

The GAF reaction to the Sony conference demonstrates the power of hype over reality though. Of the holy trinity - TLG, FFVII, and Shenmue - only TLG had something real to demonstrate. And while it was great to see the game isn't dead, what was shown was still pretty standard stuff, not giving anyone an indication of where the game might go. The other two games were basically announcements of what could, potentially, be good products years from now.

While I think Nintendo could have thrown the more fanatical fans a bone in the form of something like a Retro reveal, I'm more interested in what I can actually play in the near future. I liked what I saw of Starfox actually. The technical quality is about what I'd expect for something with huge environments within the Wii U's hardware limitations. I think a lot of people are thrown off because it sticks to the Starfox 64 visual style. The gamepad use looked intriguing and Platinum's involvement likely means intense replayability and lots of content.
I can agree with that. I have to admit I'm not personally excited for those huge Sony games; they probably aren't games I'll be very interested in playing. That they were all announced in the same conference is more interesting to me than what'll be on the market in however many years. I definitely am excited for Star Fox, and I think that Paper Mario + Mario and Luigi game, as well as Super Mario Maker and Zelda, look pretty cool. I guess "whatever" was slightly harsh, but most of the conference was things we already knew about.

Nintendo gave us the cheesy-yet-fun world championship thing and the amazingly miserable Metroid Prime Federation thread so I'm not going to tear into them for E3.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I think the main problem is, there's no way around the fact the Wii U doesn't have a future like the other big consoles. Nintendo seems to realize they cannot abandon it and burn people, so they're going to get as many partnership games out as they can. Bringing in Platinum, Atlus, etc.

But aside from one big Retro title and Zelda U, there isn't much they can do with it that qualifies as epic. I don't care personally, because I've gotten a large number of great games out of the system like Pikmin 3. I do understand why it is disappointing a lot of people.

Expectations still have to be adjusted though.
Emotions are running high, I'd give it a day or two.

This one may be just eh, but Directs are any time of the year, and I'm fine with that.

Also, some of these people need to take a step back and calm down a bit, lol. This was far from the worst thing they've shown.
I'm really not seeing the problem with Nintendo's event at all. (Except for the "my puppet body is ready" bit. C'mon guys.) I'm not flipping out with excitement over anything they showed, but Mario Maker and Star Fox both look pretty cool to me.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I'm really not seeing the problem with Nintendo's event at all. (Except for the "my puppet body is ready" bit. C'mon guys.) I'm not flipping out with excitement over anything they showed, but Mario Maker and Star Fox both look pretty cool to me.

A lot of people are so emotionally invested in video games, that they allow hype to convince them new games will be a life changing experience. That's how places like GAF come off at times, at least.


Not gonna lie, the trailer for Metroid Federation Force was borderline offensive to long-time Metroid fans.

We've waited 5 years for ANY Metroid game and nearly a decade for a PROPER Metroid game and THIS is what Nintendo gives us? A chibi multiplayer arcade shooter for the 3DS?

I swear to God if Retro ISN'T working on a Metroid game for Nintendo's next console I'm going to strangle something...

Is THAT emotionally invested enough for you!?! D:<
I think Nintendo Event was trying way too hard to be funny and it came off as very forced, and felt like they spent an eternity on some of the games they announced. Like okay we get it your passionate about what you do, can we see another game now. Not trying to come off as mean but that digital event just dragged on for way too long at times.

Though it's also a tough act to follow after Sony's and Microsoft's pressers.
Not gonna lie, the trailer for Metroid Federation Force was borderline offensive to long-time Metroid fans.

We've waited 5 years for ANY Metroid game and nearly a decade for a PROPER Metroid game and THIS is what Nintendo gives us? A chibi multiplayer arcade shooter for the 3DS?

I swear to God if Retro ISN'T working on a Metroid game for Nintendo's next console I'm going to strangle something...

Is THAT emotionally invested enough for you!?! D:<

I don't know; I absolutely don't think Federation Force looks particularly good on its own merits (not to say I think it looks like a bad game either, I'm pretty neutral on it) but I really can't agree with this "insult to Metroid" narrative that gets thrown around in the thread for it. It feels like a real overreaction, like how people acted like the bad boxart Mega Man being in Street Fighter x Tekken was an insult. I don't think it's good to treat game franchises like sacred cows.
Oh silly execs, still trying to make video game movies a thing.

I actually spent quite some time with Rampage: World Tour on PlayStation. Not my type of game ultimately, but it occupies a fixed space somewhere in my head for some reason.
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